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Volume 23 / Issue 11

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-023-11-1035


Big Data in Cross-Disciplinary Research

Giangiacomo Bravo (Linnaeus University, Sweden)

Mikko Laitinen (Linnaeus University and University of Eastern Finland, Sweden)

Magnus Levin (Linnaeus University, Sweden)

Welf Löwe (Linnaeus University, Sweden)

Göran Petersson (Linnaeus University, Sweden)

Abstract: The ubiquity of sensor, computing, communication, and storage technologies provides us with access to previously unknown amounts of data - Big Data. Big Data has revolutionized research communities and their scientific methodologies. It has, for instance, innovated the approaches to knowledge and theory building, validation, and exploitation taken in the engineering sciences. The humanities and social sciences even face a paradigm shift away from data-scarce, static, coarse-grained and simple studies towards data-rich, dynamic, high resolution, and complex observations and simulations. The present focused topic presents investigations from different research fields in which the focus is either on utilizing Big Data or charting the benefits of using such evidence in basic research.

Keywords: big data

Categories: E.0, E.m, H.3, H.4.m, I.6, J.4, J.5