Quality and Reliability Engineering: Trends and Future Directions
J.UCS Special Issue
Alok Mishra
(Department of Software Engg., Atilim University, Ankara Turkey
Sunil Kumar Khatri
(Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University, Noida, India
P K Kapur
(Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University, Noida, India
Uday Kumar
(Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden
Last decade of IT industry has observed an unprecedented growth of
software and automation. Computers and software were already an
integrated part of every research and development activity, but now
these have penetrated into daily life of each human being through
smart phones, mobile apps, and e-commerce. Various system and
application software have brought the technology very close to
ordinary man. Software development process has also gone through a
lot of transition and now-a-days a rapid development of software has
become a necessity. However, reliability and quality of software needs
to be ensured along with faster development. Hence we can expect new
dimensions and paradigms of software quality to be developed in the
Gone is the time, when software had to be written from
scratch. Widespread availability of Application Programming Interface
(APIs), Standard Template Library (STLs), reusable components and
libraries have made software development faster, however,
inter-dependency among heterogeneous components will be a crucial
factor affecting software quality. Secure software is another major
need of the day. Hence detection and plug-ins of software
vulnerabilities especially for critical domains is going to be a
prominent direction of future research. Some other significant factors
of quality to attract attention of future researchers are usability,
maintainability, portability and reusability. Correctness of the
software is always first and foremost a requirement of any software
and hence testability and its optimization is always a prominent as
well as challenging area of research, which can get new solutions
through techniques of machine learning and data analytics. To sum up,
we can say that software engineering is going to face the challenges
of a fast, secure and reliable development, and maintainable software
and researchers need to find solutions for these challenges.
Development of extremely useful embedded systems (e.g. smart phone)
has been an instrumental factor in the success of IT-industry. On the
other hand, their quality has not been up to the mark for many of such
devices. Quality attributes of embedded systems differ from software
quality attributes in many ways. Responsiveness, availability and
recoverability are attributes which are more relevant for embedded
systems, but appropriate metrics for these are yet to be defined
correctly. Similarly quality attributes such as inter-operability,
usability, portability need to be re-defined from the viewpoint of
embedded system.. IT industry has come up with a lot of embedded
system based products during the last 10-15 years without paying much
attention to the above mentioned quality attributes which is going to
be a key research area in near future.
Above mentioned domains can tolerate some degree of compromise in many
aspects of the quality of systems. But real time systems and critical
systems (like avionics systems, missile control systems, nuclear
reactor systems, power grid control systems, etc) cannot be deployed
without guaranteeing complete achievements of desired thresholds such
as time constraints, precision, reliability, safety and
security. Reliability computing, which consists of modeling and
predicting, has become of great interest in recent years due to
spacious arrays of complex systems and applications in our everyday
safety, security and economic welfare. In future, we can expect some
useful tools availability for correct and efficient modeling and
evaluation of such complex systems.
Technologies such as machine learning, IOT, AI and robotics, IT based
health care are going to rule the world in future. Phenomenal growth
is expected in these directions. Many new models and techniques will
be developed and maintaining a good quality of ever-growing
technologies will become increasingly important. Hence, one possible
direction of improving quality of such systems can be an incremental
quality model. Incremental development processes (such as agile) can
be augmented with incremental quality model and some researchers have
already initiated research in this direction. Techniques like AI and
machine learning are likely to provide big support for semantic
analysis of systems. Nevertheless, efficient processing will be a
challenge and data mining is more likely to be integrated for quality
assessment and assurance in near future.
The guest editors would like to thank the managing editor, Christian
Gütl, and the assistant editor, Dana Kaiser, for their assistance and
support. Finally, would also like to thank to all authors and
reviewers for their contribution towards this special issue.
The paper "A Software Reliability Growth Modeling Framework with
Complexity of Path Searching" by Shinji Inoue and Shigeru Yamada
introduce their research on a framework for software growth modeling
with the difference of the stochastic property of the program path
searching time, based on the infinite server queueing theory is
proposed. The modeling framework describes the fault-detection
phenomenon in the testing-phase generally by applying the infinite
server queueing system. The numerical illustrations of the proposed
models are given by using actual fault counting-data.
The paper "Software Quality Issues in SCRUM: A Systematic Mapping" by
Deepti Mishra and Samia Abdalhamid analyze quality issues in Scrum
which is a process framework used to develop complex software. As
Scrum is one of the prominent approaches in agile development
projects, it is significant to examine the issues of quality in the
Scrum. A systematic mapping approach is adopted to answer specific
research questions through an objective procedure to identify the
nature of quality issues in Scrum studies.
The paper "A Logistic Fault-Dependent Detection Software Reliability
Model" by Hoang Pham presents a logistic fault-dependent detection
model where the dependent-rate of detected faults in the software can
grow much faster from the beginning but grow slowly as the testing
progresses until it reaches the maximum number of faults in the
The paper "Clustering for Software Remodularization by Using
Structural, Conceptual and Evolutionary Features" by Amit Rathee and
Jitender Kumar Chhabra analyze various dependency relations
individually as well as in pairs, and clustering is carried out using
three techniques over these permutations. Based on these analyses, a
novel weighted dependency scheme is proposed to integrate three
different dependency schemes and the optimal clustering technique is
The paper "A Cross-Device Architecture for Modeling Authentication
Features in IoT Applications" by Darwin Alulema, Javier Criado and
Luis Iribarne proposes to cross-device architecture that combines the
use of modeling techniques to describe and support the development of
IoT applications and the inclusion of authentication mechanisms to
provide users with a safe access to their personal information and
ensure their privacy.
The paper "Dynamic Estimation of Temporary Failure in SoC FPGAs for
Heterogeneous Applications" by J. Kokila, N. Ramasubramanian and
Ravindra Thamma mainly focused on the reliability of a SoC design. As
recent processors are shrinking in size due to the advancement of
technology therefore, reliability is an important design parameter
along with power, cost, and performance. This work proposes a dynamic
thermal and voltage management (DTVM) system which ensures a
reasonable level of fault tolerance. The fault tolerance system (FTS)
identifies and subsequently can forecast temporary failures at
run-time. The temporary failures are dynamically estimated on SoC
FPGAs for a class of heterogeneous applications.
The paper "Statistical Usage Testing at
Different Levels of Testing"
by Kamaldeep Kaur, Sunil Kumar Khatri, Alok Mishra and Rattan Datta
demonstrate the process and benefits of applying Statistical Usage
Testing (SUT) at different levels of testing. Levels of testing
include Unit level, Integration level, System level and Acceptance