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Volume 11 / Issue 6

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-011-06-1102


Collect the Fitted Surfaces into Complex Based on C0 Continuity

E. A. Zanaty (Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, Egypt)

Moheb R. Girgis (Computer Science Department, Faculty of Science, Minia University, Egypt)

Abstract: Surface reconstruction addresses the problem of creating a surface model from a point set digitized from a physical object. After performing the surface fitting on the bases of individual patches (adjacent surfaces), it is necessary to improve the obtained results by connecting the adjacent surfaces according to the desired smoothness. This paper presents a fast method for collecting the adjacent surfaces into complex based on C0 continuity. The method works with the surfaces and their segments. Firstly, an arbitrary surface is selected, and the points with closest distances to that surface are extracted. Then, the points are sorted according to the Euclidean distance to the surface. Finally, the surface and the sorted points are joined together and presented to a refitting technique. This technique includes a procedure to decide if the data is similar to the current surface and for updating the surface parameters for each new point.

Keywords: reverse engineering, surface fitting, surface reconstruction

Categories: I., I.3, I.3.5