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Volume 12 / Issue 9

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-012-09-1278


Construction of Wavelets and Applications

Ildikó László (Eöotvös Lóránd University Budapest, Hungary)

Ferenc Schipp (Eötvöos Lóránd University Budapest, Hungary)

Samuel P. Kozaitis (FIT, USA)

Abstract: A sequence of increasing translation invariant subspaces can be defined by the Haar-system (or generally by wavelets). The orthogonal projection to the subspaces generates a decomposition (multiresolution) of a signal. Regarding the rate of convergence and the number of operations, this kind of decomposition is much more favorable then the conventional Fourier expansion.

In this paper, starting from Haar-like systems we will introduce a new type of multiresolution. The transition to higher levels in this case, instead of dilation will be realized by a two-fold map. Starting from a convenient scaling function and two-fold map, we will introduce a large class of Haar-like systems. Besides others, the original Haar system and Haar-like systems of trigonometric polynomials, and rational functions can be constructed in this way. We will show that the restriction of Haar-like systems to an appropriate set can be identified by the original Haar-system.

Haar-like rational functions are used for the approximation of rational transfer functions which play an important role in signal processing [Bokor1 1998, Schipp01 2003, Bokor3 2003, Schipp 2002].

Keywords: Haar-like systems, image processing, multiresolution, signal processing, wavelets

Categories: F.2.1, G.1, I.4