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Volume 13 / Issue 11

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-013-11-1540


Equivalent Transformations of Automata by Using Behavioural Automata

Gabriel Ciobanu (gabriel@info.uaic.ro, Romania)

Sergiu Rudeanu (University of Bucharest, Romania)

Abstract: This paper uses category theory to emphasize the relationships between Mealy, Moore and Rabin-Scott automata, and the behavioural automata are used as a unifying framework. Some of the known links between Mealy, Moore and RabinScott automata are translated into isomorphisms of categories, and we also show how behavioural automata connect to these automata. Considering the distinction between final and sequential behaviours of an automaton, we define a sequential version of Mealy automata and study its relationship to behavioural automata.

Keywords: Mealy, Moore and Rabin-Scott automata, behavioural automata, category theory, final and sequential behaviours of automata, semiautomata

Categories: F.1, F.1.1