UML-Based Modeling of Data-oriented WEB Applications
Attila Adamko
(University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics
Department of Information Technology, Hungary
Abstract: Recently a growing demand has arisen for methods
for the development of small- and medium scale Web Information Systems
(WIS). Web applications are being built in a rapidly changing
environment where requirements are usually unstable. Short-time design
and implementation are needed in response to the new technologies. Our
work focuses rather on the design and construction of Web
applications, than management. Flexibility is a major requirement in
such applications, and also in a database-backed environment for the
structure and presentation of the sites.
We propose a systematic design method for Web applications which takes
into account the data-oriented aspects of the application. The method is
based on a UML profile adapted to the problem domain by means of stereotypes
as well as a strategy for generating code templates from such models. We
provide a method to derive the navigation model from the structural model
of a Web application. We will also show guidelines for the development
of the Data Layer of data-oriented Web application. Moreover, why to divide
the business logic layer into two parts: the pure application logic for
managing the workflow of the application and the storage logic responsible
for the data structures.
Rapid development is enabled by providing roundtrip engineering capabilities
with support for automatic code generation. We will show the role of XML:
why to use XML to support both the reuse of content and context-dependent
An advantage of the proposed methodology is that several steps can be
performed is a semi-automatic way providing rapid development and prototyping.
Keywords: Data models, MVC design pattern, UML, Web application,
Web modeling techniques, XMI, XML, XSLT
Categories: D.2.2, D.2.3, D.2.10, H.4.3
1 Introduction
In several areas of life, a new form is available with the continuously
growing availability of the Internet. With the evolution of technologies
the early static web sites are changing into Web based distributed applications.
However, reorganization and new developments require knowledge and integration
of several technologies. For this reason the development of dynamic Web
sites is often performed by teams consisting of graphics designers through
software developers. Several complex methodologies are available to support
their work, but these methodologies would introduce expensive overhead
into these ? mainly ad hoc ? projects, which cannot be economically compensated
by the process's benefits. Another important economical factor is the production
time. To reduce time, development groups are often disregarding methodological
approaches and system plans resulting incomplete documentation and difficulty
maintainable systems.
Moreover, as we could read in [Gingeri, 03], "Most
Web developers pay little attention to requirements elicitation and analysis,
development methodologies and process, quality, performance evaluation,
configuration and project management, and maintainability and scalability.
Furthermore, application development heavily relies on the knowledge and
experience of individual (or a small group of) developers and their individual
development practices rather than standard practices. These systems also
lack proper testing and documentation." The process of learning
how to develop Web applications has just begun. Web Engineering is a new
and still evolving discipline.
These aspects outline the demand for lightweight methods in the development
of small- and medium size Web applications. An important factor in the
development for such Web applications is the support of successful communication
? using a common language ? to avoid misunderstandings and expensive redesign.
The UML (Unified Modeling Language) [UML, 01] fulfills
these requirements by providing a family of intuitive notations and diagrams
which are could be used to describe software systems at a high level of
abstraction. These models have to be focused on the information relevant
to the different roles in the development team. In many cases, we can distinguish
between the domain expert, who has knowledge about the business processes
behind the Web application, the graphic designer, who is in charge of the
creation of the user interface, and the developer, who has to build a working
software system based on the work of his partners. Furthermore, we have
the customer, who has little knowledge about the technical realization
of the project, but the diagrams and models helps to synchronize the requests
with the software system in the early stages of the development.
Performing early demonstrations is another important factor in the course
of the communication with the customer. Therefore, the methodologies should
support code-generation, which could shorten production time too. The models
should formulate the complete structural description of the website, resulting
a working, but incomplete prototype.
Following these guidelines, the presented approach helps in the development
of small- and medium sized data-oriented Web applications using UML. Use-cases,
activity- and class diagrams are used to describe the behavior and the
structure of the Web application. These models make it possible for the
team members to investigate the system of different aspects. Naturally,
UML requires additional stereotypes and data types to model complete Web
1.1 Related work
There are numerous different approaches to the modeling of Web applications.
Some of them focus on the modeling notations, while others focus on the
development process. Conallen [Conallen, 03] defines
a UML profile for Web application design introducing stereotypes for components,
classes, methods and associations in order to distinguish, for example,
server components, client components, etc. The Web Application Extension
(WAE) to UML enables to represent Web pages and other architecturally significant
elements in the model alongside the "normal" classes of the model.
WAE uses own graphical notations to express these components. His book
explains a complete lifecycle for Web application development including
requirements elicitation through user experience modeling, but this approach
seems to be a very implementation oriented direction.
Koch and others [Hennicker, 00] described a hypermedia
extension to the UML to model Web applications, focusing on the navigation
and presentation aspects. The conceptual model consists of a class diagram
identifying the objects of the problem domain and their relations. An extended
class diagram specifying navigational nodes describes the navigation structure
and links using own notations. The presentation model defines the structure
of the user interface and their behavior by state diagrams. This approach
seems to be oversized for small applications and moreover our presented
methodology leaves this phase untouched, because the applied XML technologies
makes it possible to separate the content from the presentation leaving
user interface design to the graphic designer.
The Web Modeling Language (WebML) [Ceri, 00] is
a notation for specifying complex Web sites at a conceptual level. It distinguishes
between a structural model, a composition model, and the topology of links
between pages. The structural model expresses the content of the application,
in terms of the entities and relationships. Entities have attributes, with
an associated data type. Properties with multiple occurrences are described
using components. To certain extent, it is quite similar to the entity-relationship
(E-R) model widely used in database design. The composition model states
what the pages in the Web applications are and how the content units form
each page. There are six different types of units. The navigation model
illustrates the navigation links between pages and content units to form
the hypertext. Further, WebML has a presentation model and a personalization
model. Additionally, a software tool, called WebRatio is developed to support
this modeling methodology.
WDSM (Web Site Design Method) [WSDM, 01] is a
user-centered approach. The starting point is a set of potential visitors
of a Web site classified into user classes. The available data is modeled
based on the information requirement of the users. WSDM describes a four-phase
process: user modeling, conceptual design, implementation design and implementation.
Within modeling, the information requirements of different user classes
with their different perspectives are formalized. How the different users
can navigate through the Web site is described within the navigation model.
Naturally, Web application development is not only supported at the
conceptual level, there are several software tools available, like Together
Designer from Borland and Rational Rose from IBM. Although these tools
claims to support the whole lifecycle in the development process, they
offer only basic help for modeling the specialties of Web applications
because they only include low level implementation elements like servlets,
Active Server Pages or HTML pages. Several abstract modeling elements are
missing, for example navigation, presentation and user interaction.
Our proposed methodology is using similar basis for modeling Web Applications
like the previous methodologies but takes into account the data-oriented
aspects. High level modeling support is achieved by UML diagrams and implementation
level support is achieved by XML technologies. The advantage of our methodology
is that several steps can be performed in a semi-automatic way to derive
the corresponding code fragments and our UML profile is adapted to the
problem domain by means of stereotypes and special attributes. Thus, the
methodology is centered on three main aspects of Web applications: the
content, the navigation and the presentation.
In contrast with the other methodologies our approach does not requires
special software tools to support the development process. The utilization
of standards makes it possible to perform our approach with any available
tool. Consequently, we need to design UML diagrams which are used in a
semi-automatic way to generate the prototype of the Web application.
2 Data-oriented Web applications
Naturally, the exact specification of a Web application in the beginning
of the development is impossible, because its structure and functionality
evolves with time. Moreover, maintenance is an even more significant part
of the lifecycle of Web applications than in traditional applications since
Web technologies and user requirements change continuously. In addition,
non-functional requirements, such as security have to be addressed by a
Web development process. The objective is to develop quality Web applications
produced through systematic construction of models. In the design of Web
applications a useful way is indicated by the Model-View-Controller (MVC)
design pattern which is adopted in several frameworks, like Apache's Struts
[Struts, 05]. It can improve the application's usability,
the creation of reusable code and helps to understand and clarify the functionality
of the program. The MVC pattern is very simple, yet incredible useful.
Its importance lies in the clear separation of the functional layers and
their functionality. However, in data-oriented Web applications, the model
component becomes a little simpler because small and medium sized Web applications
mostly have simpler business logic. Additionally, in our case the main
purpose is the preparation of the corresponding data-structure, which could
be used in the subsequent steps. For such systems, the realizations of
data input, processing, presentation consumes a considerable amount of
production time. Furthermore, in the model construction stage, the primary
principle is not the description of the corresponding object's behavior,
rather than the effective access and management of the data.
To illustrate the difference, we could imagine a Web application that
manages the workflow for online collaborative groups and, another one for
managing a person registering system. We need to establish the connection
between the web application layer's and the components of the MVC in both
situations. The substantial is comes forward when we design the link between
the model component of the MVC and the Data layer. In the case of the workflow
management system, the Data access layer responsible only for the storage
and the service of the required data, the validation part of the model
component resides in the Business Logic layer, co-operating with the Controller's
functionality. However, in the design of the registering system we could
utilize the database management systems supporting functionality (stored
procedures, view tables, triggers, etc). The model component's responsibility
has to be reduced, the data management functionality has to be transferred
to the Data access Layer, and as a result, the Business Logic Layer focused
only on the application logic. Moreover, there are further possibilities,
like automatic derivation of the relational database schema and the data
management web pages from that logical model. Thus, these functionalities
make it possible to build systems around the data structure. By considering
these functional aspects, we could represent the first aspect of a Web
application with UML class diagrams.
Naturally, we need to pay attention also for the design of the navigation.
Additionally, a Web application may have more then one entry point in contrast
of traditional applications, so the need of well-defined navigation is
expected. In the case of data-oriented Web applications, we could achieve
more advantage with the derivation of the navigation model from the structural
model, because the navigation paths are based on the relations between
the entities. Accordingly, the navigational model is represented as a class
diagram that shows the objects that could be visited through the navigation.
The associations, their multiplicity and role names establish the base
for deriving a navigational model. In addition, some extension incorporated
for the successful modeling.
The third aspect, the presentation is not influenced by our methodology
because the system's model component will answer with an XML document for
each request. That XML document could be easily transformed with XML technologies
(XSLT style sheets) to the desired output format, achieving universal client
3 The methodology
The presently available methodologies are mostly using object-oriented
approaches, cleanly separating each component's functionality. The design
of Web applications builds on the requirements specification, just like
the design of software systems in general. In these systems the conceptual
design of the domain is based on use-cases and includes the involved objects
that users will perform with the application.
Particular emphasis is placed on the information exchanged between the
user and the system. The use case models serve as an input for modeling
the content of the application. However, in data-oriented cases it has
proved to be an effective strategy to build the object-oriented approach
over the data-oriented, i.e. the data structure will be the basis and the
application will be built around that structure.
We may have a better understanding of the meaning of data-oriented approach
when we think about an existing database that needed to extend with a Web
interface. In these cases, the use-cases highly depend from the data model,
but the situation is the same when we need to develop new Web applications
for managing registration and information systems.
In our approach these use-cases will be used to form the application
tier in Web applications or if think on the MVC, we formalizing the
Controller module with use-cases because this module is responsible to
handle user operations. The structural model, a class diagram is used to
describe the data tier. This diagram also could be used to automatically
derive the corresponding relational database schema. The presentation
tier of a Web application is formed by the Navigation and Presentation
model together. The Navigation model is used to describe at each class
which related classes can be visited from it. The navigational elements
could be realized with menus and links. And the final step is described
by the presentation model, how the requested data could be transformed
together with the navigation structure to the client's language.
Figure 1: Methodological approach
In the following section our methodology is outlined.
3.1 Context analysis
The first step in the development process ? following IBM Rational's
software development strategy ? is the context- and requirements analysis
of the problem domain. Using use-cases and activity diagrams, we could
determine the outline of the system, and describe the fundamental functional
aspects of the system from the perspectives of different users. The RUP
provide a user-centered approach that forces the developers to define who
are the actors (users) of the application and offer an intuitive way to
represent the functionality that an application has to fulfill for each
As we have data-oriented approach, the generality of the available tasks
are related by data management and manipulating activities. The actors
are representing the different roles for users of the Web application.
Use-cases are used to describe available operations, and have to be detailed
by activity diagrams. These activities will produces the entry points of
the navigation diagram for each user role and the use-cases will serve
the layout for the opening page for each actor (containing the list of
available tasks/entry points). The activity diagrams are used to describe
business logic and furthermore, could be used to derive program modules
and code skeletons. Of course, we have a simpler case when we need to develop
a system for an existing database. In this situation, the structural model
is deeply bounded for the data structure, and we need to focus on the performable
data management tasks.
Additionally, further important factors are exists, as performance or
availability. These aspects could influence our modeling method, and further
researches will consider these factors. However, at this time we are focusing
on platform independent models leaving untouched state models and page
handling scenarios (sequence diagrams).
3.2 Structural model
The conceptual design aims to build a domain model trying to take into
account as little as possible the navigation paths and presentation aspects.
The main modeling elements used in the conceptual model are: class, association
and package. For a common Web application the use-cases and the information-flow
descriptive activity diagrams could be the base of the conceptual design
of the domain.
We could use an incremental approach to identify classes. First, we
need to identify the "active" entities in the system. At first
glance, the actors identified in the use-case appear to be prime candidates
for being listed as potential classes. Next, we need to identify the business
domain ("passive") entities in the system. Usually, these business
domain classes are mapped to either one or more database tables.
However, in data-oriented cases the base of the conceptual model should
be the managed data, not the typical user activities and related use cases,
as we could see in the earlier example. So the modeling sequence will be
modified a little. At first, the information carrier classes and attributes
are determined, and only after this point will be detailed the use-cases
describing the user activities. The result of the first step will be a
class diagram which will determine the structure of the system, the classes
and their relations (like association, aggregation, ...). In this stage
we need to ensure only the data management activities to the users, so
the tasks list will be shorten. The most obvious solution to preserve consistency
is to leave the data management tasks to the database management system.
However, we could find that the data layer is responsible only for serving
the data and the Business logic layer is responsible for the validation,
some would agree our approach. The idea behind this modification comes
from the nature of the area being modeled, namely data-oriented directions.
Moreover, most of the Web based systems still using relational databases
to store information about a domain. These facts confirm the point that
a data-oriented approaches still useful to develop Web applications in
an object-oriented world.
3.2.1 Division of the Business Logic Layer
To achieve simpler data management seems to be a logical solution to
separate the Business Logic Layer into two distinct parts. To strengthen
this statement we could think about the function of the primary and foreign
keys, or the "not null" constraints which are associated closely
with the data management functionality. One part of the Business Logic
will be responsible for the data management, while the other part will
manage the application itself. This separation will result the expansion
of the data layer with data management tasks. After this separation the
application logic associated only the workflow management (user authorization,
session management, ... ).
As a consequence, the detachment of these data management tasks would
include new functionalities into the class diagram. UML offers two modeling
possibility to handle this situation: qualified associations (e.g. foreign
key management) and the attachment of constraints (which could be a formula,
an expression of a programming language or a simple text).
To utilize this approach successfully, we need to design our Web application
using relational basis. We could still use many-to-many associations, but
we should attach an association class these relations.
This limitation makes it possible the automatic code generation for
the relational database schema. The usage of directed associations to describe
container-contained relationship is not required in this stage, but in
the navigational model highly advised to use directed associations for
indicating the navigation directions.
Figure 2: A part of a University's Structural model
3.3 Navigation model
The next stage in the development process is the navigation model design.
The navigation model specifies which objects can be visited in a Web application.
Moreover, it defines the availability of the objects. In the navigation
model's building process the developer takes crucial design decisions,
such as which view of he conceptual model is needed and what navigation
path are required to ensure the application's functionality. The decisions
are based on the conceptual model, use-case model and navigation requirements
that the application must satisfy.
The navigation diagram takes a structural diagram copy as its starting-point,
which could be extended with additional associations. Generally, these
new associations should be added for direct navigation to avoid navigation
path of length greater than one. However, there could be some conceptual
classes that are not a visiting target in the use-case model. It is irrelevant
in the navigation model and therefore it is omitted in the navigation diagram.
The navigation inside the Web application occurs along the associations,
which are used to describe the relation between navigation classes. These
associations will appear as hyperlinks in the user interface.
3.3.1 Navigational structural model
Conceivable, that navigation model is not detailed enough to function
as a basis of the navigation for Web applications. Think of that resolution
of relations, or the website's menu structure.
We could find useful guidelines and graphical notations introduced by
UWE, like
We could design proper models if we extend our navigation model with
these notations, and this new model could serve as a background of the
automatically generated navigation system. Unlike UWE, we do not use new
graphical notations in the diagrams; instead we pick up new attributes
extended with stereotypes to describe their functionality in the navigation.
The approach could be seen in figure 3, corresponding
for the structural model in figure 2.
Figure 3: Navigation structural model
3.4 Presentation model
Our methodology does not deal with presentation aspects because the
answer for each request is presented with an XML document containing the
result and the navigation structure starting from this entity. This XML
document could be transformed to the desired output format using XSLT.
The structure of the opening page for each user also could be derived from
to related use cases.
4 Code generation
These models help to comprehend the problem domain, but these models
would be offer a more complex support if we could generate from them a
working prototype of the expected Web application. Naturally we are agree
that UML models supposed to be abstract, but it is not uncommon for a UML
model to capture almost as much technical information. So, it is not a
big deal if we extend our models with some implementation specific information.
Note that many mappings are possible between an XML Schema [Schema,
00] and a UML model (think about associations and attributes). Accordingly
we need to introduce some limitations to aid code generation (e.g. we need
to create an association class for every many-to-many relation and there
are no multiple inheritances).
Therefore, we could imagine an XML Schema as a specific rendering of
a very detailed data model. To achieve this generation process XML technologies
offers effective assistance with the support of the above discussed design
strategies adjunct with modularity and reuse. This code generation process
is performable with the help of the XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) [XMI,
01] interface worked out by OMG. XMI is an industry standard, supported
by all the major modeling tools. So there is no problem in a collaborative
environment if the teams are using different tools.
The first step in our generation process is the derivation of XML files
from UML diagrams conforming for the XMI format as we could see in Fig.
4. The example shows the XMI representation of the Person class.
This generated XMI file could be transformed into the XML Schema format
serving as a base of the web application. Naturally, there is the possibility
of the reverse procedure: from XML Schema to XMI.
<UML:Class = 'Ia1efm1' name = 'Person' visibility = 'public'>
<UML:Attribute'Ia1efm2' name='Name' visibility='private'>
<UML:Class xmi.idref = 'Ia1efm3'/>
<UML:Attribute'Ia1efm6' name='email' visibility='private'>
<UML:Class xmi.idref = 'Ia1efm10'/>
Figure 4: Part of the generated XMI file
Using XSLT transformations [XSLT, 99], we could
derive the appropriate XML Schema file. In figure 5,
we could see a part of a schema illustrating the mapping of a UML class
into an XML Schema element.
<xs:element name="Person">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="email" type="xs:string" />
Figure 5: The corresponding XML Schema part
From subsequent transformations we could derive the database schema
for the database management system and moreover the XForms [XForms,
03] based web pages used to manipulate the data. The XForms standard
allows us to define forms that are much more sophisticated than those of
HTML. Perhaps more importantly, it makes it easier for web applications
to grab and use the data entered into forms, because an XForms client can
plug the data directly into any XML structure.
<xforms:model id="mdlPerson" xmlns:xxi=""
<xforms:instance id="dataPerson">
<xforms:submission id="s1" method="multipart-port"
action="http://localhost/cgi-bin/test.cgi" indent="true" />
<xforms:repeat id="r1" nodeset="/Person-container/Person">
<table width="700" border="0" align="center">
<td><xforms:input id="inpName" ref="name">
<td><xforms:input id="inpEmail" ref="email">
Figure 6: An XForms based data manipulation page
The entered data stored in a local XML document and validation supported
by XML Schema files that derived from the UML models. Its main advantage
is the separation of the presentation model from the data model. The data
model part of XForms enables you to declare data items and structure separated
from any set of widgets used to display the data values. XForms defines
the means for binding these data items to the display widgets separately
from the declaration of the data model itself.
In addition, declarative means of acting on changes in value for
any particular data item are also defined. XForms widgets are abstract
in nature, so different platforms can choose to implement them in
different ways.
To achieve this automatic derivation of these XFroms based web pages
we need to extend the logical model with further additions, like implementation
stereotypes and data types used by the XForms standard. For example, we
could implement the secret input filed type as a restriction for the built-in
string type or we could define the syntax of the email address restricting
the string type too. At this point we could use these new types in our
models and the generated XForms based pages will not display only regular
input fields. Other possibilities in the XForms standard are the hint and
label tags that are used to make the user interface more user friendly
showing labels and helpful hints for the input fields. This features are
also could be integrated into the most detailed view of the UML models.
These transformations and extensions are makes possible to generate
a working prototype of the Web application from models. The generation
process could be seen in figure 7.
Figure 7: Data-oriented design strategy with UML and XML
4.1 Further extensions for the logical model
The above discussed models concentrate mainly for the data structure
of a Web application, while the problem domain usually contains further
constraints which could not be modeled only by classes and associations.
For example, using a Personal Registration Web application we could have
complex restrictions, like a person should not be a member of a committee.
In a UML class diagram this relation appears in an association between
the two classes. To express this restriction we could attach constraints
to this association written in a textual form or using a programming language
In the implementation phase, these restrictions generally appear as
constraints between components of an XML document which are known as
co-occurrence constraints and are not expressible in the XML Schema
language. To extend the descriptive power of our methodology we could
combine the XML Schema language with the Schematron language [Schematron, 02]. Schematron is a rule based
schema language that uses path-expressions instead of grammars. This
means that instead of creating a grammar for an XML document a
Schematron schema will make assertions applied to a specific context
within the document. If the assertion fails, a diagnostic message that
is supplied by the author of the schema can be displayed. Thus, the
validation process consists of two steps; first, the XML document is
checked against the Schematron rules using XSLT processor.
As a function of the validation result, an error message would be displayed
or the normal validation continues against the XML Schema. However, Schematron
is not the only possibility to describe semantic constraints. On the UML
diagrams we could use directly the database management's system built-in
language. We could utilize it in attached constraints or in tagged values.
In the implementation, these constraints will be transformed into check
constraints or stored procedures using e.g. the Pl/SQL [Oracle,
02] language.
4.2 Further possibilities
Related XML technologies offer several connecting possibilities. For
example, we could generate diagrams from data utilizing the Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG) [SVG, 02] format or we could support
a unified availability of the data with web services or we could generate
RSS news feed.
5 Conclusion and future work
In this paper we have illustrated the complexity of data-oriented Web
applications and that it is not at all a systematic task. We have introduced
a new methodology to help in the development of effective Web applications
based on UML and XML technologies to support data management tasks in small
and medium sized projects. We have proposed some remarks in the implementation
phase utilizing XML technologies to develop modular, scalable and expandable
Web-based systems.
The method is based on a UML profile adapted to the problem domain by
means of stereotypes as well as a strategy for generating code templates
from such models. We provide a method to derive the navigation model from
the structural model of a Web application. An advantage of the proposed
methodology is that several steps can be performed is a semi-automatic
way providing rapid development and prototyping.
Ongoing researches can go in several interesting research directions
in the design and development phase. We are going to study the additional
expandability of our UML based methodology.
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