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Volume 8 / Issue 3

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Dear Readers:

This issue contains again a wide spectrum of papers, as is typical for J.UCS - should you want to make a comment on any of them, just make use of the 'Write' button in the abstract of the paper or in the paper itself!

Also, I'm pleased to inform you about a few new technical features that we have implemented recently. The header of each abstract/paper has now two new icons:'Similar Docs' and 'BibTeX'. With 'Similar Docs', similar documents to the one you are looking at can be searched throughout J.UCS. The result is then displayed in a list. In this list, the similarity percentage of each entry is displayed on the right hand side. You may also limit the scope of the search to a specific volume of J.UCS as well as specify the number of objects to be displayed in the list. This feature makes it possible to find the context of a paper additionally to its classification by categories.

The other icon ('BibTeX') opens a window with the BibTeX-entry of the displayed paper. The BibTeX-system, which is well known to the TeX/LaTeX users, makes the citing of papers published in J.UCS considerably easier. Authors not using TeX/LaTeX may convert the entry to the prefered format using available tools (see e.g. http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~jacobsd/bib/tools/index.html.

Finally, do have a look at the special issues announcement page (http://www.jucs.org/jucs_special_issues/in_preparation) to check on forthcoming special issues: in June and July, proceedings from the I-KNOW '02, the international conference on Knowledge Management in Graz, Austria, will be published as a special issue, followed by Spatial and Temporal Reasoning in September and a special issue with a selection of papers from the 5th International Workshops on Tools for System Design and Verification in December. Should you be interested in editing and publishing a special issue yourself, please contact me at hmaurer@iicm.edu.

Do continue to support J.UCS by submitting good papers and drawing the attention of your friends, colleagues and students to the journal!

Hermann Maurer

Hermann Maurer, Managing Editor
Graz University of Technology, Graz / Austria
email: hmaurer@iicm.edu