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Volume 5

Content of Issue 3
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-005-03
J.UCS Special Issue on Integration of Deduction Systems R. Hähnle, W. Menzel, P. H. Schmitt, W. Reif 50
Integrating Deduction Techniques in a Software Reuse Application T. Baar, B. Fischer, D. Fuchs 52
A Generic Tableau Prover and its Integration with Isabelle L. C. Paulson 73
Connection-Based Theorem Proving in Classical and Non-Classical Logics C. Kreitz, J. Otten 88
Proof Transformations from Search-Oriented into Interaction-Oriented Tableau Calculi G. Stenz, W. Ahrendt, B. Beckert 113
Loop-Detection in Hyper-Tableaux by Powerful Model Generation F. Stolzenburg 135
Agent-Oriented Integration of Distributed Mathematical Services A. Franke, S. M. Hess, C. Jung, M. Kohlhase, V. Sorge 156
Integrating Tps and Omega C. Benzmüller, M. Bishop, V. Sorge 188
Interactive Verification Environments for Object-Oriented Programs J. Meyer, A. Poetzsch-Heffter 208