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Volume 17 / Issue 2

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-017-02-0164


Developing a Mobile Collaborative Tool for Business Continuity Management

Claudio Sapateiro (Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal)

Nelson Baloian (University of Chile, Chile)

Pedro Antunes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Gustavo Zurita (University of Chile, Chile)

Abstract: We describe the design of a mobile collaborative tool that helps teams managing critical computing infrastructures in organizations, a task that is usually designated Business Continuity Management. The design process started with a requirements definition phase based on interviews with professional teams. The elicited requirements highlight four main concerns: collaboration support, knowledge management, team performance, and situation awareness. Based on these concerns, we developed a data model and tool supporting the collaborative update of Situation Matrixes. The matrixes aim to provide an integrated view of the operational and contextual conditions that frame critical events and inform the operators’ responses to events. The paper provides results from our preliminary experiments with Situation Matrixes.

Keywords: business continuity management, collaboration support, situation awareness

Categories: H.1.2