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Volume 14

Content of Issue 9
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-014-09
Designing the Human Computer Interaction: Trends and Challenges C. Bravo, M.A. Redondo, M. Ortega 1388
NASDAQ Velocity and Forces: An Interactive Visualization of Activity and Change H.T. Dao, A. Bazinet, R. Berthier, B. Shneiderman 1391
Supporting Informal Collaboration in Shared-Workspace Groupware C. Gutwin, S. Greenberg, R. Blum, J. Dyck, K. Tee, G. McEwan 1411
CIAM: A Methodology for the Development of Groupware User Interfaces A.I. Molina, M.A. Redondo, M. Ortega, U. Hoppe 1435
Collaborative Explicit Plasticity Framework: a Conceptual Scheme for the Generation of Plastic and Group-Aware User Interfaces M. Sendín, V. López-Jaquero, C.A. Collazos 1447
Defining Tasks, Domains and Conversational Acts in CSCW Systems: the SPACE-DESIGN Case Study R. Duque, J. Gallardo, C. Bravo, A.J. Mendes 1463
Capturing Interaction Requirements in a Model Transformation Technology Based on MDA J.I. Panach, S. España, I. Pederiva, Ó. Pastor 1480
WebA: A Tool for the Assistance in Design and Evaluation of Websites L.M. Tobar, P.M. Latorre Andrés, E. Lafuente Lapena 1496
Testing Website Usability in Spanish-Speaking Academia through Heuristic Evaluation and Cognitive Walkthroughs M.P. González, T. Granollers, A. Pascual 1513
Easing the Smart Home: Semi-automatic Adaptation in Perceptive Environments M. García-Herranz, P.A. Haya, A. Esquivel, G. Montoro, X. Alamán 1529
Development of Ambient Intelligence Systems Based on Collaborative Task Models R.F. Arroyo, M. Gea, J.L. Garrido, P.A. Haya 1545