G. Chavira, J. Bravo, S.W. Nava-Díaz, J.C. Rolón: PICTAC: A Model for Perceiving Touch Interaction through Tagging Context /jucs_16_12/pictac_a_model_for |
S. Dietze, E. Kaldoudi, N. Dovrolis, D. Giordano, C. Spampinato, M. Hendrix, A. Protopsaltis, D. Taibi, H.Q. Yu: Socio-semantic Integration of Educational Resources - the Case of the mEducator Project /jucs_19_11/socio_semantic_integration_of |
J.P. García-Vázquez, M.D. Rodríguez, M.E. Tentori, D. Saldaña, Á.G. Andrade, A.N. Espinoza: An Agent-based Architecture for Developing Activity-Aware Systems for Assisting Elderly /jucs_16_12/an_agent_based_architecture |
P. Castro Garrido, I. Luque Ruiz, M.Á. Gómez-Nieto: An Alert System for People Monitoring Based on Multi-Agents using Maps /jucs_19_9/an_alert_system_for |
S. Hadjiefthymiades, L. Merakos: A Survey of Web Architectures for Wireless Communication Environments /jucs_5_7/a_survey_of_web |
K. ur Rehman Laghari, T.H. Falk, M. Hyder, M. Haun, C. Hoene, N. Crespi: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Perceived Quality-of-Experience and Virtual Acoustic Environments: the Case of 3D Audio Telephony /jucs_19_12/an_investigation_into_the |
T. Magal-Royo, J. García Laborda, S. Price: A New m-Learning Scenario for a Listening Comprehension Assessment Test in Second Language Acquisition [SLA] /jucs_23_12/a_new_mlearning_scenario |
M. Veit, A. Capobianco, D. Bechmann: Consequence of Two-handed Manipulation on Speed, Precision and Perception on Spatial Input Task in 3D Modelling Applications /jucs_14_19/consequence_of_two-handed |
X. Wang, P.E. Love, M.J. Kim, L. Wang: Studying the Effects of Information Exchange Channels in Different Communication Modes on Trust Building in Computer-mediated Remote Collaborative Design /jucs_17_14/studying_the_effects_of |
K. Zabaleta, U. Lopez-Novoa, I. Pretel, D. López-de-Ipiña, V. Cartelli, G. Di Modica, O. Tomarchio: Designing a Human Computation Framework to Enhance Citizen-Government Interaction /jucs_25_2/designing_a_human_computation |