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Volume 17 / Issue 2

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-017-02-0332


Enhancement of Collaborative Learning Activities using Portable Devices in the Classroom

Carlos Hurtado (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

Luis A. Guerrero (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)

Abstract: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning could highly impact education around the world if the proper Collaborative Learning tools are set in place. In this paper we describe the design of a collaborative learning activity for teaching Chemistry to Chilean students. We describe a PDA-based software tool that allows teachers to create workgroups in their classrooms in order to work on the activity. The developed software tool has three modules: one module for teachers, which runs on a PC and lets them create the required pedagogical material; second, there is a PDA module for students which lets them execute the activity; finally, a third module allows the teacher set workgroups and monitor each workgroup during the activity.

Keywords: CSCL, PDAs, learning activities design

Categories: K.3, K.3.0, K.3.1, L.6.2, L.7.0