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Volume 13 / Issue 7

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-013-07-1022


Designing Collaborative Learning Environments Using Digital Games

César A. Collazos (Universidad del Cauca, Colombia)

Luis A. Guerrero (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

José A. Pino (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

Sergio F. Ochoa (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

Gerry Stahl (Drexel University, USA)

Abstract: Collaborative learning environments require carefully crafted designs — both technical and social. This paper presents a model describing how to design socio-technical environments that will promote collaboration in group activities. A game was developed based on this model. This tool was used to conduct experiments for studying the collaborative learning process. Testing with this system revealed some strengths and weaknesses, which are being addressed in the on-going research.

Keywords: CSCL, collaborative games, collaborative learning, model design

Categories: K.3, K.3.1, K.3.2