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Volume 16 / Issue 17

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-016-17-2374


Systematic Management of Variability in UML-based Software Product Lines

Edson A. Oliveira Junior (University of Sã Paulo, Brazil)

Itana M. S. Gimenes (State University of Maringá, Brazil)

José C. Maldonado (University of Sã Paulo, Brazil)

Abstract: This paper presents SMarty, a variability management approach for UMLbased software product lines (PL). SMarty is supported by a UML profile, the SMartyProfile, and a process for managing variabilities, the SMartyProcess. SMartyProfile aims at representing variabilities, variation points, and variants in UML models by applying a set of stereotypes. SMartyProcess consists of a set of activities that is systematically executed to trace, identify, and control variabilities in a PL based on SMarty. It also identifies variability implementation mechanisms and analyzes specific product configurations. In addition, a more comprehensive application of SMarty is presented using SEI's Arcade Game Maker PL. An evaluation of SMarty and related work are discussed.

Keywords: Profile, Stereotypes, UML-based Software Product Lines, Variability Management

Categories: D.2, D.2.10, D.2.2