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Volume 17 / Issue 2

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-017-02-0243


A Petri Nets based Approach to Specify Individual and Collaborative Interaction in 3D Virtual Environments

Rafael Rieder (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Márcio S. Pinho (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Alberto B. Raposo (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Abstract: This work describes a methodology that supports the design and implementation of software modules, which represent the individual and collaborative three-dimensional interaction process phases. The presented methodology integrates three modeling approaches: Petri Nets, a collaborative manipulation model based on the combination of single user interaction techniques taxonomy, and object-oriented programming concepts. The combination of these elements allows for the description of interaction tasks, the sequence of interaction processes being controlled by Petri Nets with the codes generated automatically. By the integration of these approaches, the present work addresses not only the entire development cycle of both individual and collaborative three-dimensional interaction, but also the reuse of developed interaction blocks in new virtual environment projects.

Keywords: collaborative interaction, design process, interaction technique specification

Categories: H.5.2, I.3.6, I.3.7, I.6.5