On Two Aspects of Improving Web-Based Training
H. Maurer Graz
University of Technology
Abstract: In this paper we discuss two novel ideas to improve teaching
and information transfer between persons in general. The first aspect is
centered around proposing to use the ``Tamagotchi craze'' for teaching
purposes, the second deals with new ways of unobtrusively collecting data
on the subjective satisfaction of persons with information and teaching
material offered on the Web.
Key Words: Training, teaching, learning, courseware, web-based training,
evaluation techniques
Category: J. 7, K 3, K.4
1 Harnessing the Tamagotchi Craze
The Tamagotchi craze that started in 1997 has driven many kids, teachers
and parents to the brink of desperation. An estimated 20 million Tamagotchis
or clones thereof were sold within one year, resulting in hundred millions
of hours spent on keeping the virtual beings happy. It is the aim of this
paper to propose to harness the appeal of caring for such virtual beings
for teaching and training purposes: rather than taking care of Tamagotchis
by ``feeding'', ``cleaning'' and ``entertaining'' them we propose to implement
what we call VR-Friends (virtual friends) that differ in three crucial
ways from traditional Tamagotchis: (i) they are kept happy if their owners
answer questions correctly; (ii) they are implemented in software, not
hardware and (iii) they live on the Web, in WWW servers. In a way, VR-Friends
can be considered to be special types of Avatars (as often mentioned in
connection with VR games), or intelligent agents ([7],[8]).
Psychologists have not been able yet to fathom the real reason why Tamagotchis
have been successful in such an unprecedented way. But no matter what the
explanation is, it seems worthwhile to exploit what are seen as major reasons
for the success for the education of primary and secondary school children.
1.1 Introduction
VR-Friends are implemented as programs that run on WWW servers and can
be accessed by ordinary Web browsers from e.g. Netscape or Microsoft. They
come in various behavioral and knowledge domain classes in the sense that
they act as instructional agents for different ages and subject matters.
Their success as ``teachers'' is assumed to come from the fact that they
are seen as live beings that thrive only if continually ``fed'' with correct
answers to questions they keep asking. I.e. VR-Friends want to ``learn''
and in doing so - it is actually their owners that learn!
In what follows we present the basic ideas of how such VR-Friends will
work. We do this in three subsections. In section 1.2 we describe a typical
scenario. In
section 1.3 we explain the main implementational
aspects. And in section 1.4 we argue why VR-Friends
have indeed a chance to be successful yet why they may fail, and what practical
use and further developments might look like.
1.2 A typical scenario
So far, twelve year old Mark has shown very little interest in learning
basic geographical facts: Although the importance of factual knowledge
and rote memorising has been much challenged by educationalists over the
last few decades there is still a wide-spread feeling that some basic facts
have to be stored inside our brain (rather than on easily accessible storage
devices) as basis for ``associative'' and ``intuitive'' thinking.
To improve Mark's performance and following a counselor's recommendation,
the geography teacher has activated an appropriate (i.e. certain level
of geography) VR-Friend on the school's Web server. Mark has chosen the
name VR-Nick and certain features (like a special T-shirt and trousers)
for his VR-Friend when first logging in. Now, whenever Mark logs in on
the school server for whatever activities the first thing Mark sees is
VR-Nick. VR-Nick's appearance, his attitude, and what he says (yes, VR-Nick
speaks) depends on Mark's past performance and on how much work Mark has
``cared for'' VR-Nick. Sometimes VR-Nick will be smiling, ``Hey, great
you are looking me up again'', or sulky maybe even tearful (``You are really
neglecting me''). Overall, if VR-Nick is treated well he stays healthy,
becomes more and more friendly, will show Mark a cartoon, a joke, or tell
him some titbits (e.g. pointing him to an interesting URL on the Web),
otherwise, VR-Nick will look more and more sick, he will sit in a sad posture
in a not so good-looking neighbourhood and, if seriously ``neglected''
will actually die. On the other hand, if Mark learns well (treats VR-Nick
well), VR-Nick will eventually congratulate Mark and tell him that he has
to move on, but will stay in contact with him: and he will once in a while
(with a decreasing tendency) briefly show up when Mark logs in, tell him
some titbits, and disappear again. Note that Mark may have a growing number
of VR-Friends that way, that entertain Mark a bit here and there as he
does other Web stuff.
The actual heart of the conversation between Mark and VR-Nick (who was
after all created to teach some geographic facts) consists of questions
asked by VR-Nick that have to be answered by Mark. (Mark can exit ``no
time right now'' any time he wants). A typical ``geography'' VR-Nick may
help the student (Mark) to learn about the location of cities, countries,
etc. on the globe. Questions that VR-Nick might ask are ``show me the location
of xxx'' (where xxx is a city, a country, a mountain, etc.) Mark's reaction
is to click at the right place on the globe or map shown. The system is
very patient: if Mark clicks on Antarctica when asked for the location
of Vienna, the system (NOT VR-Nick) will explain that this is Antarctica,
some facts about it, and will show the real location of Vienna and information
on it and Austria. However, the system records the information (``Vienna,
totally wrong'') in such case. A second totally wrong answer to Vienna's
location would give a somewhat more stern reply to Mark, and the system
would record again (``Vienna, totally wrong''). A third complete failure
of Mark would result in the system storing (``just fooling around''), etc.
Thus, the system basically records for each session between Mark and VR-Nick
five numbers (a,b,c,d,t). Here a is the number of correct answers, b the
of totally wrong answers, c the number of approximately correct answers,
d the number of times Mark just seems to have been fooling around; t is
the point of time when the session takes place. The ``development'' of
VR-Nick depends on how often and lengthy sessions between Mark and VR-Nick
take place; it is up to the teacher to set parameters like: ``at least
one session with 10 questions every second school day and all questions
answered correctly twice within a total of three months''.
Above is clearly just one typical scenario. Other questions (requiring
e.g. text input or such) are of course conceivable. Finally, VR-Nick has
always some surprises ``up his sleeve'': like instead of VR-Nick appearing,
Mark finds a sign ``Out right now. Back in 2 minutes'', or finds some other
VR-Friend, etc.
The main point is that although VR-Nick forces Mark to learn (unless
Mark accepts that VR-Nick deteriorates rather than prospers) this learning
is fun and full of surprises.
1.3 The implementation
The main idea of the implementation is to have two completely separate
modules called development and learning.
The learning module is clearly domain dependent, i.e. differs from subject
to subject and takes the age of the learner into account. However, learning
modules are created readily with teaching wizards: the most simple
form of a teaching wizard just helps preparing problems as follows:
each problem consisting of a question and possibly a picture (image), and
the answer is a click in a certain position, where a click is recorded
as ``correct'', ``close'' or ``wrong'' dependent on how far from the current
position the clock occurs. Note that the system will keep track of ``close''
or ``wrong'' answers to be able to decide if a student is seriously trying
or just fooling around. Other teaching wizards that e.g. allow textual
answers can also be used.
The main point is that the teaching module communicates to the development
module only five numbers (a,b,c,d,t) as explained in section
1. The reaction of the VR-Friend as carried out by the development
module only depends on the sequence of ``answer-quintuples'' (a,b,c,d,t)
obtained. To keep the system simple there is no (or no substantive) data-flow
from the development module to the teaching module.
Depending on the answer-quintuples the state of the VR-Friend (and hence
its appearance and utterances) within the development module are changing.
A random element makes sure that the VR-Friend behaves somewhat unpredictably.
A number of VR-Friends (age, looks, clothing, ...) with certain developmental
paths are built into the system, so new subject domains do not necessitate
changes or additions of the development module, although tools to introduce
new VR-Friends may well be provided in the future.
The development module and its functionality is clearly very much open
ended. On a first and primitive level for each ``state'' of the VR-Friend
one of a number of facial expressions, gestures, background images and
utterances is combined in a random fashion. This leads to a fairly complex
``behaviour'' at moderate development cost.
It remains to be mentioned that both teachers and students can set certain
environmental parameters as mentioned in passing: the teachers can define
intervals that are ``acceptable'', students will choose sex, name and
age of their VR-Friends.
1.4 Other issues
The most burning issue is certainly if VR-Friends will be interesting
enough to indeed motivate students to learn. There are strong arguments
both pro and con, and only experiments can answer this question.
On the one hand, Tamagotchis have been amazingly successful, and VR-Friends
are similar in a number of important ways: once ``born'' they cannot be
``stopped'' but either develop well (if treated well) or else they visibly
deteriorate, even to the extent that they die. On the other hand, while
Tamagotchis are ``omnipresent'' and keep reminding users of their existence
by beeping at appropriate or less appropriate times, VR-Friends only show
up when a user logs into the correct server, typically the main server
of a school or school-district.
There is another crucial issue. Kids who love to play and love to learn
all kinds of irrelevant information seem to lose interest in games once
they realise that they are actually learning useful information (!). It
has been theorised that the association ``learning is work, work is unpleasant''
(a product it seems of our less than optimal school systems) is sufficiently
strong to turn kids off. A typical case supporting above arguments is the
huge success of the ``Space Quest'' adventure games vs. the meagre sales
of the ``Goldrush'' adventures game, all by Sierra: all have the same interface
and the same kind of story: users have to help the hero to discover certain
facts: Those facts are ``useless'' in ``Space Quest'' but contain real
historic information in ``Goldrush''. It is vexing to see that sales of
Space Quest have been hundred-fold better than those of Goldrush!
However, there have been some educational games that have been successful
(like the classic arithmetic learning game ``How the West was won'' or
the geography/history games ``Where in the world (where in history) is
Carmen San Diego''.) Thus, the final verdict whether playing cannot be
combined with teaching is still out!
There is also another, rather opposite issue that can only be settled
experimentally: can it happen that kids get attached to their VR-friends
to an extent that their departure, let alone death, will cause serious
emotional turmoil? Note that even Tamagotchis have turned out to be fairly
addictive: What will a more human-like, reality-like VR-Friend do? Whatever
the answer is it is clear that VR-Friends programmes have to make sure
that users will not develop guilt feelings, e.g. when a VR-Friend gets
sick or dies since its owner was sick, on vacations, or such.
The most interesting aspects of VR-Friends is the fact that they are
on the Web. We leave a detailed discussion of the implications of this
for a future paper. But observe that VR-Friends can potentially communicate,
compete, or temporarily be taken care of by ``Baby-sitters'' via the Web.
Note further that VR-Friends can use and point out relevant information
(i.e. URL's) on the Web, lead to discussion forums, on-line chats between
owners of similar VR-Friends, etc. Indeed the dialogue of users and their
VR-Friends may lead to questions posed by other VR-Friends to other users.
It should be clear that the complex interaction of VR-Friends will have
to based on what has been learnt and developed in the area of intelligence
agents as mentioned earlier.
The notion of Web-based VR-Friends used for educational applications
opens a new and potentially very powerful way to communicate factual knowledge
- and maybe even more. Experiments will have to demonstrate the viability
of the approach. At the time of writing no polished version of VR-Friends
software exists, but we expect to have one ready by mid 1998.
Note also that successful implementations of VR-Friends will be much
eased by using powerful Web-servers such as Hyperwave [1],
[2], [3].
2 Unobtrusively Collecting Data on Web-Based Material
When offering educational material on the Web it is of crucial importance
to obtain feedback on effectiveness and user satisfaction. In this note
we focus on one sub-aspect, obtaining data on subjective user satisfaction.
We discuss ``traditional'' techniques, none of which has worked well in
the past. We then present novel techniques that we believe could provide
effective tools desperately needed to assure continuous quality improvement
of Web based training material.
2.1 Classical ways to collect satisfaction data
There are two main classical ways to collect data on user satisfaction
with educational material available on the Web: (a) the use of questionnaires
and (b) evaluation of detailed log files.
The problem with questionnaires is that there is much user resistance
to filling them out carefully, thus creating lots of statistical ``noise''.
Even ``willing'' students are often at a loss of how to answer questions
properly that refer to material that was worked through some time back.
The other approach, the evaluation of detailed log files is problematic
for two reasons: the HTTP protocol used on the Web is ``stateless'', i.e.
it is not possible to record the ``trail'' of users but only how often
each page has been hit. Using more sophisticated techniques such as session
oriented protocols, or simulating them by using ``cookies'' or ``session
keys'' as is done e.g. in Hyperwave ([1], [2],
[3]) it is possible to keep more detailed records of
usage of educational material. However, such detailed records have already
been kept in non-Web based systems as early as in Plato [4],
but have rarely been terribly helpful. It seems that efforts to extract
interesting information from a huge mass of log files have never been entirely
Without going into further detail it should be clear that new techniques
to judge subjective users satisfaction are needed for use on the Web which
is becoming a major tool of teacher-student communication and course administration.
We propose three such techniques in the next section.
2.2 Novel ways to judge subjective user satisfaction
The first alternative we suggest to use instead of questionnaires is
the use of `questionnairelets'', Q-lets for short. Such a Q-let consists
of a single question that can be answered within a few seconds. Q-lets
are presented to users in a random fashion but never more than a few per
session. As little bonus for answering a question an optional cartoon or
joke is shown to encourage answering the Q-let.
Cartoons or jokes shown must be chosen so as not to disrupt the flow
of learning. Note that an option ``skip question'' is presented, i.e. the
answering of Q-lets is not enforced. However, clicking at the Q-let ``skip''
button will often be the same amount of work as clicking at one of the
choices (e.g. radio buttons) offered in the Q-let.
Observe that users in a Q-let environment do not even need to fill out
a complete questionnaire in total, yet may actually answer the same Q-let
more than once. Different answers will thus be a good indication of the
(un)``anonymously identified'' across session boundaries in the sense of
[5], i.e. users have (self-chosen) names and passwords,
so that detailed record can be kept for each ``anonymous'' user, yet the
system does not know the real identity of any of the names chosen. Experimentation
on the distribution and frequency of Q-lets used will have to be carried
An alternative to Q-lets (or an additional feature) is a so-called ``Feedback
Button ''. When clicked at, a form appears where users can click at any
of the presented checkboxes to voice their opinion about the current ``page''
presented, or even about a certain part or aspect of it.
We feel that collecting individual answers at points where they are
relevant is both less bothersome for the user, and leads to more reliable
results at the same time.
The second alternative to evaluate subjective user satisfaction comes
from the approach used in GENTLE [6] to questions posed
by students: at any point while working through some material students
can ``ask a question'' by inserting a question mark anywhere on the screen.
This action triggers the sending of an appropriate message to a certain
user group (i.e. tutors), who will answer the question (synchronously or
asynchronously) at which point the question mark turns into an exclamation
mark; also, the answer is mailed to the person having asked the question,
and other users seeing an exclamation mark can retrieve the ``question/answer''
dialogue that occurred earlier by just clicking at the exclamation mark.
By evaluating pages with such question marks and exclamation mark much
valuable feedback can be collected. In first experiments it was observed
that questions were not only asked when material was badly explained but
actually even more frequently when the material interested the users to
the extent that they wished further explanations!
The third alternative is called ``sensitive button''. After all, each
``page'' of courseware leads to one of a number of further pages clicking
at some navigational button. Users are informed that the position where
they click the button will be seen as the expression of an opinion concerning
the current ``page'' at issue. There are many alternatives. However, to
be specific, here is one scenario: clicking at a button on the left could
mean ``I don't like this page'' (and upper left ``bad explanation'' middle
left ``I don't like this page but I don't specify any reason'' and lower
left ``The explanation is too terse''), while clicking on the middle of
the button may mean ``my feelings are neutral'' and clicking on the right
``I like this page'' (where upper right could indicate ``I like the way
things are presented'', middle right ``I like this page but I don't specify
any reasons'' and lower right ``I like this page because of the contents
provided''.) Clearly many alternatives are possible and need careful testing.
We feel that sensitive buttons (although they will generate some statistical
noise) will work well after some initial period (during which the user
may be
asked ``do you really mean xyz?''): some ``click'' to navigate is necessary
anyway, so users ``may as well'' signal their level of satisfaction.
In this section we have argued that new ways of collecting feedback
on user satisfaction with educational material is of great importance for
optimising WBT (Web Based Teaching/Training). We have proposed a few novel
techniques but believe that many other ways can be thought of and should
become fields of serious experimentation.
1. Maurer, H.: HyperWave: The Next Generation Web
Solution; (Ed.), Addison-Wesley Longman, London
2. Maurer, H., Mayrhofer, V.: Handling Large Web Sites
on Internet and Intranets - The Official Guide to Hyperwave, dpunkt, Heidelberg
(1998), to appear.
3. Maurer, H.: What We Want from WWW as Distributed
Multimedia System; Proc. VSMM'97, Geneva. IEEE (1997), 148-155.
4. Bitzer, D.: The Wide World of Computer Based Education;
Advances in Computers, Academic Press, 15 (1976), 239-283.
5. Flinn, B., Maurer, H.: Levels of Anonymity , JUCS
1, 1 (1995), 35-47.
6. Maurer, H., Dietinger, Th.: How Modern WWW Systems
Support Teaching and Training; ICCE'97, Kuching, Malaysia (1997), to appear.
7. Riecken, D.: Intelligent Agents; Special Issue of
the C.ACM 37,7 (1994).
8. Maes, P.: Agents That Reduce Work and Information
Overload; C.ACM 37,7 (1994), 30-41.