A New System Dedicated to Real-time Cardiac Arrhythmias
Tele-assistance and Monitoring
Haiying Zhou, Kun Mean Hou, Laurent Gineste, Christophe De Vaulx
(Laboratoire LIMOS UMR 6158 CNRS, ISIMA, University of Blaise Pascal, France
hyzhou, kun-mean.hou,
gineste, christophe.devaulx)
Jean Ponsonnaille
(University hospital of Clermont-Ferrand, France
Abstract: More than 60,000 people die suddenly each year in France
due to cardiac arrhythmias. The current techniques used to diagnose cardiac
arrhythmias such as HOLTER, R.TEST and telemetry system are partially efficient
owing to the limitation of the duration of monitoring. This paper presents
a new system dedicated to real-time cardiac arrhythmias tele-assistance
and monitoring. This system is generally composed of 4 main configurable
elements: wireless ECG sensor, local access unit, remote centre server,
and remote surveillance terminal. The main technical challenges of this
system include three aspects: a real-time automatic ECG diagnostic algorithm,
an embedded real-time multi-task operating system, and a real-time reliable
telemedicine communication protocol. This paper gives our solutions to
these problems and specifies the technical details. Currently, this system
has been evaluated on thirty patients at the CHRU of Gabriel Montpied hospital
(Clermont-Ferrand, France) and also been used to test the athletes' cardiac
status during the physical exercises. The performance results show that
this system meets fully the requirements of real-time cardiac monitoring
and diagnosing application and can be used as a long-term cardiac healthcare
Keywords: Real-time telemedicine, wireless ECG sensor, cardiac
arrhythmias, Automatic ECG diagnosis, Embedded Micro-kernel
Categories: C.2.0,
C.3, H.4.3,
1 Introduction
In spite of the rapid development of pathological research and clinical
technologies, cardiovascular diseases are still the number one killer:
they cause one death out of three in the world [WHO, 03].
Each year, there are an estimated seven million deaths around the world
and more than 60,000 deaths in France due to cardiac arrhythmias.
Most of them are sudden cardiac deaths after myocardial infarction and
90% of them are due essentially to cardiac arrhythmias. 20% of sudden cardiac
arrhythmias deaths are caused by heart block or pause (bradycardia) and
80% are caused by ventricular fibrillation (VF), frequently initiated by
ventricular tachycardia (VT). The principal aetiology of sudden death for
adults is due to myocardial infarction. For the group of population having
a coronary pathology and chronic ischemia, the risk of death is particularly
The "massive heart attack" is generally considered as an unpredictable
and unpreventable event. In spite of the effectiveness of the post-heart-attack
treatment, a lot of patients die because heart attacks occur suddenly without
a shred of warning.
Recent studies show that there are generally significant cardiovascular
abnormal symptoms such as palpitations, faints, chest pain, shortness of
breath etc., before the sudden occurrence of a heart attack. If these abnormal
symptoms can be early detected and diagnosed, time is saved to prevent
the occurrence of heart attack or to provide an efficient treatment in
time. Therefore, to reduce the number of disabilities and deaths caused
by heart attack, it is necessary to have an effective method for early
detection and early treatment.
The most effective preventive therapy of sudden death due to cardiac
arrhythmias is the implantation of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
(ICD). By producing a series of orderly and strong electrical shocks to
adjust cardiac rhythm to effective status, ICD helps to treat cardiac disorders
such as VF, VT, and atrial fibrillation/ flutter. However, the high cost
of ICD implantation prevents it to be widely applied. Moreover, ICD is
also an invasive technique requiring a major surgery with potential complications,
including venous access, lead placement, intravascular thrombosis/fibrosis,
and generator [Ellenbogan, 92].
ICD is mainly applied to the high risk of death patients who have cardiac
arrhythmia especially VT or VF, when the risk is accurately identified.
Nevertheless, recent surveys discover that sudden cardiac death does not
only happen to people who have had heart attacks (myocardial infarction)
in the past, but can also happen to young people who were entirely well
until they died [IME, 02]. Therefore, it is necessary
to develop a portable home-based cardiac surveillance system to provide
long-time continuous cardiac monitoring service. This system should be
cost-effective, risk-free and easy to use in everyday life.
2 State-of-the-Art: cardiac monitoring systems
The ECG (electrocardiogram), the body-surface manifestation of the cardiac
electrical potentials, is the most prescribed diagnostic measure in medicine
and is routinely used to diagnose heart disease, to identify irregular
cardiac rhythms (arrhythmias), to evaluate the effects of drugs, and to
monitor surgical procedures. The magnitude, conduction, and duration of
these potentials are detected by placing electrodes on the patient's skin.
From the ECG tracing, the following information can be determined: (i)
Heart rate; (ii) Heart rhythm; (iii) Conduction abnormalities (abnormalities
in the way the electrical impulse spreads across the heart); (iv) Coronary
artery disease; (v) Heart muscle abnormality etc. [Richard-a,
02]. By examining the sequence of events on the ECG, cardiologists
are able to diagnose cardiac arrhythmias.
There are two main types of cardiac surveillance techniques based on
ECG monitoring: HOLTER monitoring and cardiac event monitoring. HOLTER
can be used to record 24hrs to 72hrs ECG signals with 1~3 leads in general.
In HOLTER monitoring system, the ECG signals are processed later by dedicated
software and then a diagnostic report will be created to aid cardiologists
for further analysis. However, HOLTER is proved largely insufficient for
a long-term prediction because the critical cardiac arrhythmias do not
necessarily occur during these 72hrs [Richard-b, 02].
The R.TEST is a one lead ECG monitoring device. It may be configured by
the cardiologist to record automatically cardiac arrhythmia events up to
8 days and the patient can also manually record a sequence of ECG signals
when he feels uncomfortable (e.g. when he has palpitations).
The recorded ECG signals may be sent to a remote PC to be later analysed
either by a cardiac technician or by the physician himself through modem/Email
communication [Novacor, 04]. However, one lead ECG
signal is not able to localise accurately the ectopic wave and it may be
corrupted by interferences such as motion artefacts. Moreover, some cardiac
arrhythmias are asymptomatic and RTEST does not support real-time emergency
message transmission. Some other event monitoring systems adopting similar
methods, including LifeWatch [LifeWatch, 04] and
CardioCall [Numed, 03] have the same inconveniences.
In order to enable the patients to accept the real-time cardiac healthcare
service and to enjoy the freedom of their life, new techniques such as
wireless sensor and real-time automatic ECG diagnosis (AED) must be integrated
into the traditional cardiac monitoring system. Some of wireless ECG monitoring
systems are introduced briefly. HP Agilent telemetry system is expensive
and is generally fit for multi-patient hospital-use application [Agilent,
00]. In this system, patients must stay in hospital for cardiac surveillance;
therefore the nursing fees are rather high.
Braecklein et al [Braecklein, 05] implement
a tele-cardiological monitoring system in which the ECG signals are collected
and analyzed by a wireless ECG sensor. The detected cardiac events are
automatically transmitted to the local base station. From the base station
the recorded ECG signal is sent via a modem and a point-to-point connection
over the telephone line to an internet-based electronic health record (EHR)
where the ECG and the event marker are stored. The authorized rescue dispatchers,
physicians or other qualified persons are allowed to have access to the
EHR to read the patient file. This system adopts the same architecture
as ours. It provides one lead ECG signal with 500Hz sampling frequency
and supports only one operation mode: real-time transmission of ECG
signal sequence.
A new Australian-made mobile phone-based medical diagnostic system named
'LifeMedic' has been used to give medical services to the survivors in
the tsunami-devastated region of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, at the beginning
of January 2005 [Smart, 05]. Using LifeMedic, developed
by a Brisbane-based company, patient care can be delivered in the hospital
or at any remote location through mobile camera phones. The patients' information,
i.e. signal and image, are originated respectively from medical-sensors
(ECG electrodes) and from digital camera, and then transmitted to a remote
information centre via mobile phone over satellite communication systems,
so that physicians can send medical records and pictures of wounds back
to Australia for an instant diagnosis.
Some other wireless monitoring systems, such as the ones described in
papers by [Karlsson, 05], [Paksuniemi,
05] and [Goh, 05], have similar architectures
and functions in the cardiac monitoring applications. In the papers of
[Zhou-a, 05] and [Zhou-b, 05],
the author introduces the contributions of his previous research and presents
different aspects of his monitoring system. The paper [Zhou-a,
05] presents the system architecture and different operation modes.
The paper [Zhou-b, 05] focuses on the network communication
techniques of remote surveillance platform dedicated to real-time and reliable
cardiac monitoring application.
This paper gives an overview of our cardiac monitoring system, summarizes
previous and ongoing works, and specifies some interesting technical details.
The paper is organized as follows.
In section 3, this paper gives a brief introduction
about system architecture. Section 4 presents different
developed techniques: embedded micro-kernel in section
4.1; real-time automatic ECG diagnosis algorithm in section
4.2; reliable communication platform in section 4.3.
Finally in section 5, the performance evaluation of
this system, the conclusion and the ongoing work are presented.
3 System Architecture
Our objective is to develop a system adapted to telemedicine applications,
especially to real-time cardiac arrhythmias tele-assistance and monitoring.
This system is generally composed of 4 main configurable elements: wireless
ECG sensor, local access unit, remote centre server and remote surveillance
This system supports 4 operation modes to satisfy the different application
requirements. Each mode has a unique message format, i.e., real-time monitoring
and diagnosis based on continuous ECG signals, cardiac arrhythmia
event report including ECG signals sequence, textual emergency
message or diagnostic report email.
Figure 1: Real-time cardiac arrhythmias tele-assistance and
monitoring system
3.1 Wireless ECG Sensor: WES
A low cost, low energy consuming and compact WES prototype responding
to the last AHA (American Heart Association) recommendations [Bailey,
90] is implemented. The WES prototype (Fig. 2)
is a real-time wireless embedded portable sensor (size=70*100mm) based
on the Texas Instruments ultra low power micro-controller MSP430 [Texas,
00]. The technical features of WES are: (i) Gain: 1000; (ii) CMMR(min):
120dB; (iii) Bandwidth: 0.05Hz to 125Hz; (iv) Programmable sampling frequency
superior to 500Hz; (v) Analogue to digital converter: 12 bits; (vi) Leakage
current: 10µA.
The WES enables to capture in real-time 4 leads ECG signals sampled
at 500Hz. The signals are sent simultaneously to the local server over
a wireless medium such as WiFi and/or Bluetooth and/or other radio communication.
In off-line mode, ECG signals are stored into a Multimedia flash memory
card (MMC). The duration of the ECG records depends on the capacity of
the MMC, the sampling frequency and the number of ECG leads. The last two
parameters may be configured.
Figure 2: Wireless ECG Sensor adopted for the athletes (a)
and patients (b)
3.2 Local Access Unit: LAU
The local access unit, replacing a standard computer, is dedicated to
data exchanges between WES nodes and a remote system. It provides at least
two types of network access services: a local wireless connection with
WES via local wireless mediums, and a remote network connection with the
remote system via fixed network connections (LAN, PSTN,) or wide wireless
mediums (satellite, UMTS,). In addition, the patients' video information
is optional and may be used to confirm emergency alarm or to assist online
diagnosis. A "webcam" can be installed in the LAU to capture
patients' images.
Current LAU prototype is implemented by using National Semiconductor
microprocessor CP3KBT. The embedded basic technologies such as distributed
real-time fault tolerant micro kernel [DeVaulx, 02][Zhou,
02], dedicated hardware and firmware [Gineste, 02]
and real-time TCP/IP protocol stack [Palau, 02][Zhou,
02] are implemented into LAU. The modular architecture of LAU is shown
in Fig.3. In fact, a mobile camera phone can also be
configured as a LAU element.
Figure 3: Local Access Unit modular architecture
3.3 Remote Centre Server: RCS
The remote centre server provides the network connection and web-based
patient management service. It consists of multi-function modules: network
access system (PPP/WAP) and Web-based patient database system. The network
access system may be a PPP server that supports modem connection over public
switch telephone network (PSTN) or a WAP server that supports seamless
wireless network connection over mobile communication network.
A background communication system is installed in RCS to ensure reliable
real-time data transmission. The patient database server stores patient
information, including ECG signal sequences with the format of WFDB [PhysioNet,
03], diagnostic reports, medical history records, images, and private
profiles/account information, etc. The authorized users, including patients,
and cardiologists are allowed to access the web-based database system.
3.4 Remote Surveillance Terminal: RST
The RST provides a visualization surveillance and diagnosis platform
that enables to display continuous ECG signal sequences and patient images,
to respond to alarm messages, and to support real-time or on-line diagnosis.
Cardiologists can define operation modes and compile diagnostic reports
by reviewing patients' records after logon into the web-based database
In case of LAU, RCS and RST are deployed in the same area such as in
a department of hospital having local area network infrastructure or the
application having few patients and one cardiologist, remote surveillance
terminal can replace RCS and connect to LAU directly.
4 Technological Overview
The main technical challenges of this cardiac monitoring system include
three main aspects: (i) Real-time automatic ECG diagnostic (AED) algorithm;
(ii) Embedded real-time multi-task operating system; (iii) Real-time reliable
telemedicine communication protocol. This section specifies these technical
4.1 Automatic ECG Diagnosis Technique
Most of traditional AED algorithms such as FFT analysis [Lin,
88], wavelet analysis [Swerdlow, 02], CWA (correlation
waveform analysis) [Jenkins, 96], chaotic modeling
[Cohen, 97] and neural network [Nugent,
02], generally consume huge resources and also do not meet real-time
low-resource applications [Zhou, 04]. This subsection
presents a real-time AED algorithm dedicated to a low-resource system.
It consists of three modules (see Fig.4.).
4.1.1 Signal Preprocessing
Due to the non-stationary and easily disturbed features of the ambulatory
signals, the WES acquisitions must be de-noised before making detection.
Most of interferences, such as baseline drift, electrical noise and muscle
tremor, can be effectively eliminated or reduced by selecting accurate
filters. Some other interference such as motion artifacts must be handled
in two other modules.
The signal preprocessing method adopted in this system is rather simple
and efficient. It includes two groups of filters: the adaptive differentiator
(adaptive filter & differentiator), where the output signal is named
AD(t) and the de-noised amplifier (0.1~40Hz band-pass filter, 50/60Hz
notch filter and linear amplifier), where the output signal is named RC(t).
AD(t) is used in the QRS detection module to locate QRS complexes,
and RC(t) is adopted in the rhythm classification module to interpret
cardiac arrhythmias.
Figure 4: Bloc diagram of real-time AED algorithm
4.1.2 QRS Detection
The ECG signals can be classified into two categories according to their
features: statistical and morphological features. The statistical feature
is the heart rate or the RR interval. The morphological features consist
of five components: R peaks, two slopes, the duration and the absolute
surface of a QRS complex (Fig. 5). The basic idea of
the QRS detection algorithm is to detect QRS complexes in the AD(t)
series by adopting the geometrical method to locate the QRS positions and
to extract the morphological features.
Figure 5: Morphological Features of QRS complex
The QRS detection consists of three phases: QRS location, feature extraction
and QRS correction. The QRS location procedure detects QRS complexes in
each diagnosis segment window (DSW). Each DSW has five seconds length.
It adopts the self-adaptive threshold (SAT) method to estimate R peaks
and to evaluate the optimum thresholds of each DSW. An adaptive and self-corrected
procedure named state transition recognition (STR) is used to automatically
track the changes of waves, to correct error detection and to identify
QRS complexes. The feature extraction procedure adopts a geometric modeling
method to construct the complex model and to estimate the morphological
The QRS correction procedure adopts a two-level error correction mechanism
to verify the detected QRS complexes, which is based on the features comparison,
the contextual correlation analysis and the multi-fusion technique.
4.1.3 Rhythm Classification
The rhythm classification algorithm adopts the methods of the expert
system associated with the confidence intervals. It includes three main
steps: a pre-learning machine, a rhythm classifier and a cardiac arrhythmias
interpreter. Based on the experiential rules of cardiologists and the results
of the training procedure, the pre-learning machine set up the quantitative
diagnostic rules for each lead ECG signals of the patient. The rhythm classifier
classifies each detected heart rhythm into one of two catalogues: known
or unknown rhythm. The known rhythms will be further classified into two
types according to the heart rate: sinus or ventricular rhythm. For unknown
rhythms, some traditional methods and experts' experiences will be adopted
to classify the rhythm and the classification results will be confirmed
by cardiologists. In terms of the rhythm types and the diagnostic rules,
the cardiac arrhythmias interpreter is called to diagnose cardiac arrhythmias
according to the symptoms of heart diseases. The diagnostic results will
be fed back to the pre-learning machine to correct the diagnostic rules.
4.1.4 Performance Evaluation
The performance evaluations of QRS detection algorithm and rhythm classification
algorithm have been done respectively in MIT-BIH arrhythmias database [Moody,
90] and clinical STAR database (CSD) records.
The overall results of the detection algorithm have 99.37% sensitivity
and 99.68% specificity on MIT-BIH database, 99.67% sensitivity and 99.74%
specificity on CSD database. This detection algorithm is a real-time algorithm
since it has minimal beat detection latency. It is based on geometric features
to model QRS complex, rather than on mathematical approaches from the traditional
theory of signal analysis. Thus, this algorithm has low computational consumption
and a fast detection capability.
The overall results of the rhythm classification algorithm have 90.90%
sensitivity and 95.50% specificity on MIT-BIH database, 95.6% sensitivity,
and 99.5% specificity on CSD records. Since the extracted features are
the time-domain characteristics of QRS complex, the classification algorithm
can directly adopt the experiences of cardiologists. Therefore it reduces
the complexity of rules training and improves the accuracy of classification.
Moreover our algorithm is able to identify more various cardiac arrhythmias
than most of the other ones.
4.2 Dedicated Embedded System
In comparison with most of embedded devices, wearable wireless sensor
has more resource constraints (CPU, memory, energy consumption etc.) and
must have a wireless communication capability. Therefore most of popular
embedded Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) cannot be ported directly into
a wireless sensor device [DeVaulx, 02][Zhou,
04]. In addition, WSN applications often contain real-time concurrent
behaviors (e.g. simultaneously data acquiring, processing and transmitting).
The well-known WSN OS: TinyOS [Maurer, 04] is a
natural single-tasking-model event-driven system, which can not support
a large number of real-time interrupt tasks and can not provide a network
connection capacity with traditional networks. Hence, a WSN OS should be
an embedded RTOS that can support real-time multi-task operations and can
be tuned to strict constrained resources.
SDREAM [Zhou, 02] is a true real-time multi-task
micro-kernel dedicated to resource constrained wireless devices. It has
been designed to run on a general purpose architecture where a single CPU
is shared between application and system processing. SDREAM provides a
highly efficient communication mechanism and a fine-grained concurrency
mechanism to real-time applications. The Kernel Modeling Language (KML)
is a meta language and it is used to define and to describe the
abstract manners of system primitives and operations. In SDREAM, tasks
are classified into two categories: periodic and priority. A periodic task
has the highest priority level and is responsible for capturing sensor
signals or actuating control signals; a priority task has various priority
levels and it is suitable for time-constraint applications. A two-level
task scheduling policy scheme, named "priority-based preemptive scheduling",
is adopted for electing a task. SDREAM is a tuple-based message-driven
system. The tuple concept of the parallel programming LINDA is utilized
for the inter-task communication and task synchronization. A shared data
exchange space, named "tuple space", consists of a set of tuples
each identified by a unique ID: key. The interrupt handling mechanism of
SDREAM is small and efficient; it has very short and determinate latencies
to external events.
SDREAM has a flexible hardware abstraction capability; it can be easily
ported on different WSN platforms and tiny embedded devices. Until now,
SDREAM has been ported into three hardware platforms: TMS320C5410, MSP430F149
and CP3KBT. The minimal SDREAM version consumes only 5Kbytes memory. The
optional low-power operation mode enables an application of SDREAM (500Hz
four-channel data sampling and real-time wireless connection) to run more
than 120hrs on a wireless sensor (MSP430F149) with a battery of 700mAH
and a supply voltage of 3V. The evaluation results of the execution times
of system primitives and system functions, task switch latencies, and interrupt
latencies indicate that the SDREAM is deterministic and predictable RTOS.
SDREAM integrates the advantages of conventional RTOSs and TinyOS. In
comparison with the popular RTOSs, SDREAM consumes lesser resources and
has better interrupt latencies. The execution time of system primitives
and system functions are deterministic and predictable. Hence, it can be
ported into tiny resource embedded devices, especially wireless sensor
network node. On the other hand, SDREAM is a true real-time multi-task
system. It has a better scalability and flexibility for different hardware
platforms and various applications requirements than tiny OS. SDREAM can
run on the platforms ranging from tiny resource devices to complex distributed
systems and can support applications ranging from simple single tasks to
real-time multi-tasks.
4.3 Telemedicine Communication Protocol
In order to support a real-time data transmission, the UDP protocol
is adopted in this system to transmit ECG signals because UDP has more
rapid data exchange than TCP. Since the UDP protocol does not offer a guaranteed
datagram delivery service, a reliable data transmission mechanism must
be implemented in the system application layer.
Because the bandwidth of the network communication system is fluctuated
and influenced by network traffics and some interference factors [Partridge,
93], an application layer communication protocol dedicated to this
cardiac monitoring system has been implemented to ensure real-time reliable
data transmission service.
4.3.1 System Data Frame
A frame is defined as a transfer data unit between remote peers and
local peers in the system. Frames are used to establish/terminate connections,
to deliver data (ECG signals or images), and to configure operation modes
or other system parameters. Each frame consists of two parts, a frame header
followed by data. Fig. 6 shows the frame format.
The type field identifies the system frame type. Three frame types are
defined: a value of 0x01 indicates a system control frame, a value of 0x02
indicates an ECG signal frame, and a value of 0x03 indicates an image frame.
Each type has a unique system priority identified by the type value (1
to 3, from high to low).
Fig.6 (a) shows the format of an ECG signal frame.
Each ECG frame has a unique identifier specified by the sequence number.
Every time the local server sends an ECG frame, the sequence number increments
automatically by one. Basing upon this value, the system platform calculates
the surveillance time of cardiac monitoring. The value of signal number
field indicates the channel number of ECG signals (default value: 4). The
value of QRS number fields represents the number of QRS complexes detected
by the AED algorithm in the ECG frame. The default sampling frequency of
WES is 500 Hz, which is identified in the sampling frequency field. This
value is alterable by the divided frequency operation. Because the signal
compression algorithm will change the size of original ECG frame, this
frequency value can be used to decide the length of the uncompressed original
frame in the remote peer.
Figure 6: System Frame Format
The following fields of the ECG frame store the diagnostic results of
the AED algorithm. It is a QRS structure queue, where the QRS member number
is indicated in the QRS number field. Each QRS member named QRSResult
consists of three elements: QRS position, QRS length and QRS state.
The QRS position indicates the onset position of a QRS complex in the
uncompressed ECG frame. The heart rate of each beat can be calculated according
to the positions of two consecutive QRS. The QRS length represents the
time interval of a QRS. The QRS state shows the type of heart rhythm and
its related heart status classified by the AED algorithm. The ECG signals
field stores the compressed ECG signals. In this protocol, each ECG frame
contains 5s of ECG signals.
Fig.6 (b) shows the format of the image frame. The
Sequence number field is unused in the image frame. The image field contains
an image with the jpeg format. Fig.6 (c) shows
the format of the system control information frame. The value of control
code field indicates the type of control code. The related control information
is stored in the following control information field.
4.3.2 System Communication Mechanisms
Three kinds of UDP connections are established in the protocol communication
system. They are responsible for the system control (udp_CMD),
the ECG signals transmission (udp_SIG) and the images transmission
(udp_IMG). System Control
The control frames are responsible for system remote configurations,
the patient online/offline notifications, and the ECG frames retransmission
management. The control frame is transferred via the udp_CMD connection.
The system protocol defines 9 types of control frames (Table 1):
REQ_Connect |
ACK_Connect |
REQ_Terminate |
ACK_Terminate |
REQ_Configure |
ACK_Configure |
REQ_Restra |
ACK_5Frames |
ACK_Image |
Table 1: System Control Frame Type
The control frames with the code of REQ_Connect and ACK_Connect are
responsible for the connection establishment between patients and cardiologists.
The control frames with the code of REQ_Terminate and ACK_Terminate are
responsible for the connection termination. Both patients and cardiologists
are authorised to open/close a connection. The control frames with the
code of REQ_Configure and ACK_Configure are responsible for the system
configuration. Currently, the protocol provides the configurations of the
operation mode and the sampling frequency. The other control frames with
the code of REQ_Restra, ACK_5Frames and ACK_Image will be introduced in
the following subsections. Signals Retransmission Mechanism
The system protocol guarantees a reliable ECG signals delivery service
by adopting a signal retransmission mechanism. Two ECG frame queues are
defined respectively for the LAU (Hold_Queue) and the RCS (Wait_Queue).
The default size of the two queues is five frames. The retransmission mechanism
is described in Fig.7.
When an ECG frame with the sequence number k is lost during network
transmission, the RCS sends a retransmission requirement frame with a control
code of REQ_Restra and the LAU responses to this requirement by re-transmitting
the ECG frame k. When five consecutive ECG frames are received in
the RCS, a control frames containing the code of ACK_5Frames will be sent
to the LAU to inform the release of the remainder ECG frames in Hold_Queue.
Figure 7: Signal Retransmission Mechanism: RCS Peer (left)
and LAU Peer (right) Data Competition Mechanism
As mentioned above, this protocol has three types of data frames. Each
kind of data frame has a unique transmission priority. The system control
frame has the highest priority. Furthermore, since the ECG signals are
more important than the images data for the diagnoses of cardiologists,
the ECG frame has a higher priority than the image frame. In order to guarantee
a real-time ECG signal transmission service, a data competition mechanism
is implemented in this protocol, described in Fig.8.
When the queue length of Wait_Queue is equal or greater than five, it
means that at least 25 seconds of ECG signals are stored in the RCS. Hence,
it is acceptable to allow the LAU to transmit images. Whereas, when the
queue length of Wait_Queue is smaller than five, it means that the network
speed begins to fluctuate and the network quality is lowered; hence the
system will stop the image transmission so as to reduce the network traffics.
Figure 8: System Competition Mechanism: RCS Peer (left) and
LAU Peer (right)
5 Conclusion and Ongoing Work
Currently, the cardiac monitoring system has been evaluated on 30 patients
at the CHRU of Gabriel Montpied hospital (Clermont-Ferrand, France). Most
of them have acute cardiac arrhythmia disturbances. For each patient, the
monitoring duration is more than 30mn. Because the patients and the cardiologists
are located at the same area (at hospital), the 4-lead ECG signals are
sent directly to the remote surveillance terminal (RST) in real-time with
continuous ECG signals operation mode. In this system, the cardiac
arrhythmia events can be detected and sent in real-time to the cardiologists.
Note that, during the evaluation, each patient is also equipped with the
HP telemetry device. The results obtained by our system and by HP telemetry
system are compared. Due to the higher sampling frequency, the ECG signals
of our system are better than the HP telemetry system ones. Concerning
the cardiac arrhythmia detection, the two systems have similar results.
For real-time ambulatory continuous cardiac arrhythmia detection, we obtained
the following results: the average detection rate of VT (ventricular tachycardia)
and ESV (extrasystolic ventricular) is about 95% [Zhou,
04]. The evaluation results prove that this system meets the requirements
of real-time cardiac monitoring and diagnosing application.
The system has also been utilized to evaluate the athletes' cardiac
status during physical exercises. The obtained results show that this system
still provides high quality ECG signals and accurate QRS detection.
In order to improve this system, we should develop the following techniques:
(i) Embedded RTOS (i.e. SDREAM) has to adopt a full "modularity"
design fashion. The system primitives and tasks of SDREAM will be defined
as a set of actions. Thus, it may be configured according to different
applications. (ii) AED algorithm has been ported into the local access
unit and the remote centre server, but it can be integrated as an ECG diagnostic
chip. We are working on the implementation of an Intelligent Wireless ECG
Sensor (IWES) by integrating the algorithm into a VLSI chip. This chip
is currently under evaluation and test on an ALTERA FPGA board.
We gracefully acknowledge all the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
advices and suggestions.
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