Dear Readers,
Welcome to the forth regular issue in 2015. As always, I'd like to
thank all institutions, reviewers and authors for their valuable
support and work. Please consider yourself and encourage your
colleagues to submit high-quality articles to our journal. I'd also
like to further extend our editorial board: if you are a tenured
Associate Professor or above with a good publication record, please do
apply for a membership in our editorial board.elcome to the third regular issue in 2015.
In this regular issue, I am very pleased to introduce 5 accepted
papers from 6 different countries. In their collaborative work between
colleagues from Brazil and Germany, Juliana de Melo Bezerra, Celso
Massaki Hirata, and Dave Randall introduce and evaluate their
conceptual framework for defining incentive mechanisms for virtual
communities. Peter Fenwick from New Zealand focused on variable-length
codes with constant hamming weights which extending work based on
Goldbach conjecture to weight-3 and weight-4 codes. Gerald Senarclens
de Grancy from Austria focuses in his work on an adaptive
metaheuristic for vehicle routing problems with time windows and
multiple service workers. In a comprehensive literature survey, Ani
Grubišić, Slavomir Stankov, and Branko Žitko from Croatia cover
aspects of adaptive courseware. Libor Polčak and Barbora
Franková from the Czech Republic provide a summary of use cases and
methods for clock-skew-based identification.
Enjoy reading!
Christian Gütl, Managing Editor
Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Email: cguetl@iicm.edu
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