Distributed Development of Information System
J.UCS Special Issue
Alok Mishra
(Department of Software Engineering
Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey
Jürgen Münch
(Department of Computer Science
University of Helsinki, Finland
Deepti Mishra
(Department of Computer Engineering
Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey
Global Software Development (GSD), also known as Distributed Software
Development (DSD), as a discipline has grown substantially richer
through practice influencing research and proven practices
themselves. Due to its growth over the past decades, the software
industry in the industrialised world is characterised by a shortage of
qualified labour, and thus high level of wages. The software industry
in industrialised countries tried to move parts of its software
development work to countries that have a large pool of cost effective
talent available there. Thus, the distribution of software development
enables the optimum use of capability regardless of geographical
location. The main expected benefits from DSD are improvements in
development time efficiency, being close to the customers and having
flexible access to greater and less costly resources. Companies need
to use their existing resources as effectively as possible, and they
also need to employ resources on a global scale from different sites
within the company and from partner companies throughout the
world. The increasingly complex and competitive market situation
places intense demands on companies, requiring them to respond to
customer needs, and to deliver more functionality and higher quality
software faster.
Further, DSD has emerged as an interdisciplinary research arena,
bringing together social science researchers and software researchers
in investigating various aspects of how globally distributed software
teams function while developing such kind of information
system. Despite the fact that DSD is widely being used, the project
managers and professional face many challenges including
communication, collaboration, co-ordination and trust with key
stakeholders. Therefore, global software development has brought with
it several challenges due to increased complexity and cultural as well
as various technological issues.
However, there is a number of
problems that still remain to be solved before the full potential of
GSD can be achieved. One of the main constraint is that development
technologies are insufficient to support for distributed
development. There is still a significant understanding to be
achieved, methods and techniques to be developed, and practices to be
evolved before it becomes a mature discipline.
This Special Issue on distributed development of information system of
the international Journal of Universal Computer Science includes
papers received from a public Call for Papers and extended and
improved versions of those papers that were selected from the best
submissions of the International Workshop on Information Systems in
Distributed Environment (ISDE 2010). The aim of this workshop has been
to serve as a forum for academics, researchers, practitioners and
students in the field of distributed or global software development,
by presenting new developments and lessons learned from real world
cases, and to promote the exchange of ideas, discussion and
development in these areas.
The Distributed Software Development involves various challenges, many
of which are related to the lack of trust experienced by team members
since they often do not know each other personally. Other problems are
related to communication, coordination and collaboration. Bearing in
mind that providing information about co-workers may increase both the
team spirit and the team members' confidence in each other, José
Luis Hernández et al. have carried out surveys to discover what
information might be useful in attaining this objective, and to reduce
those problems related to the three 'c's. The results of this
analysis have helped to obtain the requirements required to design a
tool to support global software development.
Research in virtual teams and distributed work argues that the lack of
collocation places an overhead on the performance potential of large,
globally distributed teams. In this paper, George M. Giaglis and
Diomidis Spinellis revisit this principle through a case study of
Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) development to demonstrate how
globally dispersed FLOSS communities manage to overcome the problem of
geographic separation of their members.
Today's globalization of software development has its advantages,
but also its limitations. Software project managers often lead the
production of new software versions and their release on the
market. Ricardo Colomo-Palacios et al. in their paper analyzed the
main challenges faced by software product managers in release planning
with regard to the adoption of Global Software Development (GSD)
practices for developing packaged software. To achieve this objective,
two qualitative techniques are used in this study, namely, Focus Group
and Delphi Study and observed that GSD is found to be highly
influenced by issues concerning personnel and human resources
Luis Iribarne et al. reported an interactive, structural metamodel for
user interfaces based on component architectures as a way to abstract,
model, simplify and facilitate implementation. Their work also
presents a case study based on an Environmental Management Information
Systems (EMIS), where three actors (a politician, a GIS expert, and a
technician) cooperate in assessing natural disasters.
In Distributed Software Development (DSD) in spite of increase
productivity and cost reduction there are some challenges such as
temporal distance, geographical dispersion and the socio-cultural
differences. Specifically added new requirements related with the
communication, coordination and control of projects.
Among these new
demands there is requirement of a software process that provides
adequate support to the distributed software development. Gislaine
Camila Lapasini Leal et al. in their paper presented an integrated
approach of software development and test that considers distributed
teams peculiarities. The approach purpose is to offer support to DSD,
providing a better project visibility, improving the communication
between the development and test teams, minimizing the ambiguity and
difficulty to understand the artifacts and activities.
Anuradha Mathrani et al. observed that Knowledge Management (KM)
strategies are applied to create knowledge consistent with client
requirements, project specific features and chosen design
methodologies. Further, building on existing KM theories with
empirical evidence from ten case studies in the Asia Pacific region,
within two country contexts (New Zealand and India), their research
reported the KM initiatives for enabling knowledge transfer in the
Offshore software development (OSD) process at the operational, design
and strategic level. This work also provides insights on how software
vendors build organizational knowledge repositories as they streamline
distributed tasks in different country contexts.
On-line inspection reduces paperwork, makes the latest material
available to participants and thus facilitates in meeting. Material
used in inspection includes the target material, the
inspection-criteria list (check list), individual fault lists, the
merged fault list, the action-item list, and the status report. Deepti
Mishra et al. have presented global software inspection process in the
distributed software development environment towards software quality
assurance and management.
The objective of this special issue has been to make available recent
research and reports in-progress in global and distributed software
development and we hope that this issue will become an important
source of reference to researchers working in this field. As guest
editors, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the
Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Christian Gütl, and Prof. Hermann Maurer for
providing us with the opportunity to host this special issue in
J.UCS. We are much indebted to Mag. Dana Kaiser (assistant editor) for
her continued support and helpful guidance throughout all the phases
of preparing the special issue. We also thank the authors for their
contributions, including those whose papers were not included. Last
but not least, we express our devout gratitude for the prudent work of
the reviewers who provided invaluable evaluations and advice that have
helped maintain the quality of the papers.
Alok Mishra
Jürgen Münch
Deepti Mishra