Context-Aware QoS Provision for
Mobile Ad-hoc Network -based
Ambient Intelligent Environments*
F.J. Villanueva, D. Villa, F. Moya, J. Barba, F. Rincón
and J.C. López
(Computer Architecture and Networks Group
School of Computer Science
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad 4 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
david.villa, francisco.moya,
jesus.barba, fernando.rincon,
Abstract: Lately, wireless networks have gained acceptance for
home networking. Low cost installation, flexibility and no fixed infrastructures
have made it possible home environments rapidly to adopt this technology.
In this paper we introduce the use of mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) for
large in-home environments, such as hospitals, government buildings, office
and industrial buildings, etc. Thus, we define an information gathering
mechanism in order to provide a context aware QoS framework, relaxing some
restrictions that are inherited from traditional ad-hoc networks scenarios
(battlefield, catastrophic disaster, etc.) to better fit the specific characteristics
of this new application field. In particular, we propose an adaptative
QoS architecture oriented to provide context-aware quality of service to
the traffic generated in a smart-building network.
Keywords: Quality of services, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Context-Aware
Categories: C.2.0, C.2.1, C.2.2, C.2.4
1 Introduction
Traditionally, in-building networks have fixed infrastructures, either
wired or access point -based when wireless. This makes quite difficult
to adapt the building to the new requirements of a specific new technology
or service. Taking into account that the building lifetime is much longer
than the one of that new technology, we can derive that, in general, current
buildings are poorly designed for the future. For this reason users need
new technologies that are faster and easier to deploy, configure and expand.
Furthermore, new applications (collaborative work, e-learning, preventive
health care, etc.) and paradigms (ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence,
etc.) need some rethinking about how we design and integrate technology
into our daily environments.
*This research is partly
supported by the Spanish Government (under grant TIN2005-08719) and the
Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha (under grants PBC-05-0009-1 and
On the other hand, inside future buildings there will be a lot of heterogeneous
devices from different manufacturers. From a practical point of view, the
design of a common infrastructure is difficult because user requirements
and application scenarios are very different and dynamic. Therefore it
is important to have a flexible technology that allows the integration
and expansion of existent infrastructures.
Recent advances in wireless technologies (Bluetooth [Bluetooth,
04], 802.11 [IEEE, 05], ZigBee [Zigbee,
04], etc.), under the mobile ad-hoc philosophy, have made it possible
to establish wireless infrastructures that can be utilized not only as
temporal networks but like a permanent building infrastructure.
Wireless ad-hoc networks are made up of hosts that communicate with
each other over a wireless channel. The nodes have the ability to connect
each other out of their ranges because intermediate nodes perform routing
Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) have a set of characteristics that are
interesting for in-home applications and environments:
- They do not need any fixed infrastructure support.
- The nodes are automatically configured (plug and play philosophy).
- They can be fault tolerant.
- They offer support to mobile devices.
However, general MANET mechanisms assume the worst working conditions
for each node in terms of power, bandwidth, mobility and so on (these restrictions
come from the traditional MANET scenarios such a catastrophic disasters
or battlefields). These conditions, with a very high impact in the quality
of the communications, impose hard restrictions that limit the capabilities
of the different nodes.
But in real networks, the worst conditions do not have to apply equally
to all the nodes. Since the different nodes have in general different capabilities,
we can take advantage of this situation to improve the performance of MANET
protocols and algorithms.
In this paper we propose the application of mobile ad-hoc networks to
large in-building environments and an adaptative QoS framework able to
react according to the dynamic environment information.
The architecture described in this paper is based on a previous work
called SENDA (standing for Services and Networks for Domotic
Applications) devoted to easily integrate networks, protocols and devices
for home applications [Moya, 02]. SENDA middleware
defines a set of simple device interfaces, a hierarchical composition mechanism
for both device objects and event propagation, a set of interfaces for
managing and initializing the network and a set of conventions for easier
development of services.
In SENDA, some key factors were identified regarding the deployment
of networks (data, control and multimedia) in in-building environments.
These factors are flexibility, low cost installation and minimum configuration
requirements. All these factors are present in current mobile ad-hoc networks.
On the other hand, some of the constraints assumed in general ad-hoc
networks are no longer present in large in-building environments. We study
these environments and identify which of their features ad-hoc mechanisms
will benefit from.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section
2 explains some previous work in home area networks and QoS. In section
3 the problem we try to tackle is characterized. Section
4 presents our proposed QoS architecture and in section
5 the prototype we have used to validate this architecture is briefly
described. Finally we draw some conclusions and outline
some future work.
2 Previous Work
Wireless networking is perhaps the most attractive approach for the
home, since it avoids the cost of pulling new wires and the challenges
of using existing wiring [Teger, 02]. Similar affirmation
can be done for large in-home environments.
Traditional wireless infrastructures in buildings are based on the use
of access points. With this approach, an important issue we should consider
is the low fault tolerance of the resulting network. A failure in the base
station makes all nodes within its coverage area not to be able to establish
network connections. This problem is overcome in a MANET-based infrastructure
because its nodes have the capability of finding alternative routes to
connect each other. Another problem is the necessity to provide a wired
infrastructure in all the places in which we need to set up an access point.
This increases the costs and it is not a flexible solution at all.
So far, research in MANETs is mainly focused on the networking aspects.
Although ad-hoc networking has been proposed as a promising approach for
in-building infrastructures (i.e. ad-hoc networking communities [Yang,
03] or networked sensor systems [Schramm, 04])
the research community has not faced yet how the characteristics of these
new environments can affect the ad-hoc mechanisms (QoS, routing...) and,
in general, how to adapt them to in-home applications. However, recent
works show the need of studying real world scenarios [Yang,
03][Meddour, 03] and their influence in the performance
of MANET mechanisms.
On the other hand, previous works in the area of home services (OSGi
[OSGi, 05], HAVi [HAVi, 02],
etc.) try to integrate a lot of heterogeneous technologies without considering
how these technologies will be deployed and how the interaction among technologies
can be improved. These aspects are partially tackled in [Lilakiatsakun,
01]. In this work a method to extend the coverage of Bluetooth networks
for the home is proposed. But the possibility of sharing and integrating
resources in a general infrastructure is still underway. Thus, the independent
networks that coexist within a building (for instance, data, multimedia
and control) are still underused due to their isolation from each other
(i.e. a user cannot have access to a HAVi video streaming from a PDA).
Traditionally, in the QoS literature, the different QoS approaches do
not take into consideration that the network resources need to be managed
according to the actual environment needs, changing those needs dynamically
from time to time. Most of the QoS architectures derivates from either
the IntServ architecture [Braden, 94] (per-flow
end-to-end guarantee), or the Differentiated Service architecture
[Blake, 98] (per-class service differentiation), or
MPLS [Rosen, 01] (Multiprotocol Label Switching).
These approaches were developed for the Internet backbone, field that does
not have the necessity and the possibility to manage context-aware information.
This information is not taken into account and, therefore, in most of
the QoS architectures, the relative priority of the network traffic is
totally dependent of the traffic characteristics (for example, the multimedia
traffic needs low delay, real time traffic needs to be deterministic, etc.).
On the contrary, in a real in-building scenario, it is essential that the
priority of the traffic flow also takes into account the actual status
of the environment.
Lately, policy-based management, introduced by IETF, is a more flexible
approach to the QoS management so it can adapt itself to changing requirements
over a long period of time [Chaouchi, 04]. Again,
this solution has been proposed for Internet and the policies are associated
to the network parameters and the user needs, but they do not take into
account the context information. Policy control schemes for mobile networks
[Zheng, 04] have been also proposed using the same
The QoS architectures for MANETs proposed so far (FQMM [Xiao,
00], INSIGNIA [Lee, 00], etc..) show the same
problem as well (context unaware), and this fact, together with
the typical restrictions of MANET's traditional application fields (relaxed
in our model as we will see in the next section), make these architectures
inappropriate for our application field.
3 Problem Characterization
In current buildings we find more and more a lot of devices with wireless
capabilities that have different characteristics in terms of mobility,
performance and so forth.
Figure 1 depicts a typical scenario where, taking
into account the above considerations, three types of ad-hoc nodes can
be identified:
- Vertebral nodes: These are nodes with few position changes,
with enough capabilities to perform management tasks and with no power
consumption problems (desktop computers, information points, cash dispensers,
some types of electrical appliances etc.). These nodes are represented
with a black circle in Figure 1
- Auxiliary nodes: We are referring to mobile nodes with still
enough performance to do management tasks (laptop computers, etc.). These
nodes are represented with a dark gray circle in Figure
- Clumsy nodes: These nodes are characterized by their high mobility,
their lower performance and their hard power restrictions (mobile phones,
PDA's, etc.). These nodes are represented with a light gray circle in Figure
1. Clumsy nodes are sinks and sources of information and rarely need
to do management tasks (only when, due to the existence of some faulty
nodes, it is strictly necessary to establish new connections to keep the
network working).

Figure 1: Node classification
According to this classification, it is clear that the management responsibilities
will be assigned first to vertebral nodes, then to auxiliary
nodes and finally, if needed, to clumsy nodes. In this paper we
will consider only QoS tasks, but the same philosophy has been followed
for routing tasks [Villanueva, 05] and would have
to be followed with others, such as service discovery, fault tolerance
and so on.
A restriction imposed by our architecture is the necessity of establishing
a set of nodes (vertebral nodes mainly), which provides a minimum
coverage. This restriction is similar to the current problem with access
point based infrastructures. Nevertheless, in our architecture any of the
nodes (generally vertebral and auxiliary nodes) can play
this role and in the case of failure they can establish alternative paths
through the other nodes (vertebral, auxiliary or even clumsy
Other elements that are present in the architecture are gateways
or bridges, which are nodes that offer interconnection capabilities
between devices from different technologies. We can use gateways from third
parties; for example, an IEEE 1394 [IEEE1394, 03]
to wireless 802.11 bridge has been developed by Philips [Philips,
03]. With these types of bridges and with the interfaces defined in
SENDA, we can control HAVi devices (multimedia platform based on an IEEE
1394 network [HAVi, 02] ) with, for example, a simple
PDA with an 802.11 interface.
4 The Context-aware QoS Architecture
Integrated environments with different types of services (with their
associated network traffic) need mechanisms to manage the Quality of Service
(QoS), so as to provide different resources availability depending on their
relative importance. Analyzing the traffic generated by the most typical
applications running in large home environments, four general classes of
traffic can be identified:
- Control traffic.
- Multimedia traffic.
- User traffic.
- Best effort traffic.
Control traffic is composed of commands whose goal is to sense and control
the environment (temperature, presence, etc.). To reach high levels of
interaction between users and environment (that could lead us to an ambient
intelligence approach), the way this type of traffic is considered turns
out to be of special importance.
Multimedia traffic is a type of traffic more and more important in current
in-building services. It has very hard requirements in terms of delay,
bandwidth, etc. This type of traffic includes VoIP applications, security
video streaming, videoconference applications etc.
User traffic is mainly the traffic generated by the most common computer
applications we can find in this kind of environments: database transactions,
collaborative work, etc. Finally, other types of traffic are embedded into
the "best effort" class (web surfing, e-mail and so on).
These types of traffic have distinct requirements (bandwidth, delay,
loss rate, etc.) that need a different amount of resources at network level.
We should emphasize that not at all applications have the same importance
in function of the environment status at a time. For example, the security
video streaming in an office building has more importance (therefore it
needs more networks resources) at night than in the day since in the day
it is suppose that the building has activity (workers, security personal,
clients, etc.).
The granularity of traffic classification could be more specific, for
example, in multimedia traffic we could classify the videoconference traffic
in different way than security video streaming in order to improve the
resources for each traffic flow in each time.

Figure 2: Conceptual model
The way to provide these resources is through QoS agents defined
by our middleware (Figure 2). A QoS agent is
an embedded software component that resides in each node and controls network
resources. To do so, the QoS agent (using a factory pattern) needs to know
the specific operating system that is running on each particular node and
how to interact with it (in our case we have considered just MS Windows
and Linux nodes).
Different types of traffic change their importance and requirements
according to different events (for instance, in an emergency situation)
or periods of time (for instance, at nights). In order to adapt our network
resources to these situations we have defined profiles. Profiles
assign resources to traffic types according to events and/or periods of
time. A profile is a set of rules. Two types of rules are defined:
- Pre-conditions that include event types, time periods, etc. which have
to be satisfied before applying the allocation rules.
- Allocation rules, as, for instance, the bandwidth allocation for each
class of traffic that has been defined.
Profile definitions are shared by all the nodes in the same environment
and only one profile is active at a time. For example, when an event occurs,
the QoS agent checks out whether or not all the preconditions are satisfied
for a given profile. If so, the QoS agent fires the allocation rules that
will modify the network level in agreement with that associated profile.
Profiles, classes of traffic and description of services (which are
local to nodes) are integrated in a SLA (Service Level Agreement),
which is written in XML language (XML is more and more used for network
and services management, offering important advantages [Pras,
04]). The SLA is environment specific and must be known by all
the nodes that belong to that environment. The description of a service
is only local to the node that provides it. The node is responsible for
marking the traffic it generates. Each packet gets its TOS (Type of
Service) IP field marked according to the Differentiated Service
philosophy. Only the clumsy nodes do not need to know this SLA because
they do not perform administrative tasks. Since Differentiated Service
terminology point of view, our vertebral and auxiliary nodes
are the core of the network.
A simplified description of a default profile regarding the bandwidth
for every type of traffic is as follows:
<profile name="usual">
In this example, the profile assigns 10, 40, 25 and 25 percent of the
total bandwidth to control, multimedia, user and best effort traffic, respectively.
The network layer is abstracted by an API defined in an interface definition
language (in the prototype described below, we have used CORBA IDL [OMG,
04]). This API provides a set of operations that are independent of
the operating system.
QoS agents interact with events and services (in our case, events and
services are managed by the SENDA middleware) through explorers
and mediators. An explorer is able to monitor all the events generated
by the SENDA middleware and communicate them to the QoS agent. When a new
node is added to a building environment the QoS agent request the environment
profile and the active profile by mean of the explorer entity. All nodes
with QoS responsibilities (vertebral and auxiliary nodes) are synchronized
by means of administrative event channels. In this way, in all nodes the
same profile is active at a time like we mentioned before.
In the other hand, a mediator is a software component that informs services
(SENDA services) of any decision made by the QoS agent based on the network
status. Services, which are able to control their outgoing traffic, have
to adapt themselves to the mediator's indications. For example, an MPEG-4
streaming service can adapt their codec features to the actual state of
the network. When a service is initialized provides throught mediator component
to the QoS agent of its description in order to establish the appropriate
filter at network level.
For example, a typical structure of a service description (similar to
the service level specification in DiffServ terminology) in our SLA is
as follows:
<service name="vigilancestream">
<bandwidth unit="k">100</bandwidth>
The role of the gateways nodes (they are generally vertebral nodes)
is to fulfil the QoS requeriments of the active profile, matching the QoS
parameters of the different network technologies available at every side
of the gateway. In a similar way, they have the responsibility of marking
the traffic from one network to another. For example, all traffic coming
from Lonworks devices (non-IP traffic) that goes to a WiFi environment
has to be marked with the 'control traffic' code.
At the MAC layer, similar considerations can be made so as to improve
the QoS making the gateway to match, at this level, the QoS parameters
from the different technologies considered by the gateway. So far our architecture
does not define a QoS model at the MAC layer, since the variety of technologies
would make it necessary a particular model for each one. An example that
covers all the layers for WiFi technology is shown in [Chen,
Finally, QoS provisioning in ad hoc networks is not focused on any specific
layer, since it rather requires coordinated efforts from all layers [Sesay,
04]. In this sense, we also have developed a modification of the AODV
routing algorithm [Perkins, 03] in order to improve
the performance using the vertebral nodes as a backbone of the network.
In this way, our approach shows more reliable paths decreasing of number
of lost packets. A complete description of this algorithm is shown in [Villanueva,
5 Prototype
As we mentioned before, the proposed architecture is based on a previous
work called SENDA. SENDA was initially designed having in mind the main
problems that arise when you want to facilitate the deployment of services
at home: the integration of networks, protocols and devices and the design
and management of the services themselves. In this sense, the SENDA middleware
is the key part of the architecture.
Afterward, the use of mobile ad-hoc networks as the basic infrastructure
for in-home networks, based on the capabilities described along this paper,
came up as one of the most important goals. Thus, the SENDA prototype was
extended to include the MANET approach described in this paper.
Two wireless ad-hoc gateways for the two most relevant home technologies
(X10 and Lonworks) have been developed:
- An X10 to 802.11 gateway implemented in a TINI (Dallas Semiconductor)
device [TINI, 05]. In order to allow us to perform
the routing tasks, a Java version of the AODV algorithm has been developed.
For the QoS framework, the TINI device mark the TOS field of a IP packet
with the control code if in this IP packet there is information about X10
- The Domobox@ gateway (developed in collaboration with Telefónica,
the Spanish telephone company) [Villanueva, 00].
This device is a low cost interface to X10 and Lonworks technologies easily
controlled through the TV remote control. Besides the Ethernet and the
GPRS (General Packet Radio System) interfaces, an 802.11 version was developed
so as to make of it a vertebral node in our prototype.

Figure 3: Simplified UML diagram of the QoS architecture
Figure 3 shows the UML diagram of the architecture
that has been implemented in each vertebral and auxiliary node. Auxiliary
nodes are laptops and clumsy nodes are PDAs and wireless devices
with PIC processors [PIC, 03] . These wireless devices
are used to control simple home appliances connected to the SENDA prototype.

Figure 4: A switch profile sequence diagram
The sequence of messages managed by the QoS framework in order to switch
from a profile to another is shown in the Figure
4. The Explorer entity sends all relevant SENDA events to the
QoS Agent (message 1 in figure 4), then the
QoS agent check whether the received event involves a switch of
the actual profile (message 2 in figure 4) to another
previously defined. If it is necessary to change the active profile, the
QoS agent notifies the new selected profile to the Mediator
object (message 3) and this Mediator object notifies the necessary commands
for customize its behaviour for the new profile to all SENDA services.
Additionally, the QoS Agent will configure the network layer through
a NetworkConf object specifying the rules and filter defined within
the new selected profile (message 5).
The vertebral nodes are desktop computers with 802.11b extensions
running GNU/Linux. For example, for the vigilance streaming service
shown above, the QoS agent of this node has to mark all packets that
this service originates. With the above specification, and
considering a GNU/Linux platform, the next rule is created in
iptables (administration line command tool for the network
Iptables -t mangle -I OUTPUT -p udp -m udp -sport 10095 -dport 10095
-s localhost -j TOS -set-tos 16
With this rule, all IP packets generated by this service will be marked
with the multimedia code. In a similar way, the forwarding rules for different
types of traffic are established according with the profile that is active
at every moment.
In the Table 1, the TOS value for each type of traffic
is shown.
TOS value |
Expected behaviour |
Traffic type |
16 |
Minimize Delay |
Multimedia |
8 |
Maximize throughput |
User Traffic |
4 |
Maximize Reliability |
Control |
0 |
Normal Service |
Best Effort |
Table 1: TOS values in the prototype
6 Conclusions and future work
Currently, in-building applications use a wide variety of technologies.
User requirements include the need of using heterogeneous devices with
different functionalities and low deployment and maintenance costs. Mobile
ad-hoc networks offer a good solution to these problems as they fulfil
all of these requirements.
In this paper, we have characterized the in-building scenarios so as
to be able to successfully apply mobile ad-hoc networks mechanisms to large
in-building environments. According to the proposed model, we have introduced
a quality of service architecture that takes advantage of the specific
features of those environments to improve the performance of the MANET
based solution. Our architecture provides per-class service differentiation
taking into account context information.
Finally, we have presented the prototype (based on a previous work called
SENDA), where these proposals have been proved.
In the near future, our work is mainly focused on widening the range
of services we can provide based on the SENDA architecture and using the
MANET philosophy. In this sense, other issues related to in-home services
and their applications in this scenario (SENDA and MANETs) should be studied
(for instance, service discovery, fault tolerance, security and so on).
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