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Volume 17 / Issue 3

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-017-03-0472


Pragmatic Knowledge Services

Mikko V. Pohjola (National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland)

Pasi Pohjola (National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland)

Sami Paavola (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Merja Bauters (Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland)

Jouni T. Tuomisto (National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland)

Abstract: Knowledge, innovations and their implementation in effective practices are essential for development in all fields of societal action, e.g. policy, business, health, education, and everyday life. However, managing the interrelations between knowledge, innovation and practice is complicated. Facilitation by suitable knowledge services is needed. This paper explores the theory of converging knowledge, innovation, and practice, discusses some advances in information systems development, and identifies general requirements for pragmatic knowledge services. A trialogical approach to knowledge creation and learning is adopted as a viable theoretical basis. Also three examples of novel knowledge services Opasnet, Innovillage, and Knowledge Practices Environment (KPE), are presented. Eventually, it is concluded that pragmatic knowledge services, as hybrid systems of information technology and its users, are not only means for creation of practical knowledge, but vehicles of a cultural change from individualistic perceptions of knowledge work towards mediated collaboration.

Keywords: Innovillage, KP-Lab, KPE, Opasnet, collaborative knowledge services, collective knowledge, innovation, knowledge practices, open assessment, pragmatism, trialogical approach

Categories: L.6.0, L.6.2, L.1.2, L.2.3, L.3.6