K. dos Santos Brito, V.C. Garcia, E. Santana de Almeida, S.R. de Lemos Meira: LIFT - A Legacy InFormation Retrieval Tool /jucs_14_8/lift_a_legacy_information
R. Colomo-Palacios, E. Fernandes, M. Sabbagh, A. de Amescua Seco: Human and Intellectual Capital Management in the Cloud: Software Vendor Perspective /jucs_18_11/human_and_intellectual_capital
G.M. Giaglis, D. Spinellis: Division of Effort, Productivity, Quality, and Relationships in FLOSS Virtual Teams: Evidence from the FreeBSD Project /jucs_18_19/division_of_effort_productivity
H. Holm, T. Sommestad, U. Franke, M. Ekstedt: Success Rate of Remote Code Execution Attacks - Expert Assessments and Observations /jucs_18_6/success_rate_of_remote