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Volume 18 / Issue 13

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-018-13-1782


P Systems with Shuffle Operation and Catalytic-Like Rules

Yunyun Niu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

Jinbang Xu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

K.G. Subramanian (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)

Rosni Abdullah (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)

Abstract: Shuffle operation on trajectories is useful in modeling parallel composition of wordsand languages. In this work, a new class of P systems with shuffle operation and catalytic-like rules is presented. Such a system has a membrane structure, where language-objects and shuffle-operation rules are placed in its regions. It can be used as a language generator. In this study, we propose a variant P system with shuffle operation on string-language objects. Some comparisonresults are obtained, which show that the power of shuffle operation is enlarged in the framework of P systems. Moreover, string-language objects are extended to array-language objects, and an-other variant P system with shuffle operation on picture-language objects is introduced. We also illustrate how to generate picture languages by using this kind of devices.

Keywords: P system, membrane computing, picture language, shuffle on trajectories

Categories: F.1.1, F.4.3, I.7.0