Logic, Abstract State Machines and Databases
J.UCS Special Issue
Klaus-Dieter Schewe
Information Science Research Centre, Palmerston North, New Zealand
On the occasion of Egon Börger's visit to New Zealand in
October / November 2007 I organised a small workshop in Palmerston
North with the intention to bring together researchers in areas of
interest of Egon Börger and my own research group. Therefore, the
title of the workshop was chosen to be "Logic, Abstract State
Machines, and Databases". Though not all invitees were able to attend
the workshop, we had two days full of presentations and intensive
discussions, and some of the local participants were not even able to
present their work. Following the workshop all participants and others
who were interested but could not attend were invited to submit
articles to a special issue of the Journal of Universal Computer
All submitted articles were carefully reviewed by two referees, and in
some cases a second reviewing round for major revisions was needed. I
am happy that finally eleven high-quality articles came together for
this special issue of the Journal of Universal Computer Science:
Egon Börger, Ove Sörensen, Bernhard Thalheim:
On Defining the
Behavior of OR-joins in Business Process Models
Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese, Davide Martinenghi:
Query Optimization under Access Limitations and
Max Cresswell: Non-Denumerable
Infinitary Modal Logic
Lindsay Groves: Reasoning
about Nonblocking Concurrency
Sven Hartmann, Sebastian Link: Weak Functional
Dependencies: Full Propositional Expressiveness for the Database
Markus Kirchberg: Using Abstract State
Machines to Model ARIES-based Transaction Processing
Henning Köhler: Global Database Design
based on Storage Space and Update Time Minimization
Scott Uk-Jin Lee, Gillian Dobbie, Jing Sun, Lindsay Groves:
Verication of Semistructured Data Models in PVS
Hans-J. Lenz, Bernhard Thalheim: A Formal Framework of
Aggregation for the OLAP-OLTP Model
Attila Sali, Klaus-Dieter Schewe: A
Characterisation of Coincidence Ideals for Complex Values
Jane Zhao, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Henning Köhler: Dynamic Data
Warehouse Design with Abstract State Machines
I am grateful to all workshop participants and authors of journal
articles in this issue, who contributed to a fine collection of
research stretching from pure logic over database theory and formal
methods to rather applied topics such as business processes and data
warehouses. I would also like to express my greatest thanks to all
twenty reviewers, who put in a lot of time reading the articles and
making substantial suggestions for improvement, which at the end led
to the high quality. Last but not least, I like to thank Professor
Maurer for the opportunity to publish this collection of research
articles as a special issue of the Journal of Universal Computer
Science, and Ms. Dana Kaiser for her timeless efforts polishing the
final versions of all contributions.
Klaus-Dieter Schewe
Palmerston North, December 2008