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Volume 11 / Issue 1

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-011-01-0122


Gossip Codes for Fingerprinting: Construction, Erasure Analysis and Pirate Tracing

Ravi S. Veerubhotla (Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, India)

Ashutosh Saxena (Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, India)

V. P. Gulati (Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, India)

A. K. Pujari (Department of Computer & Information Sciences, India)

Abstract: This work presents two new construction techniques for q-ary Gossip codes from t-designs and Traceability schemes. These Gossip codes achieve the shortest code length specified in terms of code parameters and can withstand erasures in digital fingerprinting applications. This work presents the construction of embedded Gossip codes for extending an existing Gossip code into a bigger code. It discusses the construction of concatenated codes and realisation of erasure model through concatenated codes.

Keywords: coding and information theory, digital libraries, multimedia information system

Categories: H.1.1, H.3.7, H.5.1