Classification of VANET MAC, Routing and Approaches A Detailed Survey
Sana Ajmal (Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Pakistan)
Asim Rasheed (Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Pakistan)
Amir Qayyum (Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Pakistan)
Aamir Hasan (Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Pakistan)
Abstract: Human safety considerations linked with rapidly growing auto mobile market has given special attention to the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). ITS provides a set of standards for inter vehicular communication with emphasis on safety, traffic efficiency and infotainment related applications. In ITS, the vehicles acting as mobile nodes, form a specialized ad hoc network, known as Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET). Although, VANET and ITS are under intense research since last decade, technology still lacks large scale deployment. Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications are the main research goals of ITS. High relative node velocity and high active node density has presented peculiar challenges to connectivity within VANET. VANET connectivity and routing requirements range from the time critical safety applications, to the time and space hovering, delay tolerant and infotainment applications. This paper reviews connectivity issues in VANET with emphasis on routing, and offers comprehensive literature review on state of the art in VANET routing, with its detailed classifications. It also compares some standard architectures of VANET from MAC, routing and management perspective, i.e., WAVE by IEEE, CALM by ISO, C2CNet by C2C consortium / GeoNet.
Keywords: ITS, routing metrics, routing protocols, vehicular ad hoc networks
Categories: C.2.2