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Volume 8 / Issue 3

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-008-03-0382


Some Notes on Fine Computability

Vasco Brattka (Theoretische Informatik 1, Informatikzentrum FernUniversität, Germany)

Abstract: A metric defined by Fine induces a topology on the unit interval which is strictly stronger than the ordinary Euclidean topology and which has some interesting applications in Walsh analysis. We investigate computability properties of a corresponding Fine representation of the real numbers and we construct a structure which characterizes this representation. Moreover, we introduce a general class of Fine computable functions and we compare this class with the class of locally uniformly Fine computable functions defined by Mori. Both classes of functions include all ordinary computable functions and, additionally, some important functions which are discontinuous with respect to the usual Euclidean metric. Finally, we prove that the integration operator on the space of Fine continuous functions is lower semi-computable.

Keywords: Computable analysis, Walsh analysis

Categories: F.1