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Volume 25 / Issue 10

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-025-10-1301


Decision-making Model at Higher Educational Institutions based on Machine Learning

Yuri Vanessa Nieto (University of Oviedo, Spain)

Vicente García-Díaz (University of Oviedo, Spain)

Carlos Enrique Montenegro (District University Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia)

Abstract: At Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) the high hierarchical managers and directors face many challenges during the decision-making process, that sometimes are rely on intuition, and past experiences, leading not just to delays but the low impact in the whole academic community. A decision-making model for managers and administrator of HEIs is presented. We propose a detailed methodology when academic prognosis is taking place. The comparison between five robust Machine Learning algorithms is executed accomplishing outperformed results by Support Vector Machine. As a validation experiment, we executed the proposed decision model in a face-to-face public university in Colombia, showing the results in a developed web platform prototype with its correspondent architecture. Moreover, we discuss the social implication of low graduation rates.

Keywords: classification algorithms, decision support system, decision-making, machine learning, support vector machine

Categories: I.2, I.5, L.2, L.3