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Volume 16

Content of Issue 18
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-016-18
Computability and Complexity in Analysis A. Bauer, P. Hertling, K.-I. Ko 2495
Canonical Effective Subalgebras of Classical Algebras as Constructive Metric Completions A. Bauer, J. Blanck 2496
A Constructive Study of Landau's Summability Theorem J. Berger, D.S. Bridges 2523
Realisability for Induction and Coinduction with Applications to Constructive Analysis U. Berger 2535
On Choice Principles and Fan Theorems H. Diener, P. Schuster 2556
The Separation of Relativized Versions of P and DNP for the Ring of the Reals C. Gaßner 2563
Isometries and Computability Structures Z. Iljazović 2569
Semantics of Query-Driven Communication of Exact Values M. Konečný, A. Farjudian 2597
Compositional Semantics of Dataflow Networks with Query-Driven Communication of Exact Values M. Konečný, A. Farjudian 2629
From Computing Sets of Optima, Pareto Sets, and Sets of Nash Equilibria to General Decision-Related Set Computations V. Kreinovich, B.J. Kubica 2657
How Incomputable is Finding Nash Equilibria? A. Pauly 2686
A Note on Closed Subsets in Quasi-zero-dimensional Qcb-spaces M. Schröder 2711
Computable Separation in Topology, from T0 to T2 K. Weihrauch 2733