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Volume 18

Content of Issue 1
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-018-01
Outcomes of International Research Projects on Technology Applied to Education F.J. García-Peñalvo, R. Colomo-Palacios, M.D. Lytras 1
Exploiting Semantics for Constructing and Comparing Occupational and Educational-driven Qualifications: the TIPTOE Project V. Gatteschi, F. Lamberti, C. Demartini, R. van Wezel, S. Bettiol 5
CC-LO: Embedding Interactivity, Challenge and Empowerment into Collaborative Learning Sessions S. Caballe, D. Ganan, I. Dunwell, A. Pierri, T. Daradoumis 25
Educational Innovation with Learning Networks: Tools and Developments P.B. Sloep, A.J. Berlanga, W. Greller, S. Stoyanov, M. van der Klink, S. Retalis, J. Hensgens 44
Accessible Lifelong Learning at Higher Education: Outcomes and Lessons Learned at two Different Pilot Sites in the EU4ALL Project J.G. Boticario, A. Rodriguez-Ascaso, O.C. Santos, E. Raffenne, L. Montandon, D. Roldán, F. Buendía 62
PLAYER - a European Project and a Game to Foster Entrepreneurship Education for Young People B. Fonseca, Â. Pereira, R. Sanders, V. Barracho, U. Lapajne, M. Rus, M. Rahe, A. Mostert, T. Klein, V. Bojovic, S. Bošnjak, L. Morgado, Z. Bošnjak, J. Carvalho, I. Duarte, A. Casaramona, A. Soraci, H. Paredes, P. Martins, R. Gonçalves, P. Neves, R. Rodrigues Nunes, J. Lima, J. Varajão 86
Clustering Projects for eLearning Interoperability M. Alier, E. Mayol, M.J. Casañ, J. Piguillem, J.W. Merriman, M.Á. Conde, F.J. García-Peñalvo, W. Tebben, C. Severance 106
OER Development and Promotion.
Outcomes of an International Research Projecton the OpenCourseWare Model
E. Tovar, N. Piedra, J. Chicaiza, J. Lopez, O. Martinez-Bonastre 123