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Volume 11 / Issue 7 / Abstract

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-011-07-1234

mHaskell: Mobile Computation in a Purely Functional Language

André Rauber Du Bois
(School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences,
Heriot-Watt University, UK, and,
Escola de Informática,
Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Brazil

Phil Trinder
(School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences,
Heriot-Watt University, UK

Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
(Institut für Informatik,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitát München, Germany

Abstract: We provide a complete description of mHaskell, a new mobile programming language that extends the Haskell functional language. We describe new stateful mobility primitives that use higherorder channels, giving their operational semantics and an implementation outline. We show how medium-level coordination abstractions can be constructed using monadic composition of the mobility primitives. We briefly outline how highlevel mobile coordination abstractions, or mobility skeletons, can be defined using the lowerlevel abstractions. The use of all three abstractions is demonstrated with examples and a new case study: a distributed stateless web server where a thread farm skeleton is used to distribute work to remote locations.

Key Words: Mobile Computation, Programming Languages, Functional Programming, Haskell

Category: D.3.3

1 Introduction

Networks are increasingly pervasive, and mobile computation languages are one means of exploiting them [Fuggetta et al., 1998]. Mobile languages enable the programmer to control the placement of active computations, and execute on open networks, i.e., a network where locations, or machines, can dynamically join and leave the computation. A mobile program can transport its state and code to another location in the network, where it resumes execution [Lange and Oshima, 1999].

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In a functional language functions are first class values, and in a distributed language we expect to be able to communicate functions and computations. A language that can communicate functions in an open system can be viewed as a mobile computation language, or mobile language. Many mobile languages are functional, e.g., Jocaml [Conchon and Fessant, 1999], Nomadic Pict [Wojciechowski, 2000], Kali Scheme [Cejtin et al., 1995], Facile [Knabe, 1995].

Mobile languages are fundamentally different from parallel languages. The objective of a mobile program is usually to exploit the resources available at specific locations, e.g., databases, programs, or specific hardware. As a result mobile programs are usually stateful and in a purely functional context the stateful components must be carefully managed to preserve referential transparency. In contrast parallel functional languages can freely distribute stateless computations.

This paper presents mHaskell, a mobile language based on the Haskell purely functional language. Haskell uses monads to specify stateful computations: stateful operations are encapsulated in an abstract I/O action data type [Peyton Jones and Wadler, 1993]. In Haskell stateful computations are firstclass values, i.e., functions can receive actions as arguments, return actions as results, and actions can be combined to generate new actions. The crucial implications for a mobile language are that it is possible to reason about computations, and that computations can be manipulated and new abstractions over computations defined.

The paper starts by describing the new higherorder communication primitives (Section 2). We show how they can be used to implement more powerful abstractions such as remote thread creation (Section 3). Examples of using the primitives and other abstractions are given (Section 4), as is a distributed stateess web server case study (Section 5). The mHaskell operational semantics is outlined (Section 6), and related work described (Section 7).

This paper is the first complete description of mHaskell together with its semantics. Earlier papers have described the implementation [Du Bois et al., 2004a], and the definition of mobility skeletons, or polymorphic highlevel mobile coordination abstractions, with a distributed meeting scheduler case study [Du Bois et al., 2004b]. Additional contributions of this paper are a new and unusual case study: a distributed stateless webserver, implemented using a new interface to the serialisation routines, and the design, implementation and use of a new mobility skeleton: a thread farm.

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2 Mobile Haskell

2.1 MChannels

Mobile Haskell or mHaskell is a small conservative extension of Concurrent Haskell [Peyton Jones, 2001]. It enables the construction of distributed mobile software by introducing higher order communication channels called Mobile Channels, or MChannels. MChannels allow the communication of arbitrary Haskell values including functions, IO actions and channels. Figure 1 shows the MChannel primitives.

    data MChannel a   -- abstract data type
    type HostName = String
    type ChanName = String 
    newMChannel        :: IO (MChannel a) 
    writeMChannel      :: MChannel a -> a -> IO () 
    readMChannel       :: MChannel a -> IO a
    registerMChannel   :: MChannel a -> ChanName > IO ()
    unregisterMChannel :: MChannel a > IO() 
    lookupMChannel     :: HostName -> ChanName -> 
                                   IO (Maybe (MChannel a)) 

Figure 1: Mobile Channels

The exact meaning of these primitives is defined in the operational semantics in Section 6, here we give an informal explanation. The newMChannel function is used to create a mobile channel and the functions writeMChannel and readMChannel are used to write/read data from/to a channel. MChannels are synchronous, when a readMChannel is performed in an empty MChannel it will block until a value is received on that MChannel. When used locally, MChannels have similar semantics to Concurrent Haskell channels. In the same way, when a value is written to a MChannel the current thread blocks until the value is received in the remote host. The functions registerMChannel and unregisterMChannel register/unregister channels in a name server. Once registered, a channel can be found by other programs using lookupMChannel, which retrieves a mobile channel from a given name server. A name server is always running on every location of the system and a channel is always registered in the local name server with the registerMChannel function. MChannels are single-reader channels, meaning that only the program that created the MChannel can read values from it. Values are evaluated to normal form before being communicated, as explained in Section 2.3.

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Figure 2: Example using MChannels

Figure 2 depicts a pair of simple programs that communicate using MChannels. First a program running on a location called ushas registers a channel mv with the name "myC" in its local name server. When registered, the channel can be seen by other locations using the lookupMChannel primitive. After the lookup, the connection between the two locations is established and communication is performed with the functions writeMChannel and readMChannel.

2.2 Discovering Resources

One of the objectives of mobile programming is to exploit the resources available in a dynamic network. For example, if a program migrates from one location in the network to another, this program must be able to discover the resources available at the destination. By resource, we mean anything that the mobile computation would like to access in a remote host e.g., databases, load information, local functions.

type ResName = String
registerRes :: a > ResName > IO () 
unregisterRes :: ResName > IO () 
lookupRes :: ResName > IO (Maybe a) 

Figure 3: Primitives for resource discovery

Figure 3 presents the three mHaskell primitives for resource discovery and registration. All machines running mHaskell programs must also run a registration service for resources. The registerRes function takes a name (ResName) and a resource (of type a) and registers this resource with the name given. The function unregisterRes unregisters a resource associated with a name and lookupRes takes a ResName and returns a resource registered with that name in the local registration service.

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To avoid a type clash, an abstract type must be defined to hold the different values that can be registered.

Resources with differing types can be elegantly handled using dynamic types. The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) [GHC, 2005] supports a simple form of dynamic types [Lämmel and PeytonJones, 2003], providing operations for injecting values of arbitrary types into a dynamically typed value, and operations for converting dynamic values into a monomorphic type.

2.3 Strictness and Sharing

To simplify mHaskell's semantics, values are evaluated to normal form before being sent through an MChannel. mHaskell evaluates all thunks (unevaluated expressions) in the graph that is being communicated. The evaluation of thunks affects only pure expressions, as it is difficult to predict the amount of graph that is being communicated in a lazy language. IO computations are not executed during this evaluation step, and most mobile programs are stateful IO actions that interact with remote resources.

Haskell, like other nonstrict languages, is commonly implemented using graph reduction which ensures that shared expressions are evaluated at most once. Maintaining sharing between graph nodes in a distributed system would result in a generally large number of extramessages and callbacks to the machines involved in the computation (to request structures that were being evaluated somewhere else or to update these structures). In mHaskell, computations are copied between machines and no sharing is preserved across machines, although sharing is preserved in the value being communicated.

2.4 Implementation

Mobile languages require an architectureneutral code representation and mHaskell has been implemented as an extension to the GHC compiler, which supports both bytecode and native code. GHC combines an optimising compiler and the GHCi interactive environment. GHCi is designed for fast compilation and linking, it generates machine independent bytecode that is linked to the fast nativecode available for the basic primitives of the language.

To implement mHaskell, GHCi's runtime system was extended with routines to serialise Haskell expressions, i.e., convert expressions into an array of bytes that can be easily communicated. A description of the lowlevel details of the implementation, e.g., graph packing/unpacking, and distributed communication can be found in [Du Bois et al., 2004a]. Here we give a new interface to the serialisation routines, packV and unpackV:

packV :: a -> IO CString 
unpackV :: CString -> IO a 

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The packV primitive takes a Haskell expression and returns a C array with the expression serialised, and unpackV converts the array back into a Haskell value.

In Figure 4, a simple example using the primitives is given.

main = do 
    buff <- packV plusone 
    newplusone <- unpackV buff
    print ("result " ++ 
         show ((newplusone::Int->Int) 1 ))
     plusone :: Int ->Int 
     plusone x = x + 1 

Figure 4: Simple example using the serialisation primitives

These primitives, as described in the case study, could potentially be used to implement other extensions to the compiler, e.g., a library for persistent storage. Again, dynamic types could be used to ensure that the computations, when executed, have the right type.

A key issue in a mobile language is to control how much code moves, e.g., should primitives for addition and printing be copied? If the complete representation of the computation is not communicated, the mobile code must dynamically link to code at the destination location. Mobile Haskell provides a simple means of controlling mobility: only modules compiled to bytecode are communicated. Modules like the prelude that are compiled to machine code are not communicated, and are dynamically linked at the destination.

3 Mobility Abstractions

MChannels can be seen as low level mobility constructs for system level programming. In this section we show how mHaskell can be used to implement higherlevel abstractions for mobility.

3.1 MidLevel Abstractions

The mHaskell primitives from section 2.1 enable the programmer to control low level coordination aspects, e.g., communication and synchronisation of computations. It is often more convenient, however, to engineer mobile software at higher levels of abstraction and this section shows how remote thread creation, and remote evaluation, analogous to JavaTM 's RMI [Grosso, 2001] RMI can be defined using the mHaskell primitives.

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Every location in the system should run a remote fork server (startRFork) (Figure 5). The server creates a MChannel with the name of the location in which it is running.

startRFork = do                rfork:: IO () -> HostName -> IO() 
  mch <- newMChannel           rfork io host = do 
  name <- fullHostName           ch <- lookupMChannel host host
  registerMChannel mch name      case ch of 
  rforkServer mch                  Just nmc -> writeMChannel nmc io 
   where                           Nothing -> error "Remote Server 
   rforkServer mch = do                                unavailable" 
   comp <- readMChannel mch 
   forkIO comp 
   rforkServer mch

Figure 5: Implementation of rfork

After that, it keeps reading values from the MChannel and forking threads with the IO actions received. Threads are forked using the forkIO function of Concurrent Haskell: it takes as an argument a value of type IO () and forks a new thread to execute it. If all locations in the system are running this server, the rfork function is easily implemented. The rfork function looks for the channel registered in the startRFork server, and sends the computation to be forked on the remote location host.

A computation can be sent to be evaluated on a remote location using the reval function, which is easily implemented using rfork, as can be seen in Figure 6. The implementation of the reval function uses rfork to execute execMobile on the remote location. execMobile takes two arguments, the first is the computation to be executed on the remote host, and the second is a MChannel used to return the result of the computation. The call to reval blocks reading the value from the MChannel until it is sent by execMobile.

The abstraction provided by reval is similar to that provided by JavaTM's RMI [Grosso, 2001], the difference being that reval sends the whole computation (including its code) to be evaluated on the remote host, and RMI uses proxies (stubs and skeletons) to give access to methods of remote objects.

3.2 Mobility Skeletons

Some of the main advantages of functional languages are the ease of composing computations and the powerful abstraction mechanisms. In separate work [Du Bois et al., 2004b], we have used these techniques to develop parameterisable higher-order functions in mHaskell that encapsulate common patterns of mobile computation, so called mobility skeletons. These skeletons hide the co ordination structure of the code, analogous to algorithmic skeletons [Cole, 1989] for parallelism.

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reval :: IO a -> HostName -> IO a 
reval job host = do 
      mch <- newMChannel
      rfork (execMobile job mch) host 
      result <- readMChannel mch 
      return result
         execMobile :: IO a -> MChannel a -> IO () 
         execMobile job mch = do 
                            resp <- job 
                            writeMChannel mch resp 

Figure 6: The implementation of reval

Mobility skeletons abstract over mobile stateful computations on open distributed networks. In [Du Bois et al., 2004b], we describe three mobility skeletons and use them to implement a distributed meeting planner. The skeletons are: mmap that broadcasts a computation to be executed on a sequence of locations, mfold that describes a computation that visits a set of locations performing an action at each location and combining the results, and mzipper that repeatedly communicates a computation to prefixes of a sequence of locations.

In Figure 7, we give the implementation of mmap: it remotely evaluates its argument f on every host of the list hosts.

mmap :: IO b > [HostName] > IO [b] 
mmap f hosts = mapM (reval f) hosts 

Figure 7: The definition of the mmap skeleton

In Section 5, we identify and implement a new skeleton, the threadFarm.

3.3 Strong Mobility: Mobile Threads

Some languages that support code mobility also support the migration of running computations or strong mobility. mHaskell could be extended with a primitive for transparent strong mobility, i.e., a primitive to explicitly migrate threads:

moveTo :: HostName > IO() 

The moveTo primitive receives as an argument a HostName to where the current thread should migrate. In mobile languages that have native support for continuations (through a construct like call/cc [Friedman and Felleisen, 1995]), a strong mobility construct is easily implemented by capturing the continuation of the current computation and sending it to be executed remotely (as in Kali Scheme [Cejtin et al., 1995]).

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The current implementations of Haskell do not have builtin support for continuations. It is well known how continuations can be elegantly implemented in Haskell using a continuation monad [Wadler, 1993, Claessen, 1999], and using Haskell's support for monadic programming and interaction between monads, a continuation monad can operate together with the IO monad, hence inheriting support for concurrent and distributed programing using Concurrent Haskell and MChannels. In [Du Bois et al., 2005] we describe how strong mobility can be implemented in a language like mHaskell using higherorder channels and a continuation monad.

4 Mobility Examples: Determining Remote Load

Figure 8 shows an mHaskell program that measures the load on a remote location. It starts by creating a new MChannel for the result. Then it forks a remote thread to execute code, and waits for its reply by executing readMChannel. When the thread code is spawned on a remote machine (in the example ushas), it obtains its load using a local function called getLoad, that was previously registered in the resource server:

     registerRes getLoad "getLoad" 

After executing getLoad, it sends the result back to the main program where it is printed.

main = do
  mch <- newMChannel
  rfork (code mch) "ushas.hw.ac.uk"
  load <- readMChannel mch 
  print ("Load on ushas: "++ (show load))
    code :: MChannel Int -> IO () 
    code mch = do
      func <- lookupRes "getLoad" 
      case func of 
       Just gL   -> do 
               load <-gL
               writeMChannel mch load
       _          ->recoverError
  recoverError = (...)

Figure 8: Example 1: Sending code to ushas

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The program in Figure 8 can be extended to get the load of all the hosts of a network, as in Figure 9. It uses the mobility skeleton mmap to broadcast the computation code to all the locations. The code function, is modified to return a Maybe value, so it is possible to detect failures in finding the getLoad resource on the remote locations.

main = do
   load <- mmap code listofmachines 
   print load 
   code :: IO (Maybe Int) 
   code = do 
       func < lookupRes "getLoad" 
       case func of 
        Just gL   -> do 
               load <gL
               return (Just load)
        Nothing >return Nothing

Figure 9: Example 2: Finding the load of a network

5 Case Study

5.1 Stateless Servers

In stateless servers [Halls, 1997], all persistent knowledge about applications is kept in the documents exchanged between clients and servers. Servers and clients are stateless: the server stores the continuation of its application in the document that it returns to the client.

When it receives a new request from a client, it doesn't need to remember anything from the previous interaction, it simply executes the continuation contained in the new input.

Mobile languages are a perfect platform for the implementation of stateless servers because running applications can be saved, communicated and restarted. In this section, we use the serialisation primitives, described in Section 2.4, to implement, following the ideas presented in [Halls, 1997], a stateless web server that keeps the state of its computations in the pages that it sends to browsers, and executes code sent in the clients requests. Furthermore, by using MChannels and a thread farm, we make the web server distributed, using a cluster of machines to process the requests sent by clients.

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Figure 10: A simple counter page

5.2 A Stateless Web Server

As in [Marlow, 2000], the web server is implemented by using a simple main loop, that repeatedly reads requests from a socket and forks threads to process these requests. The main difference occurs when one of the messages contains the code for an application:

    (codeBuffer,args) <- getCode clientMsg
    computation <- unpackV codeBuffer
    responseToClient <- computation args 

In this case, we use the getCode function, that processes the string representing the client request, separating the serialised code in it from the normal arguments in a POST message. The code is unpacked into the heap using the unpackV function, and executed. The computation should generate a new web page with results to be sent back to clients. If further client interaction is required, the web page generated will contain a continuation.

For simplicity we assume that the computation stored in the client has type [(String,String)] -> IO String, where the list argument has the values sent by the client in the POST message. To avoid any type clashes, Haskell's dynamic types could be used to ensure that the computation has the right type.

5.3 A Counter

As an example, we present the implementation of a simple counter web page where the server increments the counter and saves its continuation in the page, as illustrated in Figure 10. The counter is implemented as follows:

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counter :: Int -> [(String,String)] -> IO String 
counter n _ = do
      cs <- counterPage (n+1) (counter (n+1)) 
      return cs 

It takes as an argument its current state (an Int) and uses the counterPage function to generate the response that is sent back to web clients. The counterPage action generates a new web page (a String), that displays the current state of the counter in HTML (its first argument), and uses the packV function to serialise its second argument, that is, the continuation of the computation. The counter just ignores its second argument, the contents of the POST message.

Every time that a browser sends a request for the root document (/) the counter is started with zero:

    str <- counter 0 emptyArg 
    sendResp socket str 

and the page generated by the counter, containing its continuation, is sent back to the client. When the user presses the submit button in the web page (Figure 10), and the POST message arrives in the web server, the continuation is unpacked, run, and a new continuation is sent back to the client.

5.4 A Distributed Web Server

A web server may be overloaded if it receives a huge amount of requests from clients asking to execute computations. In a mobile language it is possible to offload a server by sending computations to be executed on other locations. With mHaskell, it is easy to make the web server distributed: a cluster of machines can be used to execute the computations sent by clients. A thread farm can be used in order to provide roundrobin scheduling of the tasks in the machines available for processing.

The thread farm is implemented using a server that reads actions from an MChannel, and sends these actions to be executed on remote machines that it gets from another MChannel (Figure 11). The threadFarmServer, when started, returns two MChannels, that can be used to dynamically increase the number of computations and machines used in the system. After creating the two MChannels the main thread of the server, serverth, is forked. The server thread reads Maybe (IO()) values from the ioc MChannel. The main thread is stopped once it reads a Nothing from ioc. When the thread finds a value in the MChannel, it gets one remote machine from hostc and starts another thread to handle the execution of the remote computation. The handleCon function starts the remote execution of action on host and, after it completes, host is returned to the MChannel of free machines. Remote evaluation (reval) is used in this case, instead of rfork, because we want to be sure that the remote machine being used in the computation is only returned to the list of free machines once the remote computation has been completed.

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threadFarmServer :: 
        IO (MChannel (Maybe (IO ())), MChannel HostName)
threadFarmServer = do 
   ioc <- newMChannel 
   hostc <- newMChannel 
   forkIO (serverth ioc hostc) 
   return (ioc,hostc) 
    serverth ioc hostc = do 
       v <- readMChannel ioc 
       case v of 
        Just action -> do 
           host <- readMChannel hostc 
           forkIO (handleCon action hostc host) 
           serverth ioc hostc 
        Nothing -> return () 
    handleCon action hostc host= do 
       empty <- reval action host
       writeMChannel hostc host 

Figure 11: The thread farm server

threadFarm :: [IO ()] -> [HostName] -> 
                       IO (MChannel (Maybe (IO ())))
threadFarm comp names = do 
   (ioc,hostc) <- threadFarmServer 
   mapM_ ( writeMChannel hostc) names 
   mapM_ ( writeMChannel ioc . Just ) comp 
   return ioc 

Figure 12: The thread farm

The threadFarm function can be implemented as in Figure 12. It takes as an argument a list of actions to be executed on remote locations, and a list of locations. It returns an MChannel that can be used to send more computations to the thread farm, or to stop the thread farm server by writing a Nothing in it. The threadFarm starts the server and then writes the initial values and locations into their respective channels.

In the case of the web server, the threadFarm can be started with an empty list of computations, and the tfMChannel returned by threadFarm is used to send the computations received from clients to the remote thread server:

tfMChannel <- threadFarm [] listOfMachines

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Computations executed by the threadFarm must have type IO (), but in the case of the web server, the computations received by clients, after given their argument, have type IO String. Furthermore, the web server wants to receive the result of the computation (the String with the page that must be sent to clients) back from the remote location that executed the computation. This is achieved by wrapping the computation in an IO action that executes the computation and sends its result back through a MChannel, as can be seen in this modified version of the program to handle POST messages:

resp < newMChannel 
writeMChannel tfMChannel (Just (execComp resp (computation args)) 
string <readMChannel resp
sendResp socket string
  execComp :: MChannel String -> IO String > IO () 
  execComp ch comp =do 
     str <- comp 
     writeMChannel r str

The computation is sent to the thread farm through the tfMChannel, and it is wrapped in the execComp action, that just executes its argument, and sends its result back to the web server through a channel. Exactly the same approach is used to implement remote evaluation in terms of rfork.

The thread farm implemented in mHaskell is different than a parallel skeleton because the code for the computations does not need to be present in the remote locations, and new locations can be added dynamically to the thread farm.

6 Operational Semantics

This section gives the operational semantics for MChannels by extending the semantics for monadic IO presented in [Peyton Jones, 2001]. The semantics has two levels: an inner denotational semantics for pure terms that is standard and not described here, but could be based, for example, on [Moran et al., 1999]; and an outer transitional semantics describing the IO actions and MChannels. Our extensions only affect the transitional semantics.

Figure 13 gives the syntax of a simple Haskelllike functional language. Describing the syntactic domains, M and N range over Terms and V over Values. A value is something that is considered by the inner, purelyfunctional semantics as evaluated. Primitive monadic IO operations are treated as values, e.g., putChar `c' is a value as no further work can be done on this term in the purelyfunctional world. Variables P, Q and R range over elements of the single-processor state SState and can be threads, MChannels (defined in the extended syntax in Figure 15), a composition of two states using the | combinator, or a restriction of a program state over a variable.

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A thread is an active element where the evaluation occurs, while MChannels, like MVars [Peyton Jones, 2001], are just containers for values that are used during the evaluation.

Figure 13: Syntactic and semantic domains of the basic functional language

To identify the next transition rule to be applied, evaluation contexts are used. An evaluation context is a term with a hole [·], and its syntax is presented in Figure 13. The symbol [·] indicates the location of the hole in an expression and [M ] is used to show that the hole E is being filled by the term M. The basic transition rules for simple monadic actions are presented in Figure 14. The transition from one program state to the next may or may not be labelled by an event, α, representing communication with the external environment, e.g., input (?) or output (!). For a detailed description of the semantics of monadic actions, the reader should refer to [Peyton Jones, 2001].

In Figure 15, we extend the syntactic and semantic domains for IO actions with MChannels. New variables are added to represent MChannel identifiers (c), location names (s), MChannel names (n), and remote references to MChannels (r). The new primitives on MChannels are added to the syntactic domain of the language. The semantic domain is augmented with a data structure representing MChannels, which is recursively defined and uses listlike operations for adding an element to the front and appending an element to the end. We don't give a formal definition of this data structure here, but observe that it is used as a queue. The overall state L is defined as a finite map from location names (s) to singleprocessor states (P). Thus, L(s) = {M}t describes that M is being executed at location s. We write L(s, P) to indicate that the finite map L is extended with the binding s P, shadowing any previously binding of s in L.

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Figure 14: Basic transition rules

Figure 15: Extended syntactic and semantic domains of the language with MChannels

The transition rules for MChannels are presented in Figure 16. Common congruence rules, such as commutativity and associativity of |, follow from the observation that the semantics for Concurrent Haskell [Peyton Jones, 2001] is a special case of our semantics for just one processor. Rule (NEWC) creates a new state with an empty MChannel c, that has no name (ε) and executes in parallel with the current thread.

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Figure 16: Transition rules for the language with MChannels

The (REGC) and (UNREGC) rules set and unset the name n of a MChannel. The readMChannel primitive, reads a term M from a local MChannel. It returns the first element in the structure, and cannot be applied to a remote reference, reflecting the fact that the MChannels are single reader channels: only threads running on the location where the MChannel was created can read from it. The lookupMChannel function, returns a remote reference rn@s' to a remote MChannel at location s', if it exists. Otherwise it should return the value Nothing, but this is left out of the semantics for simplicity. The writeMChannel primitive can be applied to the identifier of a MChannel that runs on the same location or to a remote reference. Rule (WRITECl) specifies that writing to a local MChannel appends the value, M , as the last element. Rule (WRITECr) states that if writeMChannel is executed at location s, and is applied to a reference rn@s' to a channel located at s', the term M is sent to location s' and written into the channel. Before M is communicated the function forceThunks is applied to it which forces the evaluation of pure expressions (thunks) in the graph of the expression M, without executing the monadic actions, and substitutes every occurrence of a MChannel in the graph by a remote reference. The function forceThunks is not formalised here, although it can be defined in the semantics of a language with an explicit heap with thunks such as [Tolmach and Antoy, 2003].

Figure 17 shows the evaluation of the following mHaskell program using the semantics:

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server =newMChannel >>= \mch ->
        registerMChannel mch n >>
        readMChannel mch >>= \io > io 

client =lookupMChannel s' n>>=\mch -> 
   writeMChannel mch hello
     hello = print "Hello "++"World" 

There are two important things to notice in the evaluation. Firstly, the non-determinism of the semantics: as in a real system, if the client looks for a channel before the server registers it, the program fails at the the (LOOKUPC) rule. Secondly in the evaluation of thunks, the strings "Hello " and "World" are concatenated before communication occurs, but IO actions are not evaluated by forceThunks, hence evaluation of print "Hello world" occurs only on the server s'.

Figure 17: Example of evaluation using the semantics

7 Related Work

There are numerous parallel and distributed Haskell extensions, and only those closely related to mHaskell are discussed here. Of these languages, GdH [Pointon et al., 2000] is the closest to mHaskell. The problem with using GdH for mobile computation is that it is defined for closed systems, that is, after a GdH program starts neither locations nor computations can join or leave the computation.

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Haskell with ports [Huch and Norbisrath, 2000] has primitives for communication very similar to the ones presented here, and supports distribution on open systems. The only drawback is that the current implementation of the language only supports communication of firstorder values: functions and IO actions cannot be communicated. Another closely related system is Famke [van Weelden and Plasmeijer, 2002], an implementation of threads for the lazy functional language Clean using monads and continuations, together with an extension for distributed communication using ports. Famke has only a restricted form of concurrency, providing interleaved execution of atomic actions using a continuation monad.

There are other extensions to functional languages that allow the communication of higherorder values. KaliScheme [Cejtin et al., 1995] is an example of a strict, weakly typed language that allows the communication of functions. Other strict, typed languages such as Nomadic Pict [Wojciechowski, 2000], Facile [Knabe, 1995] and Jocaml [Conchon and Fessant, 1999] implement the communication primitives as side effects while we integrate them to the IO monad, preserving referential transparency.

8 Conclusions

In this paper we presented mHaskell, an extension of the purely functional programming language Haskell for the implementation of distributed mobile systems.

mHaskell differs from previous extensions of Haskell in supporting higher order communication in open distributed systems, including the communication of functions, computations and channels. mHaskell extends Concurrent Haskell and makes essential use of higherorder functions, polymorphism and monadic manipulation of computations. We also demonstrated that our basic primitives allow the implementation of more powerful abstractions, e.g. remote thread creation and remote evaluation. Furthermore, common patterns of coordination can be expressed as higherorder functions, or mobility skeletons. To demonstrate the usefulness of mHaskell, we have implemented a stateless web server, and, in earlier work, a distributed meeting planner [Du Bois et al., 2004b]. In these applications the use of mobility skeletons helped to reduce the overall coding effort and to cleanly separate the mobile coordination structure from the purely functional components of the code.

In future work we plan to prove evaluation location and order properties using the operational semantics. We also plan to investigate improving the reliability and security in mHaskell, e.g., modelling Erlangstyle behaviours [Erlang, 2005], using proof carrying code [Aspinall et al., 2004] or distributed versioning of modules [Sewell, 2001]. Another direction for future work is to investigate cost models for our mobility skeletons to predict when and where computations should migrate.

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