A Collaborative Biomedical Research System
Adel Taweel
(University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Alan Rector
(University of Manchester, Manchester UK
Jeremy Rogers
(University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Abstract: The convergence of need between improved clinical care
and post genomics research presents a unique challenge to restructuring
information flow so that it benefits both without compromising patient
safety or confidentiality. The CLEF project aims to link-up heath care
with bioinformatics to build a collaborative research platform that enables
a more effective biomedical research. In that, it addresses various barriers
and issues, including privacy both by policy and by technical means, towards
establishing its eventual system. It makes extensive use of language technology
for information extraction and presentation, and its shared repository
is based around coherent "chronicles" of patients' histories
that go beyond traditional health record structure. It makes use of a collaborative
research workbench that encompasses several technologies and uses many
tools providing a rich platform for clinical researcher.
Keywords: cancer, computerized patient records, natural language
processing, bioinformatics, privacy, confidentiality, security, electronic
health records
Category: K.6.5,
J.3, I.2.7,
I.5.0, I.7.0,
H.3.1, H.3.3,
H.3.4, H.3.5,
H.5.2, K.4.1
1 Introduction
Our rapidly increasing ability to gather information at the molecular
level has not been matched by improvements in our ability to gather information
at the patient level. There is a strong convergence of need between current
trends towards safer more evidence based patient care (e.g. [Kohn
2000]) and current trends in post-genomic research1
which seek to link molecular level processes to the progress of disease
and the outcome of treatment . Both need to be able to answer the questions:
What happened and why? What was done and why.
on genomics ? the study of genes and their functions- for translating the
outcomes of the humane genome project into medical discoveries.
Simple though these questions may seem, they remain difficult to answer
without recourse to manual examination of patients' notes ? a time consuming
process whether the notes are electronic or paper. Yet without answers
to these questions, it is difficult either to measure the quality of care
or to investigate the factors affecting onset and recurrence of disease.
The Clinical E-Sciences Framework (CLEF) project seeks to address key
barriers to answering those questions. Its prime objective is to produce
an end-to-end cycle that both improves information for patient care and
results in a growing repository of pseudonymised patient data linked to
genetic and genomic information that can be safely shared for biomedical
research. The emerging design presents a vision of effective safe information
management serving both patient care and biomedical research.
However there are various barriers and issues that need to be removed
or addressed before this can be accomplished. We categorise the key barriers
and/or requirements as follows:
- Privacy, consent, and security — at all levels: policy, organisational
structure, and technical implementation.
- Information capture — information extracted from text as well as collected
from structured records, reports, and results.
- Information integration and 'chronicalisation' — to infer from
a coherent history of events from the hundreds of diverse documents that
make up the raw material of the patient record.
- Information querying, analysis, presentation and
summarisation — to make the information easily accessible to
both practising clinicians and biomedical researchers with minimal
specialist training.
- Knowledge resources — to recognise the significance and interrelationships
of events.
- Standards for both data and metadata — to permit effective information
sharing and re-use.
Initially, the project focuses on cancer as a pilot area, however it
aims to provide a model that might be used in many disciplines. Cancer
has the obvious advantages of immediate links to post-genomic research
and overall importance in the strategy of the NHS and most other health
systems. However, there are two less obvious features of cancer that make
it a useful test case for prototype systems.
- Cancer patients are seen repeatedly and their records summarised repeatedly,
thereby giving rise to texts' repetition that enhances the results of information
- Cancer follows a relatively stereotyped course with clear index events:
diagnosis, recurrence, death etc, which make alignment of patient histories
relatively straightforward.
Various methods and technologies are used in the project to address
these barriers, issues or requirements. The rest of the paper attempts
to describe these methods and technologies in more details.
2 Information flow
The requirements and technologies are best understood in the context
of the information flow that has emerged from the design process and is
shown in Figure 1.
Starting with the "Patient care and dictated text" at the
top of the diagram, the flow is:
- Capture of the information. Some information comes from
dictated and transcribed text. Other information comes directly from
hospital information systems — e.g. laboratory results,
prescriptions, etc. Initially the project focuses data drawn from one
or two hospitals to limit complexities of required ethical approvals
and diversities across medical record systems and rather enabling a
potentially better focus on the concepts of the chosen pilot
- Pseudonymisation of all information at the originating
hospital by removal of overt identifying items — name, date of
birth, etc — and by providing a CLEF entry identifier that can
only be reversed by the provider (or their nominated trusted third
- Depersonalisation of the texts to remove any residual
information that might risk identification — e.g. names
of relatives, nick names, place names, unusual occupations, etc. Hence
a requirement for reliable scalable techniques that are efficient,
have high precision and able to handle different types of (input) data
or text formats.
- Information extraction of key information from the texts into
predefined "templates", possibly with the help of the context
provided by the information already in the repository hence the requirement
for the next point.
- Integration into the health record repository of all information
including laboratories, radiology, and genomic analyses.
- Constructing the chronicle to infer a coherent view of the patient's
history. Typically the same information occurs in many different documents
with different levels of granularity, clarity and sometimes conflicts that
must be reconciled.

Figure 1: Basic CLEF Information Flow
From this point the information can go in two directions.
- For patient care — back to the clinicians in the form of summaries
and reports for patient care which can be re-identified by the hospital,
providing a concise up-to-date summary of a patients' condition drawn from
the provided patient information. This is a prime request of clinicians
for improving patient care, for instance. Because it requires re-identification
of patients, this step can only occur at the hospital and after security
controls have been stringently tested and agreed to be adequate. The project
currently focuses on clinical data drawn from the Royal Marsden Hospital
(RMH) to develop its initial theory, technologies and tools. Scaling up
and generalising the project developed technologies to other hospitals,
and domains is a next phase of the project.
- For clinical research — on to the repository to be queried by
researchers using the collaborative research workbench.
Another potential direction for the information flow is that the information
can be further enriched by the results of researchers' queries, their workflows,
interpretations, curation and links to external information and thus becomes
the basis for virtual communities of researchers.
3 Methods and Technologies
The focus is on the specific technologies which are currently barriers
to obtaining and integrating clinical information. The following describes
the used methods and technologies to overcome the obstacles outlined above.
It relates to each of the respective parts of the information flow diagram
shown in Figure 1, except that of the privacy and confidentiality
where it was set as a policy framework in the project that took a significant
amount of effort and time to complete the process, which as a repercussion
caused delays in the initial stages of the project.
3.1 Security, privacy, confidentiality, and consent
As it is clear from the "stop signs" in Figure
1, much of the infrastructure involves privacy and security. The overarching
requirement is a policy and oversight framework for privacy and consent.
No technical solution can be perfect, so confidence in the organizational
measures is the most critical single criterion for success.
Furthermore, no technical solution can succeed without vigilance. A
key part of the policy is the obligation of care for all researchers to
report potential hazards to privacy as part of the routine use of the repository
coupled with technical measures to make it easy to do so.
However, technical measures are required and the requirements potentially
conflict. Pseudonymous identifiers must be secure but must also support
a) linking from multiple sources, b) re-identification with consent by
the healthcare provider c) withdrawal or modification of consent by the
patient. Both initial pseudonymisation and re-identification must be done
solely within the hospital providing the information. Therefore, two stages
of pseudonymisation are at least envisaged: one for entry from the hospital
level, a second for linkage and use within the repository itself. Combinations
of trusted third parties and techniques from e-commerce (e.g. [Zhang
2000]) are being investigated. The project will eventually modify or
develop it own algorithms suitable to the structure of the input data.
Currently, to facilitate a fast transfer of raw data to the rest of the
project, a non-sophisticated algorithm is used to pseudonymise the data
at the hospital or data source. It removes mainly the patient identifying
fields from patients records. This has been developed by the hospital
to "fit" with the structure of its data and the deployed electronic
record system.
The use of text extraction requires that special attention be paid
to removing identifiers from text using language technology — a
process we term "depersonalisation" which uses well
established techniques from "named entity extraction" [Gaizauskas 2003b] and related techniques [Taira 2002]. At the first stage, the corpus of
records from deceased patients is used to check the effectiveness of
the depersonalisation mechanisms, as a condition before using the
records of live patients. A preliminary progress has been in the
project towards this goal, however several formative implementations
and evaluations of the natural language based technique are yet to be
done. [Gaizauskas 2003b] provides further
The other side of the issue is the employment of statistical disclosure
control technology (as a privacy enhancing technique) [Elliot
2002] to monitor and blur the output of queries to reduce the risk
of deliberate or accidental re-identification through queries of the pseudonymised
repository. No matter how well pseudonymised, de-identified and depersonalised,
there is always a risk that personal data can be re-identified through
sophisticated cross referencing, statistical or data mining techniques.
This risk of such re-identification is well established and techniques
to combat it are developing rapidly [Elliot 2002,
Lin 2002, Murphy 2002, Sweeney
2002]. This technology focuses heavily on the assessment of risk in
single, static and cross-sectional datasets [Cox 2001,
Domingo-Ferrer 2001]. A systematic risk assessment
disclosure control methodology [Cox 2001] for the
additional risks posed by multiple table releases will be employed
to further to reduce the risk of re-identification.
Privacy is relative to risk and consent. All records in the repository
contain detailed metadata on the level of consent granted for their use
by patients. In fact, the project is significantly contributing to the
existing efforts on creating agreed standards for metadata on consent within
the community. See [Kalra 2003] a more detailed description
of the privacy, confidentiality and security framework.
3.2 Information Extraction & Language Technology
Doctors dictate. Much of the key information in clinical records continues,
and will continue for the foreseeable future, to be contained in unstructured
or at best minimally structured texts. Hence a major part of CLEF is devoted
to adapting and evaluating mechanisms for information extraction from text
[Gaizauskas 1996, Friedman 2002].
Four features of the cancer domain make information extraction feasible:
a) the very limited sublanguage, even more so than for medicine as a
whole [Friedman 2002];
b) much of the specialised information is in common with molecular biology
which is a major target for current text extraction efforts e.g.
[Swanson 1997, Gaiszauskas 2003b];
c) the well defined list of index events and signs that allows the template
for extraction to be well defined;
d) the existence of multiple reports for most events.
The existence of multiple reports is particularly important and has
not been widely noted elsewhere to the best of our knowledge. Cancer patients
are seen over a long period of time and their records summarized repeatedly
so that there are many parallel or near parallel texts — often 150 or more
text documents per patient. What may be unclear or ambiguous in one text
can be refined from others. This is particularly important when dealing
with records from a referral hospital where the system will usually start
in the "middle of the story". For example, first document might
simply mention breast cancer in the past, concentrating on the current
recurrence. A summary, later, might give a date for a mastectomy but no
details of the tumour type.
Eventually, perhaps after information from the referring hospital was
received, a definitive statement of the time, tumour, spread, and treatment
might be found. A more detailed description of the information extraction
process can be found in [Gaizauskas 2003a].
3.3 "Chronicalisation", Repository and Integration
At the heart of architecture is the central EHR repository and "chronicle".
The need for creating the "chronicle" came out of the classic
problem of electronic health records, i.e. to maintain a faithful, secure,
non-repudiatable record of what healthcare workers have heard, seen thought
and done [Rector 1995]. The EHR repository follows
standards designed to achieve these aims — e.g. OpenEHR [Ingram
1995], CEN standard 13606 [CEN/TC 2003], and associated
development of "archetypes"[Beale 2002].
However, the central issue for this research is different to infer a
single coherent view of each patients' history from the myriad documents
and data in the EHR and to align them with other similar patients in aggregates
for querying and research.
Furthermore, our interest is not only in the literal information in
the documents but in their clinical significance not only what was done
but why. It is not enough to know that the report of a bone scan
claimed "only osteoporotic changes". It is necessary to recognise
that this indicates that there are "no bony metastases found".
It is not enough to know that the patient was taken off chemotherapy, it
is important to know what side effect or concurrent illness intervened.
The compilation of a single coherent "chronicle" for each
patient from distributed heterogeneous information that makes up the
medical record is a major task. At one level, the chronicle provides a
clear presentation to clinicians and researchers of the course of one
patient's illness as shown in Figure 2. At another
they are data structures which can be easily aligned on "index
events" — diagnosis, first treatment, relapse, etc.- and
aggregated for statistical analysis to answer questions such as
"Of patients with breast cancer with a particular genetic
profile, what is the comparison of the time to first recurrence for
those treated with Tamoxifen as against those treated with a new
proposed drug regimen". "How many dropped out of each
treatment and why?" "How many required supplementary therapy
for the side effects of treatment and why?"
Assembling the chronicle is therefore a knowledge intensive task that
relies on inferences. The reliability of these inferences may vary, and
it is essential to record not only the inferences but also the evidence
on which they were based and their reliability. A graphical presentation
of a chronicle developed manually as part of the requirements exercise
is shown in Figure 2. A human observer can quickly
infer many of the reasons from the juxtaposition of events; an effective
computer based "chronicle" must capture those inferences.
The "chronicalisation" process employs several algorithms
to draw different types of information or data and assemble its overall
content into individual patient chronicle structures. Drawing up chronicle
temporal information is one of the initial indexing algorithms, for example,
which has partially been completed. The description of this algorithm is
beyond the scope of this paper, please refer to [Harkema
2005] for further details.

Figure 2: An individual patient chronicle in graphical form
3.4 Collaborative Workbench
For the data in the repository to be useful, it must be easily accessible
to scientists and clinicians. A common workbench (see Figure
3) is employed that acts as the outer layer, interface and/or window
that enables end users and researchers to access, analyse and examine the
underlying information. The workbench hides the complexities of the underlying
technologies such as information extraction, repository etc. while providing
the necessary mechanism to enable easy use of the technologies and information.
It provides a coherent platform, with one "feel and look", allowing
tools developed within the project or if appropriate in other projects
to be plugged within the platform. The workbench is built around several
open source technologies while allowing remote secure access to the CLEF
authorised users. An application web server, such as Apache Jakarta Tomcat
[Apache 2005], is used for delivering web content,
on top of which a portlet container, such as Gridsphere [Novoty
2004], is used to unify the interface and presentation layer of the

Figure 3: CLEF Workbench Main Portal web Interface
Several special technologies have been developed within the workbench
including security, auditing, and logging, and tools for query formulation
and visualisation and results presentation and summarisation. In addition,
it includes tools that link to external available resources and relevant
literature. The security components are built on technologies developed
by other projects, such as Shibboleth and PERMIS [Chadwick
2003] for authentication and authorisation mechanisms, and use PKI
infrastructure for secure encrypted transmission of data.

Figure 4: CLEF workbench overall architecture
The general CLEF architecture for the workbench framework is shown in
(the overall diagram) Figure 4. In addition to others
It highlights some of the (sub) components or services that the workbench
framework includes and/or provides.
These briefly include: user and session management services, portal
services, tools and users administration services, authentication and authorisation
services, query formulation and visualization services, auditing and logging
services, and relevant 3rd party services. Also other services such as
hazard monitoring, statistical analysis are planned to be implemented or
integrated at later stages.

Figure 5: CLEF workbench (portal) architecture
3.4.1 The workbench architecture
Figure 5 presents the CLEF workbench portal architecture.
CLEF workbench consists of two main parts: the CLEF portal and the portlet
container. The CLEF portal itself is made up of a collection of interface
and service portlets classified, combined and structured to provide the
main CLEF functions. The portlet container holds these portlets and other
services, and is the main used underlying framework for integrating various
CLEF (and 3rd party) components. The content delivery is done by the servlet-container
Apache JakartaTomcat. The (end) user interface is provided by a single
or combination of portlets, depending on the respective service or functionality.
One of the main advantages of portlets is that they are able to handle
rich visual interface controls, including direct mark up fragments, or
those generated by a Java scripting language (JSP).
The underlying business logic is either implemented as service portlets
(or servlets) within the workbench layer or aided by service portlets that
communicate content from external services. Although there are limitations
on the level of sophistication of user interfaces, especially graphical
user interfaces, the workbench architecture has the flexibility of implementing
the underlying business logic in various J2EE compliant technologies including
EJB, or can potentially utilise WSRP to incorporate remote content and/or
The workbench includes a service communication interface (or API) that
communicates with external CLEF (local or remote) components, such as the
knowledge base or the Information extraction components. It supports various
communication mechanisms, including RMI and WSRP to support legacy components
and web services respectively. The workbench framework is extensible to
incorporate other 3rd party components, such as prolog, or database engines.
The following sections describe the CLEF workbench services and components
in more details.
3.4.2 The workbench structure and content
The structure and the content are combined together to provide a coherent
CLEF portal with one "feel and look" (see Figure
3). Because of the medical data sensitivity and CLEF security constraints,
the content in the portal has been classified in three different general
- Public-type content: at the top level, the portal includes information
accessible by CLEF portal visitors, with minimal security constraints.
Information related to the domain knowledge, the project end-user services,
ethical and confidentiality framework are included at this level. Also
general CLEF services, such as request user registration, request general
support or information, are available as part of this category. Other CLEF
unique general output information, or related news or events are also included
under this category.
- CLEF-general-registered-users type content: this type of content
is only accessible by authenticated registered users. CLEF users related
information, general guidelines, CLEF related events, news, standards etc,
are available at this level. Also, user and portal related services, (e.g.
user preferences customisation), CLEF general services (e.g. request upgrade
of user access level, search services, related external resources etc)
are included under this category.
- CLEF-special-content: access to clinical information through
query formulation/submission is available under this category. Access to
this type of category (content and services) requires ethical approval,
by CLEFs ethical approval committee. There are many special sub-services
available under this category, e.g. per projects, teams, organisations
and/or individual cases. However, content and/or sub-services under this
category is being further refined by the CLEF ethical and confidentiality
team as the project develops depending on users requirements and types
of access. Also the CLEF ethical and confidentiality team continually assesses
and/or categories each newly developed portal service, based on the content
it accesses or provides.
The overall layout/structure of the CLEF portal has been designed based
on these categories. These categories also defined the layout of each sub-part
of the CLEF portal. Some areas of the portal are constraint by the provided
end-user configurable layout or interface. Also content and services are
sequenced (or put in workflows) differently and put in an optimal user
interfaces and layout to achieve or perform a particular operation or unit-of-work,
for different types of users (e.g. specialist clinical researchers, general
users) depending on their privileges and type of function.
3.4.3 The workbench user and session management services
Another important feature of the workbench is that it has the capability
to manage CLEF users. In addition to collecting demographic information,
and establishing roles or privileges, which are then mainly used to authenticate
users and set their authorisation levels, users must go through a registration
and approval process before they are given access.
Researchers must be accredited by the Ethical Oversight Committee
to gain access through the workbench to anything except pre-computed
results and metadata. Despite other precautions, it is assumed that if
individual records can be read in detail, there is the risk of
identification. Therefore, all information is treated with as if it
were identifiable [Kalra 2003]. Most researchers
will be accredited only for performing queries that generate
aggregated results controlled through the disclosure control
technologies. Special permission of the Ethical Oversight Committee is
required to gain access to individual patient records even though they
are pseudonymised.
The user management in CLEF is not limited to the workbench, but also
the whole system including the underlying data sources and services. Handling
multi-user sessions simultaneously while keeping session instances separate
across services and portlets is critical for the workbench. This is handled
by the session manager. The following functions or services are provided
by the user and session managers:
- User registration: this service allows new users to request
to become CLEF registered users or existing users to upgrade their registration
levels where appropriate.
- User types, roles and privileges: this service allows creating
and setting different types of users (clinical research, clinicians, bioinformatician
etc), allocated different access levels or roles with different access
- User workspace and preferences: this service allows creating
individual and team workspaces for registered users. Also it allows users
to set their own preferences or customise their workspace to include different
preferred services, tools or content.
- Team, project, organisation management: this service allows
managing a group of users as one unit, with common or separate workspaces
that allow bringing together relevant services, tools and content. In some
cases, the team leader might be given privileges to manage his/her own
team, especially if it is part of an organisation or research institute
with more than one team. This feature is important for cumulative submitted
queries and previous queries submitted by all team members to enable effective
functioning of the statistical disclosure component (SDC) to determine
subsequent queries output.
- User environment: this service allows users to customise their
environment to select for example different colours, schemes or organisation
or layout of interface portlets.
- Session control attributes: this service controls session attributes,
such as timeout of sessions with relation to user login and logout services,
while keeping separate multi-user instances.
- Session log: logging user interactions with the workbench, such
as services invoked, type of information viewed and so forth. Logging patterns
of work adds more control, enhance the interface and help the support team
to track and trace problems, for user support teams.
3.4.4 The workbench query formulation and visualisation tools
The other important part of the workbench is the query formulation and
visualisation tools. We are experimenting with a variety of textual and
graphical query and visualisation interfaces to the repository. However,
the prime interface for researchers is being designed around techniques
from language generation known as WYSIWYM "What you see is what
you meant" [Power 1998, Bouayad-Agha
2000]. An example is given in Figure 6.
The WYSIWYM interface allows users to expand a natural language like
query progressively to produce queries of arbitrary complexity and then
summarises the results, again in generated natural language. These interfaces
are provided in different portlets and accessible by users depending on
their access control privileges. They provide several types of queries
and different ways of displaying results, e.g. graphical, textual, tabular
3.4.5 The workbench Security and access control
The security components of the workbench, i.e. authentication and authorisation
are part of the overall CLEF security system. The authentication service
enables registered to login in the workbench to access common general-user
type information and services. The authorisation service determines access
rights and privileges in terms of allowed services and related content.
Users privileges are set and determined by the user registration and approval
process including the intended purpose of using CLEF by the user. The description
of CLEF security, ethical and confidential framework is beyond the scope
of this paper. See [Kalra 2003] for further details.
As mentioned above, CLEF security approach is built on technologies
based on Shibboleth, FAME and PERMIS technologies. The workbench authentication
is provided through Shibboleth and FAME with a single sign on (SSO) service
integrated with the portal user interface. Authorisation is a role-based
access control provided by PERMIS and governed by CLEF security policy.
Their functionality and approach are described in more details in [Chadwick

Figure 6: Example of WYSIWYM query formulation and result
3.4.6 The workbench information auditing/logging services
Another functionality of the workbench is storing information about
various functional and user aspects, such as those related to user submitted
queries, accessed information and services. Some of the stored information
can be used by the SDC component, for instance to determine the output
results of some of the submitted queries. The workbench information auditing
component is linked to the data sources (knowledge base) information auditing
components and the overall system provenance type information component.
It audits/logs these three types of information, although the implementation
is incrementally expanding to include finer details and potentially others.
- Invoked services, content and support questions: it stores information
about the viewed information and invoked services. This type of information
is useful, not just for the session manager mentioned above, but also on
a longer term for improving the structure/layout of the workbench, studying
users patterns of work and overall security system enhancements.
- Submitted queries and analysed data: this is mainly collected
for the SDC component which requires access to previously submitted queries
to determine the appropriate output/decision. This information is collected
by both auditing services within the workbench and the knowledge base.
- Provenance-type information: This is collected in varying degrees,
however because CLEF and also the workbench consist of many services, and
portlets (which some are an aggregation of more than one service), provenance
information is useful for debugging technical and analytical aspects of
the system and workflows in the system.
3.5 Knowledge resources required
All the key technologies in CLEF are knowledge intensive. The
overall approach is based on "ontology anchored knowledge
bases" — knowledge bases anchored in common
conceptual models but conveying additional domain knowledge about the
concepts represented. Examples include which drugs are used for which
purposes, the significance of different results from different
studies, the fact that a seemingly positive finding such as
"evidence only of degenerative changes" may in practice
convey the negative information that "no metastases were
found". Some of this information exists in established resources
such as the UMLS [UMLS 2004]. However, most of
it needs to be compiled.
The repository is intended to be more than simply a data collection.
Rather it is intended, in the spirit of "collections based research
and e-Science" to be a repository of both data and what the interpretations
of that data by various researchers, their conclusions, and the methods
they have used to achieve them. In this, it requires intensive metadata
of at least five types:
- Resource discovery information: what is in the repository and
what services does it provide.
- Provenance information: where information came from, the evidence
for any inferences, and the uncertainty of the information.
- Usage and workflow information: how the information has been
used, including information allowing monitoring potential compromises of
- Consent and sensitivity information about what information may
be included in queries for different purposes.
- Clinical significance and consequences: why things were done
and what they are believed to mean, always annotated by provenance metadata.
The first three are shared much in common with clinical trials, and
some of the metadata schemas must take into account the emerging standards
for clinical trial metadata [CDISC 2004]. The fourth
and fifth types of metadata are more specific to the biomedical and heath
care focus.
4 Discussion and Conclusion
The convergence of need between post-genomic research and improved clinical
care presents a unique opportunity; realising that opportunity suggests
a radical restructuring of information flow and integration. The demand
for large shared repositories of clinical and genomic information data
is now clear. In the UK there are at least three other major initiatives:
BioBank, the National Cancer Research Institutes/Department of Health National
Translational Cancer Network, and the National Cancer Research Network
[Biobank 2004].
Paradoxically, the genomic information is easy to capture. Although
there will be increasing amounts of structured clinical data, experience
suggests that much clinical information will continue to be dictated. Currently,
this information can only be captured by labour intensive use of "data
managers". Scaling this effort up manually is too resource intensive
to be plausible. Fortunately, the many parallel texts and stereotyped course
of cancer make it a particularly good area for information extraction.
The sheer size, complexity, and repetition in cancer records make
direct use of traditional electronic health records problematic and
inefficient. Thus a coherent "chronicle" of patient
histories is placed at the centre of the repository. The notion of
"chronicle" owes much to ideas of "abstraction"
developed in connection with guideline research [Rector 2001, Shahar 1997] and
the notion of a "virtual patient record" in the HL7. The
clear focus of the approach on "What was done and
why?", "What happened and why" should
contribute to these broader efforts as well as to its prime goal
— to use clinical information intelligently and effectively for
both patient care and post-genomic research.
CLEF, through its workbench, developed technologies and underlying services,
provides a coherent collaborative research environment that enables clinical
and other researchers to safely and securely analyse, examine and query
the underlying pseudonymised clinical information, drawn from operational
electronic health records. The operational CLEF collaborative research
system provides the infrastructure and tools and can be used by both, world
wide by, remote authorised users and can be deployed in hospitals and used
by in house clinicians to aid patient health care.
This research is supported in part by grant G0100852 from the UK
Medical Research Council under the E-Science Initiative. Special
thanks to its clinical collaborators at the Royal Marsden and Royal
Free hospitals, to colleagues at the National Cancer Research
Institute (NCRI) and to our industrial supporters — see www.clinical-escience.org.
[Apache 2005] http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/
[Beale 2002] Beale T. "Archetypes: Constraint-based
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