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Volume 24 / Issue 7

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-024-07-0975


Service-Driven Iterative Software Project Management with I-Tropos

Yves Wautelet (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Manuel Kolp (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)

Loris Penserini (TTP TECHNOLOGY srls, Italy)

Abstract: The increased symbiotic relationships between society and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) pave the ways for a substantial alignment and rethinking of current software development methodologies. This paper presents the use and validation of a software analysis and project management (PM) framework for iterative software development within the Tropos method. This methodology is servicedriven, its requirements models are founded on social-based modeling elements. The PM framework includes risk and quality management; it has been applied on multiple case studies and this paper presents a full experience report. The proposed methodology is aimed to provide a reference for practitioners willing to develop iteratively using Tropos.

Keywords: iterative development, project management, service modeling, service-oriented development, software life cycle management, tropos, unified process

Categories: D.2.1, D.2.9, H.1.0, J.4