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Volume 5 / Issue 9

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-005-09-0610


Synchronization Expressions and Languages

Kai Salomaa (Department of Computing and Information Science, Queen's University Kingston, Canada)

Sheng Yu (Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario London, Canada)

Abstract: Synchronization expressions (SEs) were originally developed as practical high-level constructs for specifying synchronization constraints between parallel processes. The family of synchronization languages was introduced to give a precise semantic description for synchronization expressions. In addition to its use for defining the meaning of SEs, the family of synchronization languages is interesting on its own from a formal languages point of view. We consider two variants of the definition of synchronization languages, and survey characterization results for the language families. Synchronization languages also provide us a systematic approach for the implementation and simplification of SEs.

Categories: F.4.3