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Volume 5 / Issue 12

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-005-12-0817


A Note on Bounded-Weight Error-Correcting Codes

Russell Bent (Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester, USA)

Michael Schear (Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester, USA)

Lane A. Hemaspaandra (Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester, USA)

Gabriel Istrate (Center for Nonlinear Studies and CIC-3 Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

Abstract: This paper computationally obtains optimal bounded-weight, binary, error-correcting codes for a variety of distance bounds and dimensions. We compare the sizes of our codes to the sizes of optimal constant-weight, binary, error-correcting codes, and evaluate the differences.

Keywords: bounded-weight codes, constant-weight codes, error-correcting codes, exact solutions, experimental algorithms, heuristic algorithms

Categories: E.4, H.1.1