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Volume 9 / Issue 8

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Developing Adaptive J2ME Applications Using AspectJ

Ayla Dantas (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)

Paulo Borba (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)

Abstract: This paper evaluates the use of AspectJ, a general-purpose aspect-oriented extension to Java, to provide adaptive behavior for J2ME applications in a modularized way. Our evaluation is based on the development of a simple but non-trivial dictionary application where new adaptive behavior was incrementally implemented using AspectJ. Our main contribution is to show that the AspectJ language can be used to implement several adaptive concerns, which allow the application to have di#erent behaviors according to changes in its environment. We also compare our implementation with corresponding pure Java alternatives, identify disadvantages of using AspectJ and propose some possible patterns.

Keywords: AOP applications, adaptability, aspect-Oriented programming, separation of concerns, software architecture

Categories: D.2, D.2.11, D.3