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Volume 18

Content of Issue 16
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-018-16
Managing Editor's Column C. Gütl 2203
Constructor-based Logics D. Găină, K. Futatsugi, K. Ogata 2204
Enriching Ontology Concepts Based on Texts from WWW and Corpus T.F. Gharib, N. Badr, S. Haridy, A. Abraham 2234
The Educational Affordances of Widgets and Application Stores D. Griffiths, M.W. Johnson, K. Popat, P. Sharples, S. Wilson 2252
Digital Learning Resources in Higher Education: Designing for Large-scale Use R.J. Hartog, A.J. Beulens, J. Tramper 2274
Weaving Scholarly Legacy Data into Web of Data A. Latif, M.T. Afzal, H. Maurer 2301
Learning to Classify Neutral Examples from Positive and Negative Opinions M.-T. Martín-Valdivia, A. Montejo-Ráez, A. Ureña-López, M.R. Saleh 2319
A Review of Constructivist Learning Methods with Supporting Tooling in ICT Higher Education: Defining Different Types of Scaffolding J. Melero, D. Hernández-Leo, J. Blat 2334