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Volume 25 / Issue 13

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-025-13-1761


MulseOnto: a Reference Ontology to Support the Design of Mulsemedia Systems

Estêvão B. Saleme (Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil)

Celso A. S. Santos (Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil)

Ricardo A. Falbo (Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil)

Gheorghita Ghinea (Brunel University London, United Kingdom)

Frederic Andres (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)

Abstract: Designing a mulsemedia|multiple sensorial media|system entails first and foremost comprehending what it is beyond the ordinary understanding that it engages users in digital multisensory experiences that stimulate other senses in addition to sight and hearing, such as smell, touch, and taste. A myriad of programs that comprise a software system, several output devices to deliver sensory effects, computer media, among others, dwell deep in the realm of mulsemedia systems, making it a complex task for newcomers to get acquainted with their concepts and terms. Although there have been many technological advances in this field, especially for multisensory devices, there is a shortage of work that tries to establish common ground in terms of formal and explicit representation of what mulsemedia systems encompass. This might be useful to avoid the design of feeble mulsemedia systems that can be barely reused owing to misconception. In this paper, we extend our previous work by proposing to establish a common conceptualization about mulsemedia systems through a domain reference ontology named MulseOnto to aid the design of them. We applied ontology verification and validation techniques to evaluate it, including assessment by humans and a data-driven approach whereby the outcome is three successful instantiations of MulseOnto for distinct cases, making evident its ability to accommodate heterogeneous mulsemedia scenarios.

Keywords: mulsemedia systems, multimedia, reference ontology

Categories: H.5.1, L.1.3