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Volume 24

Content of Issue 10
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-024-10
Managing Editor's Column C. Gütl 1343
Computational Models of Language Evolution: Challenges and Future Perspectives F. Ferri, A. D'Ulizia, P. Grifoni 1345
Learning Concept Embeddings from Temporal Data F. Meyer, B. van der Merwe, D. Coetsee 1378
Building an Educational Platform Using NLP: A Case Study in Teaching Finance S. Montalvo, J. Palomo, C. de la Orden 1403
Games for Teaching Software Project Management: An Analysis of the Benefits of Digital and Non-Digital Games G. Petri, A. Calderón, C. Gresse von Wangenheim, A.F. Borgatto, M. Ruiz 1424
An Architecture for IoT Management Targeted to Context Awareness of Ubiquitous Applications R. Souza, J. Lopes, C. Geyer, A. Cardozo, A. Yamin, J.L.V. Barbosa 1452
Towards Obtaining UML Class Diagrams from Secure Business Processes Using Security Patterns M. Zapata-Barra, A. Rodríguez, A. Caro, E.B. Fernández 1472