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Zanoni Dias
University of Campinas, Brazil

G.R. Galvão, Z. Dias:
On Alternative Approaches for Approximating the Transposition Distance
page 1259 - 1283
Vol.20 / Issue 9
A. Oliveira Alexandrino, A. Rodrigues Oliveira, U. Dias, Z. Dias:
On the Complexity of Some Variations of Sorting by Transpositions
page 1076 - 1094
Vol.26 / Issue 9
A. Rodrigues Oliveira, U. Dias, Z. Dias:
On the Sorting by Reversals and Transpositions Problem
page 868 - 906
Vol.23 / Issue 9
G.H. Santos Miranda, C. Negri Lintzmayer, Z. Dias:
Sorting Permutations by λ-Operations
page 98 - 121
Vol.25 / Issue 2