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Volume 9 / Issue 12

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-009-12-1455


Skill Assessment in Problem Solving and Simulated Learning Environments

Luca Stefanutti (Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria)

Dietrich Albert (Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria)

Abstract: Simulated learning environments provide an efficient means for improving individual skills in specific problem solving and learning situations. One crucial aspect of an optimal system for simulated training environments is its capability to keep track of the improvements of the user along the whole training process. In this paper we present a set-theoretical formal framework that can be applied for the efficient assessment of the skills of an individual in a simulated learning environment. The basic concept underlying our approach is that of a functional skill mapping of the simulated learning environment through problem spaces.

Keywords: knowledge structure, problem solving, simulated learning environment, skill assessment

Categories: J.4