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Volume 15

Content of Issue 7
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-015-07
Computers in Education: Advances in Software Technology J.Á. Velázquez-Iturbide, F.J. García-Peñalvo 1423
Innovation and Quality in e-Learning: a European Perspective C. Dondi 1427
A Meta-modeling based Approach for the Multi-Disciplinary Design of Web Educational Systems P. Díaz, E. Guerra, T. Zarraonandía, I. Aedo, C.L. Padrón 1440
Application Scenarios for the Learning Objects Pool P. Dinis, A. Rodrigues da Silva 1455
Learning to Program with COALA, a Distributed Computer Assisted Environment F. Jurado, A.I. Molina, M.A. Redondo, M. Ortega, A. Giemza, L. Bollen, H.U. Hoppe 1472
TQ-Bot: An AIML-based Tutor and Evaluator Bot F.A. Mikic Fonte, J.C. Burguillo Rial, M. Llamas-Nistal 1486
Eduquito: Virtual Environment for Digital Inclusion of People with Special Educational Needs L.M. Costi Santarosa, L. de Oliveira Basso 1496
Development of a Web Application for Management of Learning Styles R. Silva, A. Andrade 1508
Semantic Spiral Timelines Used as Support for e-Learning D.A.G. Aguilar, R. Therón, F.J. García-Peñalvo 1526
Visualization of Syntax Trees for Language Processing Courses F.J. Almeida-Martínez, J. Urquiza-Fuentes, J.Á. Velázquez-Iturbide 1546