Fault Injection for Embedded Microprocessor-based Systems
Alfredo Benso
Politecnico di Torino
Dip. Automatica e Informatica
I-10129 Torino, Italy
E-mail: benso@polito.it
Maurizio Rebaudengo
Politecnico di Torino
Dip. Automatica e Informatica
I-10129 Torino, Italy
E-mail: reba@polito.it
Matteo Sonza Reorda
Politecnico di Torino
Dip. Automatica e Informatica
I-10129 Torino, Italy
E-mail: sonza@polito.it
Abstract: Microprocessor-based embedded systems are increasingly
used to control safety-critical systems (e.g., air and railway traffic
control, nuclear plant control, aircraft and car control). In this case,
fault tolerance mechanisms are introduced at the hardware and software
level. Debugging and verifying the correct design and implementation of
these mechanisms ask for effective environments, and Fault Injection represents
a viable solution for their implementation. In this paper we present a
Fault Injection environment, named FlexFI, suitable to assess the correctness
of the design and implementation of the hardware and software mechanisms
existing in embedded microprocessor-based systems, and to compute the fault
coverage they provide. The paper describes and analyzes different solutions
for implementing the most critical modules, which differ in terms of cost,
speed, and intrusiveness in the original system behavior.
Key Words: Fault Injection, Dependability Evaluation, Embedded
microprocessor-based systems
1 Introduction
Our society is facing an increasing dependence on computing systems,
especially in areas where a failure can be critical for the safety of human
beings (e.g., air and railway traffic control, nuclear plant control, aircraft
and car control). Safety-critical systems often incorporate levels of redundancy
to guarantee the correct execution of the service in order to tolerate
or simply signal the presence of possible faults that can cause system
failures. The design and production flow of these systems must be different
from the traditional ones, guaranteeing that the fault tolerant characteristics
are correctly designed and implemented. For these reasons, new CAD tools
and environments are required, which support the designer and production
engineers in the task of realizing really reliable systems.
Fault tolerance and reliability measures can not be evaluated using
benchmark programs and standard test methodologies, but only by observing
the system behavior when a fault appears inside it. Since the MTBF (Mean
Time Between Failure) in a safety-critical system can be of the order
of years, fault occurrence has to be artificially accelerated in order
to observe the system behavior under faults without waiting for the natural
appearance of actual faults.
Fault Injection (FI), the deliberate insertion of faults into
an operational system to observe its response, has been recognized in [ClPr95]
as a powerful technique that allows to validate some dependability characteristics
of a system executing application programs.
Several Fault Injection techniques have been proposed and practically
experimented; they can basically be grouped into simulation-based
techniques [DJPr96], software-implemented techniques
[CMSi95] [KKAb95] [Lovr95],
hardware-based techniques [AAAC90], and hybrid
techniques, where hardware and software approaches are applied together
to optimize the performance [YoIG93].
None of the mentioned approaches seems to be a global solution in terms
of costs, speed, and accuracy, since they are generally targeted to a particular
platform or they consider only particular types of applications. Moreover,
none of them is specifically targeted to embedded microprocessor-based
systems, and they often exploit features (such as Operating System support)
seldom available in these systems. Finally, the introduction of computer-based
devices into safety-critical mass products (e.g., in the automotive area)
requires new approaches to fault-tolerance evaluation, characterized by
a lower cost and an easier applicability.
The goal of this paper is to analyze the main constraints that a FI
environment must satisfy when dealing with microprocessor-based embedded
systems, and to present a FI environment, called FlexFI, which can
be easily customized to the specific needs of the embedded target systems.
FlexFI includes different modules for Fault List Generation and Collapsing,
Fault Injection, and Result Analysis. Most of the Fault Injection code
runs on a host computer, which orchestrates the FI experiments and is connected
to the target system exploiting existing features, normally provided for
debugging purposes. Three versions of FlexFI are presented, based on a
pure software solution, on a hybrid hardware-software approach, and exploiting
the BDM feature existing in many of the most recent Motorola microprocessors
and microcontrollers. The three versions are briefly described (greater
details can be found in [BPRS98], [BCRS98],
and [RSEO99], respectively) and their characteristics
compared: they provide a full range of choices for the fault tolerance
evaluation of an embedded system.
[Section 2] summarizes some background which is
then exploited in the rest of the paper. [Section 3]
outlines the general assumptions and decisions underlying the organization
of the FlexFI system, [Section 4] describes its architecture,
and [Section 5] outlines the characteristics of its
three different versions. [Section 6] summarizes the
characteristics of the three versions, and [Section 7]
draws some conclusions.
2 Background
2.1 The FARM Model
Fault injection allows to validate dependability measures of a target
system constituted by a hardware architecture and a workload
software application.
A good approach to characterize a fault injection environment is to
consider the FARM classification proposed in [AAAC90].
The FARM attributes are the following:
- the set of faults F to be deliberately introduced into
the system
- the set of activation trajectories A that specify the
domain used to functionally exercise the system
- the set of readout R that corresponds to the behavior
of the system
- the set of measures M that corresponds to the dependability
measures obtained trough the fault injection.
The FARM model can be improved by also including the set of workloads
The measures M can be obtained experimentally from a sequence
of fault injection case studies. An injection campaign is composed
of elementary injections, called experiments. In a fault injection
campaign the input domain corresponds to a set of faults F and a
set of activations A, while the output domain corresponds to a set
of readouts R and a set of measures M.
The single experiment is characterized by a fault f selected
from F and an activation trajectory a selected from A in
a workload w from W. The behavior of the system is observed and
constitute the readout r. The experiment is thus characterized by
the triple <f, a, r>. The set of measures M is obtained
in an injection campaign elaborating the set of readouts R for the
workloads in W.
2.2 Fault Injection requirements
The FARM model can be considered as an abstract model that describes
the attributes involved in a fault injection campaign, but it does not
consider the fault injection environment, (i.e., the technique adopted
to perform the experiments). The same FARM set can be applied to different
fault injection techniques. Before presenting our solutions, we focus on
the parameters that should be considered when setting up a Fault Injection
A fault injection system can be evaluated according to its intrusiveness,
speed, and cost.
2.3 Intrusiveness
The intrusiveness is the difference between the behavior of the original
target system and that of the same system when it is the object of a Fault
Injection campaign. Intrusiveness can practically be caused by:
- the introduction of instructions or modules for supporting FI: as an
effect, the sequence of executed modules and instructions is different
with respect to that of the target system when the same activation trajectories
are applied to its inputs.
- changes in the electrical and logical setups of the target system,
which result in a slow-down of the execution speed of the system, or of
some of its components; this means that during the FI campaign the system
shows a different behavior from the temporal point of view; we will call
this phenomenon time intrusiveness.
- differences in the memory image of the target system, which is often
modified by introducing new code and data for supporting the FI campaign.
It is obvious that a good FI environment should minimize intrusiveness,
thus guaranteeing that the computed results can really be extended to the
original target system.
2.4 Speed
A FI campaign normally corresponds to the iteration of a high number
of FI experiments, each focusing on a single fault and requiring the execution
of the target application in the presence of the injected fault. Therefore,
the time required by the whole campaign mainly depends on the number of
considered faults, and on the time required by every single experiment.
In turn, this depends on the time for setting up the experiment, and on
the one for executing the application in the presence of the fault.
The speed of the FI campaign can thus be improved by proceeding along
one or both of the avenues of attack described in the following sub-sections.
2.4.1 Speeding-up the Single FI Experiment
The speed of a fault injection experiment is computed considering the
ratio between the time required by the normal execution (without fault
injection) and the average elapsed time required by a single fault injection
experiment. The increase in the elapsed time is due not only to the time
intrusiveness, but also to all the operations required to initialize the
experiment, to observe the readouts, and to update the measures.
2.4.2 Reducing the Fault List Size
Since in a given time, the number of possible experiments is limited,
a crucial issue when devising a Fault Injection environment is the computation
of the list of faults to be considered. One challenge is to reduce the
large fault space associated with highly integrated systems, improving
sampling techniques and models that equivalently represent the effects
of low-level faults at higher abstraction levels.
The fault list should be representative enough of the whole set of possible
faults that can affect the system, so that the validity of the obtained
results is not limited to the faults in the list itself. Unfortunately,
increasing the size of the Fault List is seldom a viable solution due to
the time constraints limiting the maximum duration of the Fault Injection
experiment. In general, the goal of the Fault List generation process is
to select a representative sub-set of faults, whose injection can provide
a maximum amount of information about the system behavior, while limiting
the duration of the Fault Injection experiment to acceptable values.
2.5 Cost
A general requirement valid for all the possible target systems is that
the cost of the fault injection environment must be as limited as possible,
and negligible with respect to the cost of the system to be validated.
We can consider as a cost the following issues:
- the hardware equipment and the software involved in the fault injection
- the time required to set up the fault injection environment and to
adapt it to the target system.
The first issue is strictly related to the fault injection technique
chosen, whereas the second one implies to define a system as flexible as
possible that can be easily modified when the target system is changed,
and can be easily used by the engineers involved in the fault injection
3 Assumptions
In this Section we report the assumptions (in terms of the FARM model
described in [Section 2]) and choices underlying the
organization of the FlexFI system.
3.1 Set F
It is the set of faults to be injected in a fault injection campaign.
First of all, the fault model has to be selected. This choice is traditionally
made taking into account from one side the need for a fault model which
is as close as possible to real faults, and from the other side the practical
usability and manageability of the selected fault model. Based on these
constraints, the fault model we selected is the transient single bit flip.
This model is frequently used in fault injection tools [KKAb95]
[DJPr96] since it is very similar to the faults occurring
in real systems [Lala85].
In the present version, each fault is characterized by the following
- fault injection time: each fault is injected at the assembly
level, before the execution of an instruction. The fault injection time
is thus expressed in terms of number of instructions executed since the
beginning of the application execution. This choice clearly limits the
set of time instants when a fault can
be injected, but makes easier obtaining full repeatability of each Fault
Injection experiment [Stei98].
- fault location: the address of the memory location or the register
where the fault has to be injected;
- fault mask: the bit mask that selects the bit(s) that has (have)
to be flipped.
Therefore, each fault corresponds to flipping a single bit in a microprocessor
register or in the memory area containing either the code or the data at
a given time instant (e.g., executed instruction) during the program execution.
A golden run experiment is performed in advance and is used as a
reference for fault list generation and collapsing. The golden run can
be obtained assuming a deterministic environment, whose behavior can be
deterministically determined when the input stimuli are given.
Although the fault model adopted in the current version of FlexFI is
the transient single bit flip in memory cells and microprocessor registers,
FlexFI can support a large set of other fault models (e.g., bridging faults,
multiple bit-flip faults, stuck-at faults), provided that they can be injected
through a software procedure.
Faults are located in memory cells and CPU registers, but they do not
mimic only faults in this parts of the system, since they can be equivalent
to faults in other parts of the system such as in the busses, the arithmetic
units and other functional units. For example, a fault that changes the
operand of an add instruction is equivalent to a fault in the cell containing
the operand as well as a fault in the arithmetic unit.
The size of the fault list is a crucial parameter for any kind of Fault
Injection experiment, because it dramatically affects the feasibility and
meaningfulness of the whole Fault Injection experiment. For this reason,
our environment includes a module for fault list collapsing, which
is based on the techniques presented in [BRIM98]. The rules used to reduce
the size of the fault list do not affect the accuracy of the results gathered
through the following Fault Injection experiments, but simply aim at avoiding
the injection of those faults whose behavior can be foreseen a priori.
The validity of the collapsing rules is bounded to the specific Fault Injection
environment which is going to be used, and to the set of input stimuli
the target system is going to receive.
A fault can be removed from the fault list when it can be classified
in one of the following classes:
- it affects the operative code of an instruction and changes it into
an illegal operative code; therefore, the fault is guaranteed
to trigger an Error Detection Mechanism when the instruction is
executed (possibly provided by the processor);
- it affects the code of an instruction after the very last time the
instruction is executed, and it is thus guaranteed not to generate any
effect on the program behavior;
- it affects a memory location containing the program data or a microprocessor
register before a write access or after the very last access; it is thus
guaranteed not to generate any effect on the program behavior;
- it corresponds to flipping the same bit of the code of an instruction
than another fault, during the period between two executions of that instruction;
the two faults thus belong to the same equivalence class, and can
thus be collapsed to a single fault;
- it corresponds to flipping the same bit of a memory location containing
the program data, or a microprocessor register during the same period between
two consecutive accesses of that location than another fault; the two faults
thus belong to the same equivalence class, and can thus be collapsed
to a single fault.
Experimental results gathered with some benchmark programs show that
the average reduction in the fault list size obtained applying the proposed
collapsing techniques is about 40% [BRIM98], considering
an initial fault list composed of a random distribution of faults in the
data memory, code memory, and processor registers.
3.2 Set A
Two important issues relate to this point:
- how to determine an input trajectory to be applied to the target system
during each FI experiment; several proposals have been made to solve this
general problem. In this paper, we do not deal with this problem, but we
limit our interest to the techniques for performing the FI campaign, once
the trajectory is known.
- how to practically apply the trajectory to the system; this issue is
particularly critical when considering embedded system, since they often
own a high number of input signals of different types (digital and analog,
high- and low-frequency, etc.). In general, the only viable solution requires
setting up a suitable environment around the target system, able to excite
it with the right stimuli. This environment is often the same that is used
for performing the behavioral and final testing of the system.
3.3 Set R
This set of information is obtained observing the system behavior during
each fault injection experiment, and identifying the differences with respect
to the fault-free system behavior. Note that all the operations involved
by the observation task should also be minimally intrusive. In the FlexFI
environment all the operations on the target system are controlled by an
external host computer that compares the final state of the system and
the output values with the correct ones computed with the golden run.
By incidence, to evaluate the faulty behavior requires implementing
some time-out mechanism for the identification of faults forcing the system
in endless loops, or forcing it into deadlock conditions.
3.4 Set M
At the end of the FI campaign, a proper tool should build a report concerning
the dependability measures and fault coverage computed on the whole Fault
List. Fault
coverage is defined with respect to some Error Detection Mechanism (EDM).
Microprocessor systems usually provide some mechanisms to detect faults,
such as:
- Hardware EDMs, i.e., system exceptions, built in the processor chip;
- Software EDMs, i.e., software checks, possibly inserted in the target
Faults are classified into one of the following categories:
- No output errors: the fault does not produce any failure;
- Detected by an EDM: the fault triggers a system Exception (such
as illegal instruction, divide by zero, address fault,
access fault, bus error, privilege violation) or a
software EDM. Upon exception triggering, an exception routine is
executed to possibly recover from the error or to halt the system.
- Fail-Silent Violation behavior: the target application terminates
correctly but produces incorrect results;
- Time-out: the number of executed instructions exceeds a user-defined
limit (e.g., because the target application entered into an endless loop).
4 The Fault Injection Environment
4.1 Overall Architecture
The architecture of the FlexFI fault injection environment is shown
in [Fig. 1]. The system is logically composed of the following main modules:
- the Fault List Manager generates the fault list to be injected
into the target system;
- the Fault Injection Manager injects the faults into the target
- the Result Analyzer analyzes the results and produces a report
concerning the whole Fault Injection campaign.
Figure 1: The architecture of the FlexFI system
To minimize the intrusiveness into the target system, the FlexFI system
uses a host computer. All the FI tasks which are not strictly required
to run on the target system are located on the host computer, which also
stores all the data structures (e.g., the Fault List and the output statistics)
required by the FI campaign. The host computer communicates with the target
system by exploiting the features provided by most systems for debugging
purposes (e.g., the serial line handled by a ROM monitor which allows the
debugging of most microprocessors).
4.2 Fault Injection Manager
The Fault Injection Manager (FIM) is the most crucial part in the whole
Fault Injection System. In fact, it is up to the FIM to start the execution
of the target application once for each fault of the list generated by
the Fault List Manager, to inject the fault at the required time and location,
and to observe the system behavior, recovering from any possible failure
(e.g., from hardware generated exceptions). The pseudo-code of the FIM
is reported in [Fig. 2].
void fault_injection_manager()
/* Experiment Control Loop */
for (every fault fi in the fault list)
wait for experiment completion;
Figure 2: Fault Injection Manager pseudo-code.
During the target application execution, a FI scheduler monitors
the advancement of the target program, triggering other FI modules in charge
of injecting the fault (Injector module), observing variable values
in order to classify the faulty behavior (Observer module), or stop
the target application when a time-out condition is reached (Time-out
The pseudo-code of the FI scheduler module is reported in [Fig. 3].
Note that the Observer module refers to an ad hoc data structure, which
contains the list of observation points; for each point, this data structure
contains the name of the variable, the time when the variable should be
observed, as well as the value the variable should have at that time. The
list must be filled by the application programmer based on the knowledge
of the behavior of the application itself.
void F_I_scheduler()
if (instr_counter==fault.time)
for (i=0; i<num_of_observation_points; i++)
if (instr_counter==observation_time[i])
trigger(observer(observed_variable[i], value[i]));
if (instr_counter>max_time)
Figure 3: Pseudo-code of the Scheduler module.
In order to allow the FIM to maintain the control over the FI campaign,
a mechanism has to be devised and implemented to handle the case, in which
a hardware exception is activated, and the target application is consequently
interrupted. The target system Exception handling procedures have to be
suitably modified for this purpose, so that they first communicate to the
FIM the type of triggered exception, and then return the control to it
(instead of the interrupted instruction).
It is worth underlying the importance of the experiment initialization
phase: the effects of the fault injected during an experiment should never
affect the behavior of the target application when the following experiment
is performed; for this reason, the FI system must restore the environment
for the target application execution as a preliminary phase of each experiment.
One safe (but slow) way to do so is to restore the full memory image of
the application (code and data) and the values of all the relevant system
variables. The main issue when implementing this restoring task is to limit
its time duration as much as possible, in order to reduce the time requirement
of the global FI campaign.
In the following, we will present different techniques for implementing
these modules in an embedded system.
5 Implementation Issues
After having described the general architecture of the FlexFI system,
we now propose three different solutions for implementing it, taking into
account the constraints specified in [Section 3]. The
three solutions differ in terms of intrusiveness, speed, and cost, thus
offering a full range of possible choices for dealing with fault-tolerant
embedded systems:
- Software-based solution [BPRS98]: it adopts a software-based
technique which exploits the trace exception mode available in most microprocessors;
it represents a low-cost approach, whose main limitations are the time
intrusiveness and the relatively high slow-down factor.
- Hybrid solution [BCRS99]: it is based
on a hybrid technique in which faults are injected via software by means
of an interrupt procedure triggered by an extra hardware board; time intrusiveness
is very limited in this case, at the cost of developing a custom hardware
module devoted to FI.
- BDM-based solution [RSEO99]: it exploits
the Background Diagnostic Mode [Moto96] existing
in many of the most recent microprocessor and microcontroller kernels produced
by Motorola. The advantages of hardware solutions are reached in this case
by simply exploiting a feature provided for free by the processor. Nevertheless,
being customized on a particular microprocessor feature, porting this approach
on a different platform can be a very difficult task.
Each of the three solutions has been implemented in a prototypical version
to practically evaluate its characteristics. Details are now provided on
the resulting prototypical tools.
5.1 Software-based Solution
5.1.1 Description
This solution exploits the Trace Mode facility existing in most microprocessors
for implementing the FI scheduler: thanks to the trace mechanism, a small
procedure (corresponding to the FI scheduler) can be activated after the
execution of any application assembly instruction with minimum intrusiveness
in the system behavior (apart from a slow-down in the application performance).
The proposed approach is similar to the ProFI tool [Lovr95],
with the main difference that the fault injection experiment is completely
executed by the microprocessor without any simulation.
The FI scheduler procedure is in charge of counting the number
of executed instructions and verifying whether any FI module reached its
activation point. When proper, the procedure activates one of the following
modules, each corresponding to a software procedure stored on the target
- the Injector module, which is activated when the fault injection
time is reached.
- the Time-out module, which is activated when a predefined threshold
in terms of number of executed instructions is reached, and stops the target
application, returning the control to the FIM located on the host.
- The Observer module, which is in charge of observing the value
of target application variables, thus checking whether the application
is behaving as in the fault-free fashion or not. When differences are observed,
these are communicated to the FIM through the serial interface. The observer
module is activated at proper times, depending on the target application
5.1.2 Prototypical Version
We implemented a software-based version of FlexFI for a commercial M68KIDP
Motorola board [Moto92b]. This board hosts a M68040
microprocessor with a 25Mhz frequency clock, 2 Mbytes of RAM memory, 2
RS-232 Serial I/O Channels, a Parallel Printer Port, and a bus-compatible
Ethernet card. To guarantee a deterministic behavior the internal caches
have been disabled during the FI campaign.
The Fault Injection Manager is composed of the scheduler procedure,
which amounts to about 50 Assembly code lines, of the modified Exception
handling routine, which needs about 10 Assembly code lines more than the
original one, and of the Initialization procedure, which is written partly
in ISO-C and partly in Assembly language and globally amounts to about
200 source lines. Due to the high modularity of the FIM code, the task
of adapting it to a new application program can easily be accomplished.
When run on some sample benchmark applications, this version of FlexFI
showed a slow-down factor due to Fault Injection of about 25 times.
The software-based version of FlexFI is the most general one (the approach
can be implemented on virtually any system) and does not require any special
hardware, thus being very inexpensive.
On the other side, this approach has some drawbacks:
- there is some code intrusiveness, due to the need for storing the scheduler
procedure, as well as the Injector, Observer, and Time-out procedures,
in the target system memory
- there is also some data intrusiveness, since some small data structures,
such as the one for storing the information about the current fault and
the observation points, must also be stored in the target system memory
- forcing the target system to work in Trace mode causes a very high
degradation in the execution speed of the application program; thus preventing
this approach from being used with real-time embedded systems.
5.2 Hybrid Solution
5.2.1 Description
This solution overcomes the major drawbacks of the previous software-based
solution, at the cost of introducing some custom hardware. An external
board is exploited during the Fault Injection experiment to implement the
The board is equivalent to a low-cost and specialized logic-analyzer.
It is connected to the target system bus and is able to count the number
of executed instructions by monitoring the values on the processor status
pins. When one of the
pre-defined points is reached, the board activates an interrupt protocol
and triggers the proper FI module. Running concurrently with the target
processor, the board avoids the overhead introduced by the software-based
version. Therefore, the execution speed of the target system is not changed
during the FI experiment, and the environment can be effectively exploited
for evaluating real-time applications.
The board can work in two different modes:
- in off-line mode, it acts as a peripheral device, and can properly
receive and react to read and write commands from the target system CPU
- in on-line mode, it continuously monitors the processor status
pins, and counts the number of executed instructions from the last start
command; as soon as the instruction counter matches the injection time,
the board sends an interrupt to the processor. The interrupt handling routine
is in charge of injecting the fault.
During the experiment initialization phase, the host computer must program
the board by sending it the following commands:
- set_injection: it defines the fault injection time, i.e.,
the number of executed instructions before the fault injection
- set_timeout: it defines the time-out threshold, i.e., the
maximum number of instructions that can be executed before stopping the
- set_observation_point: it defines an observation point, corresponding
to a 3-uple composed of an observation time (in terms of number of instructions),
a variable address, and a variable value.
- start: the board begins to count the instructions executed
by the processor
- stop: the board becomes idle and waits for other commands
to start the next experiment.
At the end of every fault injection experiment (no matter its result),
the control returns to the Fault Injector Manager, which classifies the
fault according to the observed system behavior and updates the statistics
stored on the host computer.
5.2.2 Prototypical Version
We implemented a prototypical version of the board, which is customized
for a MC68040 microprocessor. The FI board has then been evaluated on the
same commercial M68KIDP Motorola system used for the software-based version
of FlexFI described in the previous subsection. In our implementation,
the board is a memory-mapped device, thus allowing the CPU to program and
control it through simple memory writes and read instructions. The board
has been implemented using two Programmable Logic Devices, thus guaranteeing
its re-programmability and flexibility. The board includes 2 Xilinx XC3130
FPGAs, a 256K x 56 bits memory, and some glue logic. Although in the current
version the board has been customized for a MC68040 microprocessor, the
same approach can be followed for other microprocessors, provided that
they make status information available through the pins.
When run on sample benchmark applications, the hybrid version of FlexFI
showed a slow-down factor which was almost exclusively due to the time
required by the
experiment initialization phase, thus strongly dependent on the size
of the memory image of the target applications, and on the speed of the
communication link between the target system and the host computer. The
external board does not introduce any slow-down on the system clock of
the target system, thus it is not time intrusive.
The intrusiveness of the fault injection process into the target system
from the time point of view is practically removed so that this version
of the FlexFI system can be adopted to deal with real-time embedded systems.
On the negative side, this solution requires the design and implementation
of a hardware device which must match the characteristics of a specific
target system.
5.3 BDM-based Solution
The most recent Motorola's microprocessors and microcontroller devices
feature a special mode of operation called Background Debugging Mode (BDM)
[Moto96]. When enabled, this mode allows an external
host processor to control the internal microcontroller unit (MCU) and access
both memory and I/O devices via a simple serial interface. BDM was
originally introduced to easy code development and debugging, but is also
well suited for supporting the implementation of efficient and barely intrusive
Fault Injection Systems.
During the fault injection experiment, the application program is executed
in debugging mode and BDM is in charge of resetting the system, downloading
the application target program, executing the fault injection, and triggering
a possible time-out condition. The method allows the injection of faults
both in the memory image of the process (data and code) and in the internal
registers of the processor.
To allow BDM to perform fault injection, the injection time is converted
in the following format:
- Instruction address: the address of the instruction to be interrupted
for fault injection
- Instruction repetition: the number of times n the considered
instruction has to be executed before injecting the fault.
During the experiment initialization, the FIM sets a breakpoint at the
instruction corresponding to the considered fault. Thanks to the above
mentioned breakpoint, the scheduler process is activated at every
execution of the instruction where the fault has to be injected. At its
n-th activation, the scheduler activates the injector. Note that
in this version the scheduler is a software module running on the host
computer, while the injector corresponds to a single BDM command that modifies
the memory location or user register determined by the content of the fault
location field.
After the fault has been injected in the system, its behavior has to
be observed, and the differences with respect to the fault-free system
behavior have to be identified. When temporal constraints are not the main
concern, this can be done by observing the values of some specified variables
when a given point in the target program
execution is reached. A suitable sequence of BDM commands has been included
in the observer module. Preliminarily, a breakpoint is set each
time a variable or register must be observed: every time one of these breakpoints
is reached, the scheduler is activated, that in turns issues a BDM command,
which accesses the variable or register value and verifies whether it corresponds
to the fault-free value or not.
Also the Time-out module is managed by BDM and programmed by
the host processor. A BDM command sets the watchdog period to a
time exceeding the one needed by the fault-free execution. If the program
is still running when the watchdog period limit is reached, it is stopped,
the fault is classified as "time-out", and the experiment continues
by injecting the next fault in the list.
5.3.1 Practical Experience
A prototypical version of the described Fault Injection environment
has been implemented on the commercial Evaluation Board LA-7902 produced
by Lauterbach GmbH. This board hosts a MC68332 microcontroller with a 16Mhz
frequency clock, 128 kbytes of RAM memory and a V.24 interface. The BDM
interface is managed by the TRACE32-ICD commercial tool produced by Lauterbach
GmbH. The host computer is an 80486 PC, running Microsoft Windows95 Operating
The whole Fault Injection system is composed of about 500 lines of BDM
program written in the PRACTICE language and running on the host computer.
Apart from the module implementing the observer module, the system
can be easily adapted to deal with any target application program.
When running it on the usual benchmark applications, we observed two
kinds of slow-down phenomena. The first one is due to the time required
by the experiment initialization phase, and is dependent on the size of
the memory image of the target application, which is downloaded on the
target system before every FI experiment starts. The second one is due
to the fact that forcing the microprocessor into the BDM mode causes its
clock to slow-down by a factor of about 2 times.
The approach is minimally intrusive in terms of code modification: the
only required modification on the application software is the one concerning
Exception procedures. It is also easily portable from one system to another,
provided that BDM availability is given. Similar (and even more general)
debugging features are supported by other microprocessor families, and
can effectively be exploited for Fault Injection purposes [CMSi95].
A certain slow-down in the execution time of the target application
can be observed, mainly due to the slow-down on the system clock forced
by the activation of the BDM mode. Due to this fact, this approach can
hardly be exploited with real-time applications.
6 Summary
In this Section we provide the reader with a comparative overview of
the different versions of the FlexFI system, gathering the results of the
practical experiences we made with our prototypical system.
First of all, [Tab. 1] summarizes the ways the critical modules of the
FIM are implemented in the three versions. FW stands for firmware, being
the BDM commands implemented in the microcode of the processor. Experiment
initialization mainly aims at rebuilding the proper environment for the
fault to be injected, by downloading from the host computer the target
application memory image in the system and setting up the system variables.
FI scheduler
ROM Monitor
ROM Monitor
Table 1: implementation solutions for the mail modules of the
[Tab. 2] summarizes the main characteristics of the three versions in
terms of cost (for equipment and for development), intrusiveness, and speed.
for equipment
for development
SW-based |
Hybrid |
BDM-based |
Table 2: comparing the characteristics of the three versions
of the FlexFI system.
[Tab. 2] shows that the three versions of the FlexFI system, although
easily interchangeable within the environment, have complementary characteristics,
thus providing the designer with a high flexibility in choosing solution
which is best suited to his needs.
7 Conclusions
When evaluating the fault tolerance mechanisms of embedded microprocessor-based
systems used in safety-critical applications, the designer needs a suitable
environment allowing to effectively perform FI experiments.
The paper describes the architecture of the FlexFI system, which is
particularly suited for embedded microprocessor-based systems, and whose
main characteristic is that it is customizable to the specific needs of
the considered application. In particular, we presented three versions
of FlexFI, which allow the designer to chose the best
solution in terms of cost, intrusiveness, and speed of the FI experiments.
Prototypical implementations of the three versions have been built to verify
their feasibility and effectiveness, and a comparison between their characteristics
has been reported.
Further work is currently being done to improve FlexFI from the user
friendliness point of view, and to evaluate it on other applications.
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