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Volume 14 / Issue 3

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-014-03-0377


Parallel Key Exchange

Ik Rae Jeong (Korea University, Korea)

Dong Hoon Lee (Korea University, Korea)

Abstract: In the paper we study parallel key exchange among multiple parties. The status of parallel key exchange can be depicted by a key graph. In a key graph, a vertex represents a party and an edge represents a relation of two parties who are to share a key.

We first propose a security model for a key graph, which extends the Bellare-Rogaway model for two-party key exchange. Next, we clarify the relations among the various security notions of key exchange. Finally, we construct an efficient key exchange protocol for a key graph using the randomness re-use technique. Our protocol establishes the multiple keys corresponding to all edges of a key graph in a single session. The security of our protocol is proven in the standard model.

Keywords: key exchange, key graph, randomness re-use, security notions

Categories: C.2.0, E.3