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Volume 24 / Issue 7

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-024-07-0846


Air4People: a Smart Air Quality Monitoring and Context-Aware Notification System

Alfonso Garcia-de-Prado (University of Cádiz, Spain)

Guadalupe Ortiz (University of Cádiz, Spain)

Juan Boubeta-Puig (University of Cádiz, Spain)

David Corral-Plaza (University of Cádiz, Spain)

Abstract: Over the last years, air pollution and air quality have received increasing attention in the scope of Internet of Things and smart cities, since they can seriously affect citizens' health. However, current systems for air quality monitoring and notification lack essential key requirements in order to be effective as far as users' access to the information is concerned and, particularly, the provision of context-aware notifications. This paper presents Air4People, an air quality monitoring and context-aware notification system, which submits personalized alerts to citizens based on several types of context, whenever air quality-related health risks are detected for their particular context.

Keywords: Internet of Things, air quality, context awareness, mobile application, service-oriented architecture

Categories: D.2.11, D.m, H.4.m, L.7