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Volume 21

Content of Issue 12
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-021-12
Managing Editor's Column C. Gütl 1535
On Real-valued Visual Cryptographic Basis Matrices N. Buckley, A.K. Nagar, S. Arumugam 1536
Deterministic Frequency Pushdown Automata C.S. Calude, R. Freivalds, S. Jain, F. Stephan 1563
Conceptual Evaluation of Massive Open Online Courses through Pathfinder Associative Networks R. Gil Ortego, J.A. Gil Pascual 1577
Extending Mobile Cloud Platforms Using Opportunistic Networks: Survey, Classification and Open Issues S. Pal 1594
UNITE: Enhancing Students' Self-efficacy through the Use of a 3D Virtual World J. Scullion, G. Baxter, M. Stansfield 1635
A Joint Development of Coloured Petri Nets and the B Method in Critical Systems P. Sun, P. Bon, S. Collart-Dutilleul 1654
Creativity in Mind: Evaluating and Maintaining Advances in Network Steganographic Research S. Wendzel, C. Palmer 1684