Conceptual Modelling of Services
J.UCS Special Issue
Hui Ma
(Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Klaus-Dieter Schewe
(Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
& Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria
Bernhard Thalheim
(Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Germany
Qing Wang
(Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
This special issue of the Journal of Universal Computer Science on
Conceptual Modelling of Services focusses on disseminating the results
of innovative research in conceptual modelling addressing standing
challenges in the emerging areas of service computing and
service-oriented software engineering. The call for papers for this
special issue solicited original work devoted to the general question
of how the well established conceptual modelling discipline can
provide support for the novel and fast growing paradigms of service
orientation to meet the challenges of today's software systems
In particular we invited the authors of the best presentations at the
2nd International Workshop on Conceptual Modelling of Services (CMS)
to submit thoroughly revised versions of their contributions to this
special issue. The CMS workshop series provides an annual forum for
presenting and discussing trends and novel ideas in the intersection
of the rather new, fast growing services computing and services
science paradigms with the well established conceptual modelling
area. The first CMS workshop was held in November 2010 in Vancouver,
Canada in conjunction with the 29th International Conference on
Conceptual Modelling (ER 2010). The second CMS workshop was held in
September 2011 in Milan, Italy in conjunction with the International
Conference on Data and Knowledge Engineering (ICDKE 2011). The goal is
to bring together researchers in the areas of conceptual modelling,
business process modelling, services computing, and services
Following the second CMS workshop the full call of papers for this
special issue was published. In addition to the seven full research
papers submitted to the workshop it yielded further nine submissions,
thus resulting in a total of 16 submissions to be considered for
inclusion into this special issue. Each submission was reviewed by two
to four international experts. Based on the rigorous reviewing
process, the seven papers listed below were selected.
- In Towards Model-Driven Engineering Support for Service Evolution by
Juan M. Vara, Vasilios Andrikopoulos, and Michael P. Papazoglou,
technologies developed for the Eclipse modeling framework EMF are
applied to provide a proof of concept of potential synergies between
service-oriented and modeldriven software engineering. A DSL toolkit
for modelling the structural part of abstract service descriptions is
presented, and a reasoning mechanism for deciding whether two versions
of a service are compatible with respect to its consumers is
- In Behavior Alignment and Control Flow Verification of Process and
Service Choreographies by Jorge Roa, Pablo Villareal, and Omar
Chiotti, the challenge of aligning choreographies in
service-oriented software engineering is addressed. Global
interaction nets are introduced to represent process and service
choreographies, and to allow formal reasoning on their behavior. A
novel transformation pattern is presented that guarantees behavior
alignment between process and service choreographies, and an
automated verification method for the control flow of choreographies
is discussed, with applications to all popular choreography
- In A Metadirectory of Web Components for Mashup Composition by Jose
Igancio Fernández-Villamor, Carlos Á. Iglesias, and Mercedes Garijo,
the challenge of component selection in service-oriented and
mashup-driven software engineering is discussed, and the Linked
Mashups Ontology for integrating and sharing mashup information is
introduced. Based on this ontology, a centralised meta directory of
web components is established and used during mashup development for
accessing heterogeneous repositories of web components, with
information retrieved from the Linked Data cloud.
- In A Formal Approach for Risk Assessment in RBAC Systems by Ji Ma,
abstract state machines are used to model and analyse access control
decisions and the underlying risk assessment procedures in
role-based access control systems. Partial orderings are used for
capturing the importance of objects and the criticality of actions,
upon which the risk of assigning a specific role to a specific user
is determined. Special attention is to applications in permission
assignment and delegation assignment.
- In A Conceptual Model for IT Service Systems by Ajantha Dahanayake
and Bernhard Thalheim, a new conceptual framework for modeling
serviceoriented IT systems is presented that recommends a
separation of concerns, such as such as service as a product,
service as an offer, service request, service delivery, service
application, service record, service log, and service exception. The
appraoch taken gives rise to a general characterisation of services
in terms of their ends, stakeholders, application domain, purpose,
and context. It is formally established as a W14H set of questions
that generalises the classical W7 rhetorical framework of Hermagoras
of Temnos.
- In Service-Oriented development of Web Information Systems by
Valeria de Castro, Juan Manuel Vara, and Esperanza Marcos, a new
methodology for developing service-oriented web applications is
presented that addresses standing challenges such as the alignment of
business services to implementations, and the placement of business
processes into IT systems. A model-driven approach is taken, defining
a set of models at different levels of abstraction together with the
model transformations between them. A conference management system is
used to illustrate the methodology.
- In A Conceptual Ontology-based Resource Metamodel towards
Business-driven Information System Implementation by Hongming Cai,
Boyi Xu, and Fenglin Bu, an ontology-based resource metamodel for
seamless business modelling, service transformation, and IT system
configuration is presented. Upon this meta model, a configurable
approach for developing and implementing enterprise information
systems is discussed, with resource arrays serving as the control
mechanism for monitoring the systems state of completion.
We would like to thank all authors for preparing and submitting their
contributions as well as all referees for their timely expertise in
carefully reviewing the contributions.
Hui Ma, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Bernhard Thalheim, and Qing Wang
(Wellington, August 2012)
List of Referees
- Karoly Bosa
- Schahram Dustar
- Ulrich Frank
- Daniele Gianni
- Sven Hartmann
- Paul Johannesson
- Markus Kirchberg
- Michael Krieger
- Eva Kühn
- Werner Kurschl
- Harald Lampesberger
- Ji Ma
- Michael Matskin
- Christine Natschläger
- Dana Petcu
- Mariam Rady
- Yan Zhu
- Thomas Ziebermayr