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Volume 17

Content of Issue 6
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-017-06
Managing Editor's Column H. Maurer 830
A Framework to Evaluate Interface Suitability for a Given Scenario of Textual Information Retrieval N. Bonnel, M. Chevalier, C. Chrisment, G. Hubert 831
Nondeterministic Query Algorithms A. Vasilieva, R. Freivalds 859
Descriptional Complexity of Ambiguity in Symmetric Difference NFAs L. van Zijl, J. Geldenhuys 874
Improving Security Levels of IEEE802.16e Authentication by Involving Diffie-Hellman PKDS Y.-L. Huang, F.-Y. Leu, C.-H. Chiu, I.-L. Lin 891
Least Slack Time Rate first: an Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Pervasive Computing Environment M. Hwang, D. Choi, P. Kim 912
Hierarchical Graph-Grammar Model for Secure and Efficient Handwritten Signatures Classification M. Piekarczyk, M.R. Ogiela 926
Cost-Sensitive Spam Detection Using Parameters Optimization and Feature Selection S.M. Lee, D.S. Kim, J.S. Park 944
Service Oriented Multimedia Delivery System in Pervasive Environments Z. Qian, S. Zhang, K. Yim, S. Lu 961