An Architecture for a Three-Tier PathFinder
Michael Barley
(University of Auckland, New Zealand
Hans W. Guesgen
(University of Auckland, New Zealand
Gareth Karl
(University of Auckland, New Zealand
Abstract: This paper describes the architecture of a route finding
system that computes an optimal route between two given locations efficiently
and that considers user preferences when doing so. The basis of the system
is an A* algorithm that applies heuristics such as the air distance heuristic
or the Manhattan heuristic to compute the shortest path between the two
locations. Since A* is not tractable in general, island search is used
to divide the problem into smaller problems, which can be solved more easily.
In addition to that, search control rules are introduced to express user
preferences about the routes to be considered during the search.
Key Words: route finding, A* search, island search, search control
Category: I.2.8
1 Route Finding and Search
In most cities around the world, the number of cars on the roads is
still increasing, and therefore it becomes more and more important to implement
support for finding a good route from some point A in a city to some other
point B. Printed maps are still a valuable aid to determine such a route,
but they have severe deficiencies: they only capture the static aspects
of the road network, but do not capture dynamic aspects like rush hours
or blockages due to accidents. Electronic route finding systems can be
more flexible in this respect, and therefore they are likely to replace
maps in the near future.
As described in [Guesgen and Mitra, 1999] , the
two main subsystems of any route finding system are the route planning
and route guidance subsystems. Whereas the route guidance subsystem takes
a given path through the road network and provides the driver with
a description or set of directions to accomplish the task of navigating,
the route planning subsystem finds a path through the road network which
conforms to the users preferences about the required route. Although both
subsystems are equally important, we focus in this paper on the route planning
subsystem of a route finding system (called the pathfinder, for short).
In the ideal case, the path-finder combines a basic search through the
road network with knowledge about which roads to prefer or which ones to
avoid at certain times. In particular, it should fulfill the following
Optimality. If there is an optimal solution to the problem of
finding a route from A to B, the system should be able to compute such
a solution.
Tractability. In larger search spaces (which are typical for
most cities around the world), the system should still be able to compute
an optimal solution efficiently.
Customizability. The user should be able to add preferences to
the system easily and dynamically, which include or exclude certain (types
of) roads in the solution.
Most research work has focussed on the first two requirements [Pearson,
1998] , using approaches like heuristic search, island search, or hierarchical
search. There is little work that addresses the problem of incorporating
additional knowledge such as preferences into the search. In this paper,
we will focus on the third requirement, showing a way to express preferences
and discussing problems that this may cause.
Our view of an architecture for an adequate pathfinder includes
the following components:
- The first component consists of a basic heuristic algorithm, which
is applied to find the shortest path between A and B. Such an algorithm
can be the A* algorithm, which uses a heuristic function to determine the
shortest path.
- Depending on the heuristic used in the A* algorithm, the algorithm
might not be able to determine the shortest path in adequate time. Therefore,
an additional component is introduced, which divides the problem into a
set of smaller problems by applying an island search.
- Although the combination of island search and A* algorithm might find
a shortest path efficiently, it does not take care of additional knowledge,
like preferences of certain roads over other roads. Generally it is difficult
to incorporate such knowledge in the heuristic function so that it can
be updated easily. Therefore we allow for additional search control rules
to be added to the system.
Consider, for example, the situation illustrated in Figure
1, which shows a sketch of the area around the main harbor bridge in
Auckland. To get from a point A in central Auckland to a point B on the
North Shore, you have to cross the harbor using the bridge indicated by
C. An A* algorithm applied to the problem of finding the best route from
A to B explores the search space and finally results in a path that uses
some ordinary roads to get to the harbor bridge, then enters the freeway
to get across the harbor, and finally exits the freeway and uses some ordinary
road again to get to point B.
Figure 1: Schematic route map of the Auckland harbor bridge area.
The thick lines indicate freeways and the medium thick ones ordinary roads.
The thin dashed lines are shore lines, separating central Auckland from
the North Shore.
The search can be focussed by introducing C as an island. Instead of
searching for the shortest from A to B directly, the search is decomposed
into two subsearches: one from A to C and the other from C to B. Generally,
two smaller searches are more efficient than one larger search, because
of the combinatorial explosion in the search tree.
Although the A* algorithm computes the shortest path, assuming that
the heuristic is admissible, the resulting route might not be satisfactory
from a different point of view. For example, traveling along ordinary roads
might be less attractive than taking the freeway, even if this results
in a slightly longer route.
Such a preference can be captured in a search control rule, which can
be added to the system by the user.
In the rest of this paper, we discuss the three components of the proposed
path-finder, focusing on the component that comprises the search control
rules. Our emphasis is on the robustness of the search control rules: If
new rules are added to the system through interaction with the user, can
we guarantee that the system doesn't produce counterintuitive results.
More precisely, given a set of control rules which produce intuitive results
and given a new rule that on its own produces intuitive results, does the
original set of rules and the new rule together produce intuitive results?
2 Optimality: Heuristic Search for Finding the Shortest Path
Most heuristic search algorithms used for finding the shortest path
from a point A in a city to a point B are based on the A* algorithm [Hart
et al., 1968]. This algorithm attempts to find an optimal path
from A to B in a network of nodes by choosing the next node x in a search
that minimizes a given cost function f(x) = g *(x)
+ h(x). The cost function adds to the costs from A to x,
given by g *(x), the estimated cost from x to B, given
by h(x). If h(x) never overestimates the real
costs from x to B, the heuristic is admissible (i.e., it is guaranteed
to find an optimal solution). The special case of h
0 is often referred to as uniform-cost search [Korf, 1996].
A number of heuristics are suggested in the literature which are applicable
to the route finding. These heuristic evaluation functions include those
that are based on a distance measure dist(x, B), in particular the air
distance heuristic and the Manhattan heuristic [Pearl,
1984]. The air distance heuristic is an admissible heuristic while
the Manhattan heuristic is inadmissible, as the latter has the potential
to overestimate the actual shortest distance. To test the pruning power
of the heuristics on a real road network, we performed some experiments
in the road network of Auckland, using heuristic search as well as uniform-cost
search to find a path from a point A to a point B in the city [Pearson
and Guesgen, 1998]. We found that uniform-cost search expands almost
every node in the circular area that has A in the center and the distance
between A and B as radius. With the air distance heuristic, the search
is more focussed and the node expansions describe a more elliptical path.
The Manhattan heuristic is even more focussed than the air distance heuristic
with a decrease in the size of the minor axis of the ellipse over the air
distance estimate.
Despite the promising capabilities of the A* search algorithm to prune
the search space, search solely guided by heuristics like the air distance
or Manhattan heuristics might be inefficient. In a real-time decentralized
route finding system (e.g., like the ones used in cars), the user expects
to receive an answer almost instantaneously. Systems that are purely based
on an A* search are intractable. The next section discusses a way of making
the search tractable.
3 Tractability: Using Island Search to Improve Heuristic Search
A drawback of standard heuristic search techniques is that they do not
use any sources of knowledge other than an evaluation function to guide
a search from a start to a goal state. If we know, for example, that the
best route from A to B has to pass through point C, we can use this knowledge
to establish an intermediate state in the search. Rather than search for
the shortest path from A to B directly, we split the search into two smaller
searches and look for the shortest path from A to C and from C to B, respectively.
This idea is utilized in the island search algorithm [Dillenburg
and Nelson, 1995].
We can use an arbitrary number of islands for our search. If at least
one of the islands lies on the optimal path to the goal state, then directing
a heuristic search through this island to the goal has the potential of
dividing the exponent in the complexity term. Often, however, there is
more than one island that may occur on the optimal path. Island sets that
contain more than one island on the optimal path are called multiple level
island sets. In the domain of route finding systems, islands correspond
to road intersections that are most commonly used when planning a route,
such as intersections and bridges.
[Chakrabarti et al.,1986] were the first to implement
an algorithm that combined heuristic search with sub-goal knowledge. Their
algorithm, Algorithm I, guides the search through a single island out of
a larger island set IS, finding the shortest path from A to B through
the most favorable node in IS. If the path from A to the current
node x does not yet contain an island, a new heuristic is used,
h(x) =
{dist(x, i) + dist(i, B)}. However if the path to x
does already contain an island, the original heuristic h(x)
= dist(x, B) is used. [Dillenburg and Nelson,
1995] implemented an algorithm, Algorithm In, that is similar
to Algorithm I but which makes use of multiple level island sets. Given
an island set and an additional parameter that specifies the total number
of island nodes (parameter E) on an optimal path between A and B,
the algorithm will provide an optimal path passing through the island nodes.
Although Algorithm In never expands more nodes in its search
than Algorithm I (provided the optimal path contains E islands) [Dillenburg
and Nelson, 1995] , which in turn never expands more nodes than A*
[Chakrabarti et al., 1986], it suffers from
"island interference". This occurs when the heuristic used by
Algorithm In guides the search towards the islands in
the wrong order because the node which minimizes dist(x, i)
+ dist(i, B) (i.e., the island most directly between the current
node and the goal node) is not the next island on the optimal solution.
In this situation, guiding the search towards the correct island could
expand many less nodes. Dillenburg and Nelson do this by altering the heuristic
in Algorithm In to create Algorithm Inp.
This heuristic tries all ordered permutations of the island set with length
E and guides the search towards the first island in the permutation
that resulted in the lowest heuristic value. While this decreases the number
of nodes, it does not necessarily increase the efficiency of the algorithm.
Let IS represent the island set, then the number of permutations
that must be checked for each node expansion is of the order O , whereas with Algorithm In it is
clearly only O(|IS |). Therefore, Algorithm Inp
becomes unusable when the size of the island set is large or E is
large. This problem can be avoided if an a-priori ordering of islands is
known. We implemented an algorithm that works on the assumption that the
islands in the island set have an ordering. Unlike the original algorithm,
the new algorithm can restrict itself to finding a choice of E islands
in the given ordering with the lowest heuristic value. The number of permutations
checked by this algorithm's heuristic is of the more reasonable order O
. Details about this algorithm can be found elsewhere
[Pearson and Guesgen, 1998].
Although Algorithm I and Algorithm I n have the potential to make route
finding more tractable, they are reliant on the input of an island set
that contains at least one node on the optimal path (E nodes in
the case of Algorithm In ). The selection of islands
for the algorithms is not an obvious process. The time taken to select
the islands must be so small that it does not offset the gain of the island
search over A*; correct islands must be selected all or almost all the
time; and the island set must be small enough so that the island search
is fast. If an island selection algorithm turns out to be too slow, then
preconditioning can be used: the island sets can be precalculated and stored
with the graph data. If the algorithms are likely to return all incorrect
islands for some searches, then an admissible
version of island search can be used. An admissible
search always returns a path with a length no more than that of the optimal
path plus some constant ()
specified by the user, whether or not the islands are correct. Chakrabarti
et al. wrote an admissible
version of island search that reverts to A* when the island search will
not yield a short enough path. This will expand more nodes than A* in some
extreme cases. Dillenburg and Nelson also gave instructions on how to modify
Algorithm In and Algorithm Inp to make
them admissible.
Possible approaches to selecting islands include selecting the nodes
with the most neighbors; selecting the busiest intersections; modeling
obstacles in the road network; and creating rules for individual islands
that specify whether that island should be in the island set. Large intersections,
i.e. nodes with many edges, are more likely to be on faster roads and therefore
optimal routes between nodes. Clearly only nodes that are near or between
the start and goal nodes are good prospects for islands.
For this reason we wrote an algorithm that creates a subgraph of the
road graph containing only those nodes in a rectangle that has the start
and goal nodes at opposite corners and then finds the nodes in the subgraph
with the most edges. This algorithm is linear with respect to the number
of nodes in the graph and proved to be effective at selecting islands.
Over testing done on the Auckland road map, it returned island sets with
an average of 20% correct islands. Also, the number of islands returned
can be easily specified as required.
[Dillenburg and Nelson, 1995] suggest selecting
islands based on the most used intersections in the network. Both Dillenburg
and Nelson; and [Pearson, 1998] tested this. Pearson
broke Auckland up into 4km2 regions, calculated all shortest
paths between a pair of regions and chose the top 5% of most common nodes
in these paths as islands. He observed that for many pairs of regions the
most common nodes occurred on only 65% of routes, but as long as E members
of the island set occur on the route, then the algorithm finds an optimal
solution. Since all the shortest paths between the regions must be calculated,
this island selection algorithm is very slow and the island sets must be
stored. However, breaking Auckland up into 4km2 regions would
result in around 600 regions. Since an island set would be required for
each combination of two regions, around 360,000 island sets would have
to be stored. Therefore larger regions than this may be required. As the
regions become larger, the amount to be stored reduces but the accuracy
of the island sets decreases, it would be important to find a compromise.
[Dubois and Semet, 1995] suggest modeling obstacles
in the road network. These obstacles are then represented by line segments.
For example, a long thin obstacle may be represented by a single line segment
while a concave shape may need up to three. They used the ends of these
line segments not as islands in a form of island search (indeed, these
ends may not even be nodes in the graph) but only in a heuristic for calculating
a lower bound on the distance between these nodes. This new heuristic,
while still being admissible, has a value always more than or equal to
the air distance heuristic and so is a better heuristic to use in an A*
search. This idea could be altered so as to create line segments that stretch
from one node to another. When a line from the start to the goal node intersects
one or more of these line segments, the ends of the segments would be included
in the island set.
Alternatively, nodes with strong potential as islands could be chosen
and rules written to specify when and when not to add them to the island
set. These rules would be based on the longitude and latitude of the start
and goal nodes. For example, if one of the nodes has coordinates that indicate
it is on the North Shore while the other is in central Auckland, then the
harbor bridge node would be added to the list.
For shorter search distances the gains made by island searches over
A* are minimal, and with some selection algorithms the difficulty of selecting
correct islands increases. It therefore makes sense to calculate the air
distance between the start and goal nodes and only use island search if
the distance is above a certain threshold.
4 Customizability: Search Control Rules
We know that A* can come up with optimal routes given an admissible
heuristic. We have talked about decreasing the cost of finding an acceptable
path by using islands to decompose the global path problem into a sequence
of local path problems. However, we have not addressed the problem of constraining
the solution to satisfy user-defined constraints and capabilities.
Different users have different constraints and different capabilities.
While we want to design a general path-finder, we want to be able to easily
tailor it to fit individual users. One user might want to constrain the
path-finder to use freeways over using side streets whenever freeways are
available and won't impose too much extra cost, while another user might
want to avoid traffic circles at all times, etc. In short, constraints
say when to eliminate certain alternatives (edges) from the search space.
In addition to having different preferences, users also can have different
capabilities. For example, a driver of a 4-wheel Jeep might consider driving
across unpaved roads, across "fordable" streams, etc., that drivers
of most other vehicles would not consider suitable. Since most users would
not consider these possibilities as being appropriate, they would be excluded
from the path-finder's default search space. If the user want to extend
the default search space, they would need to describe how to extend the
space (i.e., what edge to add) and under what conditions. For example,
a person owning an amphibian vehicle might want the path-finder to consider
routes that included water paths from publicly accessible beach to publicly
accessible beach whenever the beaches are less than 2 miles apart. We are
defining capabilities to be these descriptions of how and when to extend
the search space.
Prodigy [Minton, 1988] is perhaps the best known
system that affords the user the capability or adding and/or removing edges
from the default search space. Prodigy does this via search control rules.
Prodigy search control rules have preconditions and postconditions. The
preconditions test the state of the current partial solution candidate
and/or the state of the problem-solver. The postconditions describe an
edge and whether they are adding or removing it. Rules that add edges are
called generation rules and rules that remove edges are called rejection
Our path-finder would generate its search space in phases. Given a node
in the search tree, a default set of children would be generated, generation
rules are then run to possibly add candidate edges to the set, then the
rejection rules are run to possibly remove edges from that set.
The candidate set is passed from phase to phase, being updated by each
phase. Those candidates remaining in the set at the end would be added
into the open set of nodes for A* to select from.
Example encodings of the amphibian car's generation rule and the "avoid
side roads when freeway is affordable" rejection rule are:
<B1> <B2> <P>)
<P> <D>)
< <D> 2))
<L> <P1>)
<L> <P2>)
<P1> <P2>))
These types of search control rules seem a reasonable approach to allowing
the user to incrementally modify the space searched by A* as their preferences
and capabilities change. However, are there hidden dangers in using these
types of search control rules? In particular, we would like the user to
be able to look at the rule and have an intuitive idea of its effect upon
the search space. For example, if the user adds a generation rule to the
search control rule set, then intuitively they would expect the search
space to be a superset of what it was before the rule was added. Since
one of the often touted advantages of rule-based systems is the relative
additivity/independence of rules [Barr and Feigenbaum,
1981, page 193], we would expect this to be the case. If users cannot
predict the effects of a rule in isolation, then they must try to understand
the interactions between the proposed new rule and the current set of rules.
This is an unrealistic demand on most users.
Unfortunately, it turns out that for these types of search control rules,
the effects of adding a rule cannot be predicted from looking at it in
isolation from the current set of rules. In fact, the effects of modifying
the rule set in any way can be counterintuitive. For example, adding a
generation rule can cause the search space1
to be smaller, etc.
We illustrate this with the following example. Assume that the default
generation of path candidates includes all roads that our local database
describes as intersecting our current location and as not being under construction.
Also assume that our current set of search control rules consists solely
of the "avoid side roads when freeway is affordable" rejection
rule shown previously.
we only focus on the topology of the space, not its traversal.
Finally, assume that in our local database the only freeway that intersects
our current location is a proposed freeway that is still under construction.
Given this situation, the default generation phase will not propose
any free-way candidates since the proposed freeway is still under construction
and no other freeway intersects our current location. There are no generation
rules; no additional candidates will be added to the default set. Thus
the set of candidates passed to the rejection phase will not have any freeway
candidates and the "avoid side road . . . " rejection rule will
not be triggered, leaving the path-finder to use side roads to get closer
to the destination location.
Now, consider the following generation search control rule:
<<P> <L>))
This rule proposes any freeway as a candidate that intersects the current
location. This is an overly general rule, it will propose candidates that
turn out not to be useful (e.g., because they are under construction, etc.).
However, because it is a generation rule, one's intuition from looking
at the rule in isolation is that its affect upon the search space is to
possibly add edges, i.e., that the edges in the new search space will be
a superset of the edges in the original search space). Unfortunately, examination
of the current rule set and analyzing the interactions between this new
generation rule and the "avoid side road . . . " rejection rule
show that the side road edges will be removed from the search space. In
other words, adding a new generation rule can indeed cause the search space
to contain fewer edges. In this particular case, the addition of this new
generation rule has eliminated all solutions to this route-finding problem
from the search space.
This is clearly unacceptable behavior from the user's viewpoint. They
added a rule which appeared to be simply adding edges to the search space,
but, which because of interactions with existing rules, also removed edges
and consequently prevents the path-finder from being able to solve navigation
problem which were previously solvable.
Does this mean that search control rules are an inappropriate mechanism
for allowing a user to describe their constraints and capabilities? Not
necessarily, it depends upon what aspects of the search control rules allow
the effects of adding new rules to be counterintuitive and upon what alternatives
we have for handling those aspects.
What is it about this search control rule language and/or search control
architecture that enable these counterintuitive changes to occur? In our
example, it is the test for the presence of freeway candidates that led
to the rejection of the side roads.
This type of counterintuitive behavior would be eliminated if the preconditions
of search control rules were limited to testing for the candidate appearing
in the rule's postcondition and to testing for commitments already made
in the current partial solution to the user's route-finding problem.
This approach to avoid allowing counterintuitive behavior to arise from
the modification of the search control set may solve the problem, but does
so at the cost of prohibiting the rules from examining which alternatives
are available at a choice point. Unfortunately, such examinations are often
desirable, e.g., in our example rejection rule we only want to reject the
side roads if a freeway is an acceptable alternative. So, it is not obvious
that such restrictions would be the best way to avoid these counterintuitive
behaviors. This is something that needs more research.
5 Summary
In this paper, we introduced an architecture for an optimal, tractable,
and customizable route finding system. The main components of the system
are based on the following:
- An A* algorithm to compute the shortest path from a given starting
point A to a destination point B.
- An island search algorithm to make the search tractable.
- Search control rules to express user preferences.
The three components use different types of knowledge. Search control
rules establish the search space and determine the potential successors
of the nodes. Island search divides the resulting search into subspaces.
Heuristic search traverses the search subspaces.
We have implemented the first two components of the path-qfinder and
tested them with the Auckland road map. Implementation on the third component
is yet to be done, and it remains to be seen whether the problem of adding
search control rules incrementally and obtaining counterintuitive results
does occur frequently and therefore has be catered for.
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