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César A. Collazos
Universidad del Cauca, Colombia

M. Sendín, V. López-Jaquero, C.A. Collazos:
Collaborative Explicit Plasticity Framework: a Conceptual Scheme for the Generation of Plastic and Group-Aware User Interfaces
page 1447 - 1462
Vol.14 / Issue 9
C.A. Collazos, L.A. Guerrero, J.A. Pino, S.F. Ochoa, G. Stahl:
Designing Collaborative Learning Environments Using Digital Games
page 1022 - 1032
Vol.13 / Issue 7
T. Granollers, C.A. Collazos, M.P. González:
The State of HCI in Ibero-American Countries
page 2599 - 2613
Vol.14 / Issue 16